30th Sep 2013 15:28
Press Release | 30 September 2013 |
Volvere plc
("Volvere" or the "Group")
Interim Results for the six months ended 30 June 2013
Volvere plc (AIM: VLE) the growth and turnaround investment company, announces its Interim Results for the six months ended 30 June 2013.
£ million except where stated | As at30 June 2013
| As at30 June 2012 | As at 31December 2012 |
Consolidated net assets per share(excluding non-controlling interests)1 | £3.46 | £3.71 | £3.74 |
Group net assets | 16.9 | 19.5 | 19.5 |
Cash and marketable securities | 12.3 | 15.2 | 14.6 |
Six months ended | Year Ended | ||
30 June 2013
| 30 June 2012 | 31 December 2012 | |
Group revenue | 8.7 | 6.9 | 15.3 |
Group loss before tax | 0.80 | 0.27 | 0.13 |
1 Based on period end shares in issue of 4,717,791, 4,866,778 and 4,812,278 respectively
· Movements in net asset values include a deferred tax charge of £0.85 million and treasury investment valuation movements of £0.49 million, which reversed following the period end
· Change in cash position reflects investments, working capital movements and share buybacks
· Acquisition of JMP Consultants successfully integrated into the Group and performance encouraging
For further information:
Volvere plc | |
Jonathan Lander, CEO | Tel: +44 (0) 20 7634 9707 |
www.volvere.co.uk |
N+1 Singer Aubrey Powell, Director, Corporate Finance
Tel: + 44 (0) 20 7496 3000
Chairman's Statement
The first half of 2013 has generated both challenges and opportunities. We have been encouraged by the Group's most recent acquisition, JMP Consultants, the transport planning and engineering consultancy. The performance of our other businesses was acceptable given their individual market challenges. Our net assets per share fell to £3.46 (from £3.74 at 31 December 2012) during the period, partly as a result of a deferred tax asset write down. We are continuing to support and monitor all our subsidiaries with a view to taking the steps necessary to protect and enhance shareholder value in the future.
David Buchler
30 September 2013
Chief Executive's Statement
The first half of 2013 was mixed in terms of the underlying businesses' performance. However, that is perhaps not surprising given the diverse range of sectors in which we operate and the kind of investments we make. On a more positive note, the acquisition of JMP Consultants ("JMP") during May 2013 has met our expectations and, whilst it is early days, we are quietly confident that JMP will make a good long term contribution to the Group.
The performance of each of the Group's segments is set out below.
Online marketing and data services
Interactive Prospect Targeting Limited ("IPT"), the online marketing and data services company, which is 45.5% owned by Volvere, continued to invest significantly in Quizfactor. This has continued to impact profitability, with a resulting loss before interest and tax of £0.38 million for the period (6 months ended 30 June 2012: £0.08 million, Year ended 31 December 2012: profit £0.18 million). Revenue in the period was £4.16 million compared to £4.24 million for the period to 30 June 2012 (Year ended 31 December 2012: £8.88 million).
Although Quizfactor has generated some sales, and they are increasing, the development costs associated with the site remain in excess of revenues. The remaining aspects of IPT's business are profitable although its traditionally strong business in call-centre data provision has shown signs of weakness in some markets. During the period we received dividends of £0.1 million. The total amount received to date by way of dividends and loan repayments is £2.75 million, compared to an investment cost of £1.4 million.
Security solutions
Sira Defence and Security Limited ("SDS"), our security solutions business, delivered an improved performance for the first half of 2013. Revenues for the period were £0.10 million (30 June 2012: £0.12 million, Year ended 31 December 2012: £0.25 million). The action taken in 2012 to reduce costs has, in spite of the lower revenues, resulted in a breakeven performance this year compared to a loss before interest and tax of £0.05 million for the period to 30 June 2012 (Year ended 31 December 2012: loss £0.004 million). We are actively pursuing new prospects for SiraView, the digital CCTV-viewer, for which we continue to generate enquiries arising from the efficiency-seeking initiatives in the judicial sector in the UK.
Food manufacturing
This segment comprises Shire Foods Limited ("Shire"), the Group's 80%-owned frozen pie and pasty manufacturing business, which was acquired during 2011. We have previously reported on the improvements we have made in Shire and are pleased that the business has continued to benefit from both the refocusing of its own and customer ranges as well as the markets it serves, which has enabled it to increase revenue to £3.14 million for the period (30 June 2012: £2.50 million, Year ended 31 December 2012: £6.17 million).
However, early 2013 witnessed raw material (in particular beef) prices increasing significantly. National retail customers form a major proportion of Shire's revenues and this inhibits the ability to pass on raw material cost rises in the short term. As a result, Shire's gross margins were negatively impacted, the effect of which was to offset the additional contribution from the increased revenues generated in the period. We have now implemented customer price rises and the benefit of these, along with new product launches with new and existing customers, is expected to enhance performance in the second half of 2013. The loss before interest and tax was £0.29 million (30 June 2012: loss £0.16 million, Year ended 31 December 2012: loss £0.30 million).
We believe Shire is now positioned as a well-regarded manufacturer in its sector and we are working on sales opportunities that will allow us to increase the efficiency and use of the first class infrastructure in which Shire has invested. In September 2013, the business again was awarded BRC Grade A accreditation, an essential requirement for dealing with national retailers and food service customers.
Transport planning and engineering consultancy
The Group acquired the business and certain assets of JMP Consultants Limited during May 2013. JMP is a transport planning and engineering consultancy which provides transport planning and other property and engineering consultancy services to both the public and private sectors.
Although JMP has been in the Group for only a short time, we have been very encouraged on several fronts. Over and above a welcome positive financial contribution (revenue of £1.26 million and profit before interest and tax £0.19 million), the cultural fit with the JMP people has been satisfying to see. We are now working actively to support the company's growth aspirations.
Further information is set out in the financial review below and in note 2, segmental information.
Purchase of own shares
During the period the Group acquired further shares for treasury for a total consideration of £0.28 million. This brings the aggregate value of shares purchased as of 30 June 2013 to £4.1 million.
Acquisitions and future strategy
We are continuing to review distressed opportunities across a range of sectors. In addition, we are managing our treasury actively with a view to generating above average returns on our surplus cash. Although at the half year our treasury investment portfolio valuation was revalued downwards by £0.49 million, this position has since reversed and we have, since the period end, sold a large portion of these investments at a surplus to cost.
The broadly encouraging economic environment is likely to prove beneficial for our existing businesses. Whilst they each have their own specific challenges and are at different stages of development, I believe we can continue to build upon their achievements to date.
Jonathan Lander
Chief Executive
30 September 2013
Financial Review
This financial review covers the Group's performance during the period ended 30 June 2013. It should be read in conjunction with the Chairman's and Chief Executive's Statements.
Revenue and operating performance
Detailed information about the Group's segments is set out in note 2 to these interim results and should be read in conjunction with this financial review.
Online marketing and data services
IPT's revenue for the period was £4.16 million, a decrease of 1.9% from the comparable period in 2012 (30 June 2012: £4.24 million, Year ended 31 December 2012: £8.88 million). The lower revenue, coupled with the investment in Quizfactor, resulted in an increased loss before interest and tax for the period of £0.38 million (30 June 2012: £0.08 million, Year ended 31 December 2012: profit £0.18 million). The investment in Quizfactor was £0.67 million for the period, with the remaining IPT business contributing a profit before interest and tax of £0.29 million.
In view of the continuing losses in IPT as a whole, the deferred tax balance relating to IPT has been written off in the period, resulting in a tax charge in the income statement of £0.85 million.
Security solutions
Revenue for security solutions was £0.10 million (6 months ended 30 June 2012: £0.12 million; Year ended 31 December 2012: £0.25 million) with a breakeven result being achieved. This compares with a loss before interest and tax of £0.05 million for the prior comparable period and of a breakeven for the whole of 2012.
Food manufacturing
Shire Foods' revenue and loss before interest and tax for the period were £3.14 million and £0.29 million respectively (30 June 2012: revenue £2.50 million, loss £0.16 million, Year ended 31 December 2012: revenue £ 6.17 million, loss £0.30 million).
As reported previously, in January 2012 Shire entered a creditors' voluntary arrangement ("CVA") whereby approximately £1.20 million of unsecured creditors' balances will be satisfied in return for payments totalling £0.35 million payable over a maximum of 3 years. Until such time as these sums have been paid, the CVA creditor liabilities remain in the statement of financial position. At 30 June 2013, the CVA payments made to date amount to £0.17 million.
The Group continued to support Shire by providing further loans during the period and at the period end the amounting outstanding was £1.52 million (30 June 2012: £0.81 million, 31 December 2012: £1.57 million) which with the equity and related intellectual property investments made of £0.53 million and £0.44 million respectively, brings the Group's total amount invested to £2.49 million. Shire's unaudited net assets, stated after deducting the Group loans referred to above and the CVA creditor, amounted to £1.86 million as at 30 June 2013 (of which 20% is attributable to non-controlling interests). Since the period end the Group has made further loans available to Shire to meet working capital requirements arising from sales growth in the second half of 2013.
Transport planning and engineering consultancy
On 14 May 2013 the Group acquired the business and certain assets of JMP Consultants Limited for a total consideration, including advance payments relating to certain properties, of £0.53 million. The fair value of the net assets acquired has been estimated at £0.70 million and further information is set out in note 5 below.
Although the Group has agreed to allot up to 25% of the equity in JMP to certain management and staff, as of the reporting date this had not been implemented and therefore there were no non-controlling interests for the period or at the period end.
JMP's revenue for the period was £1.26 million and its profit before interest and tax was £0.19 million. This result included a fee for certain services provided to the seller of the business amounting to £0.11 million, which will reduce significantly during the remainder of 2013. The initial working capital requirements of JMP have been in line with our expectations and at the period end the Group had made loans (including the initial purchase consideration) totalling £1.27 million.
Statement of financial position
Cash and cash equivalents
Cash at the period end was £2.09 million (30 June 2012: £13.05 million, 31 December 2012: £13.63 million). During the period the Group purchased available for sale investments for a total consideration of £9.72 million and acquired the business and assets of JMP for approximately £0.53 million (including some property advance payments). Further details of cash movements are shown in the consolidated statement of cash flows.
Available for sale investments
At the period end the Group had available for sale investments with a market value of £10.21 million (30 June 2012: £2.16 million, 31 December 2012: £0.98 million). The Group continued active treasury management in view of continuing low interest rates. The investments are in a mixture of non-investment grade bank fixed income securities and a FTSE tracker fund. The revaluation of the investment portfolio at the period end resulted in a reduction of £0.49 million in the carrying value.
Loss per share and share capital
The basic and diluted loss per ordinary share from continuing operations was 19.09 pence (6 months ended 30 June 2012: basic and diluted loss per share 3.58 pence, Year ended 31 December 2012: basic and diluted earnings per share 6.56 pence).
During the period the Group purchased a further 98,195 of its ordinary shares of £0.0000001 each ("Ordinary Shares"), which were subsequently held in treasury, for a total consideration including costs of £0.28 million, representing an average price per Ordinary Share of 280 pence.
It is not the Group's policy to enter into derivative instruments to hedge interest rate risk.
Risk factors
The Company and Group face a number of specific business risks that could affect the Company's or Group's success. The Company invests in distressed businesses and securities, which by their nature, often carry a higher degree of risk than those that are not distressed. The Group's businesses are engaged in the provision of services that are dependent on the continued employment of the Group's employees and availability of suitable profitable workload. The food manufacturing segment is exposed to raw material and commodity cost increases; it supplies several products to a limited number of customers and is therefore dependent on retaining those product supply contracts and customers. The effect of cost increases or loss of either products or customers could make the segment unviable and impact the Group materially. The online marketing and data services segment is heavily dependent on IT systems and infrastructure, the unavailability of which could impact the Group materially.
Key performance indicators
The Group uses key performance indicators suitable for the nature and size of the Group's businesses. This is primarily monthly reports of profitability, levels of working capital and workload. Order intake and production output is monitored daily in respect of the food manufacturing segment and profitability reported monthly. In the online marketing and data services segment, the Group monitors traffic statistics both in terms of yield and cost as well as overall profitability. In the transport planning and consultancy segment, staff utilisation, revenue and cash flow are monitored weekly. The segmental analysis in note 2 to this interim report summarises the financial performance of each segment.
Corporate governance
The Board gives careful consideration to the principles of corporate governance as set out in the UK Corporate Governance Code issued by the Financial Reporting Council in June 2010 (the "Code"). However, the Company is relatively small and it is the opinion of the Directors that not all the provisions of the Code are relevant or desirable for a company of Volvere's size.
The Company has established an Audit Committee and a Remuneration Committee with formal terms of reference and which comprise the Chairman. The Board meets as necessary and has ultimate responsibility for the management of the Company.
In accordance with the policy set out in the prospectus on admission to AIM, the Board does not currently intend to recommend payment of a dividend and prefers to retain profits as they arise for investment in future opportunities and to make purchases of the Company's own shares where the Directors consider these to represent value for shareholders.
Nick Lander
Chief Financial & Operating Officer
30 September 2013
Consolidated income statement
Note | 6 months to 30 June 2013 | 6 months to 30 June 2012 | Year ended 31 December 2012 | |
£'000 | £'000 | £'000 | ||
Continuing operations | ||||
Revenue | 8,666 | 6,881 | 15,341 | |
Cost of sales | (5,643) | (4,221) | (9,587) | |
Gross profit | 3,023 | 2,660 | 5,754 | |
| ||||
Distribution costs | (209) | (204) | (429) | |
Administrative expenses | ||||
- Before gain on bargain acquisition | (3,734) | (3,141) | (6,315) | |
- Gain on bargain acquisition | - | 12 | 11 | |
Administrative expenses | (3,734) | (3,129) | (6,304) | |
Operating loss | (920) | (673) | (979) | |
Investment revenues | 164 | 152 | 295 | |
Other gains and losses | 3 | - | 308 | 644 |
Finance expense | 4 | (68) | (69) | (137) |
Finance income | 4 | 25 | 17 | 47 |
Loss before tax | (799) | (265) | (130) | |
Tax | (850) | (14) | (219) | |
Loss for the period | (1,649) | (279) | (349) | |
Attributable to: | ||||
- Equity holders of the parent | (909) | (182) | (325) | |
- Non-controlling interests | 8 | (740) | (97) | (24) |
(1,649) | (279) | (349) | ||
Loss per share | 6 | |||
Continuing operations | ||||
- Basic (pence) | (19.09)p | (3.58)p | (6.56)p | |
- Diluted (pence) | (19.09)p | (3.58)p | (6.56)p | |
Discontinued operations | ||||
- Basic (pence) | - p | - p | - | |
- Diluted (pence) | - p | - p | - | |
Total | ||||
- Basic (pence) | (19.09)p | (3.58)p | (6.56)p | |
- Diluted (pence) | (19.09)p | (3.58)p | (6.56)p | |
Consolidated statement of comprehensive income
6 months to 30 June 2013 | 6 months to 30 June 2012 | Year ended 31 December 2012 | ||
£'000 | £'000 | £'000 | ||
Loss for the period | (1,649) | (279) | (349) | |
Other comprehensive income | ||||
Available-for-sale investments | ||||
- current period (losses)/gains | (494) | 187 | 267 | |
- deferred tax on prior period gains | - | - | 152 | |
- reclassification to profit | - | 69 | 28 | |
Other comprehensive income, net of tax | (494) | 256 | 447 | |
Total comprehensive income for the period | (2,143) | (23) | 98 | |
Attributable to: | ||||
Equity holders of the parent | (1,403) | 74 | 122 | |
Non-controlling interests | (740) | (97) | (24) | |
(2,143) | (23) | 98 | ||
Consolidated statement of changes in equity
Six months to 30 June 2013 | Share capital £'000 | Share premium £'000 |
Revaluation reserve £'000 | Share option reserve £'000 | Retained earnings £'000 | Total £'000 | Non-controlling interests£'000 | Total £'000 |
Changes in equity |
Other comprehensive income | - | - | (494) | - | - | (494) | - | (494) |
Loss for the period | - | - | - | - | (909) | (909) | (740) | (1,649) |
Total comprehensive income for the period | - | - | (494) | - | (909) | (1,403) | (740) | (2,143) |
Balance at 1 January 2013 | 50 | 3,636 | 284 | - | 14,021 | 17,991 | 1,477 | 19,468 |
Transactions with owners: |
Purchase of own shares | - | - | - | - | (275) | (275) | - | (275) |
Change in share of non-controlling interests | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - |
Dividend paid by subsidiary | - | - | - | - | - | - | (120) | (120) |
Balance at 30 June 2013 | 50 | 3,636 | (210) | - | 12,837 | 16,313 | 617 | 16,930 |
Six months to 30 June 2012 | Share capital £'000 | Share premium £'000 |
Revaluation reserve £'000 | Share option reserve £'000 | Retained earnings £'000 | Total £'000 | Non-controlling interests£'000 | Total £'000 |
Changes in equity |
Other comprehensive income | - | - | 256 | - | - | 256 | - | 256 |
Loss for the period | - | - | - | - | (182) | (182) | (97) | (279) |
Total comprehensive income for the period | - | - | 256 | - | (182) | 74 | (97) | (23) |
Balance at 1 January 2012 | 50 | 3,636 | (163) | - | 15,142 | 18,665 | 1,535 | 20,200 |
Transactions with owners: |
Purchase of own shares | - | - | - | - | (655) | (655) | - | (655) |
Change in share of non-controlling interests | - | - | - | - | - | - | (33) | (33) |
Balance at 30 June 2012 | 50 | 3,636 | 93 | - | 14,305 | 18,084 | 1,405 | 19,489 |
Year ended 31 December 2012 | Share capital £'000 | Share premium £'000 |
Revaluation reserve £'000 | Share option reserve £'000 | Retained earnings £'000 | Total £'000 | Non-controlling interests£'000 | Total £'000 |
Changes in equity |
Other comprehensive income | - | - | 447 | - | - | 447 | - | 447 |
Loss for the year | - | - | - | - | (325) | (325) | (24) | (349) |
Total comprehensive income for the year | - | - | 447 | - | (325) | 122 | (24) | 98 |
Balance at 1 January 2012 | 50 | 3,636 | (163) | - | 15,142 | 18,665 | 1,535 | 20,200 |
Transactions with owners: |
Purchase of own shares | - | - | - | - | (796) | (796) | - | (796) |
Change in share of non-controlling interest | - | - | - | - | - | - | (34) | (34) |
Balance at 31 December 2012 | 50 | 3,636 | 284 | - | 14,021 | 17,991 | 1,477 | 19,468 |
Consolidated statement of financial position
30 June 2013 | 30 June 2012 | 31 December 2012 | ||
Note | £'000 | £'000 | £'000 | |
Assets | ||||
Non-current assets | ||||
Goodwill | 7 | 305 | 305 | 305 |
Goodwill - negative | 5 | (166) | - | - |
Other intangible assets | 417 | 441 | 429 | |
Property, plant & equipment | 5,631 | 5,850 | 5,753 | |
Deferred tax asset | - | 905 | 851 | |
Total non-current assets | 6,187 | 7,501 | 7,338 | |
Current assets | ||||
Inventories | 447 | 328 | 371 | |
Trade and other receivables | 4,885 | 2,182 | 3,146 | |
Cash and cash equivalents | 2,092 | 13,052 | 13,630 | |
Available for sale investments | 10,205 | 2,161 | 982 | |
Total current assets | 17,629 | 17,723 | 18,129 | |
Total assets | 23,816 | 25,224 | 25,467 | |
| ||||
Current liabilities | ||||
Loans | (818) | (571) | (746) | |
Finance leases | (126) | (132) | (127) | |
Trade and other payables | (3,899) | (2,623) | (2,922) | |
Shares classed as financial liabilities | - | (9) | (9) | |
Total current liabilities | (4,843) | (3,335) | (3,804) | |
Non-current liabilities | ||||
Loans | (1,008) | (1,120) | (1,035) | |
Finance leases | (116) | (243) | (182) | |
Trade and other payables | (919) | (1,037) | (978) | |
Total non-current liabilities | (2,043) | (2,400) | (2,195) | |
Total liabilities | (6,886) | (5,735) | (5,999) | |
TOTAL NET ASSETS | 16,930 | 19,489 | 19,468 | |
Equity | ||||
Share capital | 50 | 50 | 50 | |
Share premium account | 3,636 | 3,636 | 3,636 | |
Revaluation reserve | (210) | 93 | 284 | |
Share option reserve | - | - | - | |
Retained earnings | 12,837 | 14,305 | 14,021 | |
Capital and reserves attributable to equity holders of the Company | 16,313 | 18,084 | 17,991 | |
Non-controlling interests | 8 | 617 | 1,405 | 1,477 |
TOTAL EQUITY | 16,930 | 19,489 | 19,468 | |
Consolidated statement of cash flows
6 months to 30 June 2013 |
6 months to 30 June 2013 |
6 months to 30 June 2012 |
6 months to 30 June 2012 |
Year ended 31 December 2012 |
Year ended 31 December 2012 | ||
Note | £'000 | £'000 | £'000 | £'000 | £'000 | £'000 | |
Loss for the period | (1,649) | (279) | (349) | ||||
Adjustments for: | |||||||
Investment revenues | (164) | (152) | (295) | ||||
Other gains and losses | - | (308) | (644) | ||||
Finance expense | 4 | 68 | 69 | 137 | |||
Finance income | 4 | (25) | (18) | (47) | |||
Tax expense | 850 | 14 | 219 | ||||
Depreciation | 234 | 246 | 492 | ||||
Amortisation | 12 | - | 12 | ||||
Gain on bargain acquisition | - | (12) | (11) | ||||
Foreign exchange revaluation (gain)/loss | - | (31) | 2 | ||||
975 | (192) | (135) | |||||
Operating cash flows before movements in working capital | (674) | (471) | (484) | ||||
(Increase)/decrease in trade and other receivables | (545) | 295 | (706) | ||||
Increase/(decrease) in trade and other payables | 387 | (283) | (3) | ||||
Increase in inventories | (76) | - | (89) | ||||
Cash used by operations | (908) | (459) | (1,282) | ||||
Interest paid | (68) | (69) | (137) | ||||
Net cash from operating activities | (976) | (528) | (1,419) | ||||
Investing activities | |||||||
Purchase of additional shares in subsidiary | - | (22) | (22) | ||||
Purchase of business and assets (note 5) | (533) | - | - | ||||
Purchase of available for sale investments | (9,717) | - | (5,813) | ||||
Income from available for sale investments | 164 | 152 | 296 | ||||
Disposal of available for sale investments | - | 10,440 | 17,814 | ||||
Purchases of property, plant and equipment | (84) | (12) | (160) | ||||
Purchase of intangible assets | - | (441) | (441) | ||||
Interest received | 25 | 18 | 47 | ||||
Net cash (used in)/generated from investing activities | (10,145) | 10,135 | 11,721 | ||||
Financing activities | |||||||
Purchase of own shares (treasury shares) | (275) | (655) | (796) | ||||
Repayment of borrowings | (22) | (238) | (214) | ||||
Dividend paid | (120) | - | - | ||||
Net cash used in financing activities | (417) | (893) | (1,010) | ||||
Net (decrease)/increase in cash and cash equivalents | (11,538) | 8,714 | 9,292 | ||||
Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of period | 13,630 | 4,338 | 4,338 | ||||
Cash and cash equivalents at end of period | 2,092 | 13,052 | 13,630 | ||||
Volvere plc
Notes forming part of the unaudited interim results for the period ended 30 June 2012
1 Financial information
The financial information for the period ended 30 June 2013 and the comparative figures for the period ended 30 June 2012 have not been reviewed or audited by the Group's auditors and have been prepared on the basis of the accounting policies adopted by the Group under IFRS. The same accounting policies and methods of computation are followed in the interim financial report as published by the company on 31 May 2013 in its annual financial statements, which are available on the Company's website at www.volvere.co.uk.
The comparative figures for the year ended 31 December 2012 have been prepared under IFRS. They do not constitute statutory accounts as defined by the Companies Act 2006. The accounts for the 12 months ended 31 December 2012 received an unmodified auditor's report and have been filed with the Registrar of Companies.
Copies of this statement will be available to members of the public at the Company's registered office: York House, 74-82 Queen Victoria Street, London, EC4N 4SJ and on its website www.volvere.co.uk.
2 Segmental information
All revenue arose through services rendered in the principal activities of online marketing and data services, security solutions, food manufacturing, transport planning and engineering consultancy and investing and management services.
The Group's primary reporting format for reporting segment information is business segments.
Six months ended 30 June 2013
Online marketing & data services £'000 |
Security solutions £'000 |
Investing and management services £'000 |
Food manufacturing £'000 |
Transport planning and engineering consultancy £'000 |
Eliminations £'000 |
Total £'000 | ||
Revenue | ||||||||
External | 4,155 | 101 | 12 | 3,142 | 1,256 | - | 8,666 | |
Inter-segment | - | - | 237 | - | - | (237) | - | |
| ||
Total | 4,155 | 101 | 249 | 3,142 | 1,256 | (237) | 8,666 | |
| ||
Segment (loss)/profit |
(376) |
- |
(443) |
(294) |
193 |
- |
(920) | |
| ||
Loss from operations before gain on bargain acquisition | (920) | |||||||
Investment revenues | 164 | |||||||
Other gains and losses (note 3) | - | |||||||
Gain on bargain acquisition | - | |||||||
Net finance expense (note 4) | (43) | |||||||
Income tax expense | (850) | |||||||
| ||||||||
Loss for the period | (1,649) | |||||||
2 Segmental information (continued)
Six months ended 30 June 2012
Online marketing & data services £'000 |
Security solutions £'000 |
Investing and management services £'000 |
Food manufacturing £'000 |
Transport planning and engineering consultancy £'000 |
Eliminations £'000 |
Total £'000 |
| ||
| |||||||||
Revenue |
| ||||||||
External | 4,240 | 119 | 22 | 2,500 | - | - | 6,881 |
| |
Inter-segment | - | - | 225 | - | - | (225) | - |
| |
| ||
Total | 4,240 | 119 | 247 | 2,500 | - | (225) | 6,881 |
| |
| ||
Segment (loss)/profit |
(79) |
(47) |
(395) |
(164) |
- |
- |
(685) |
| |
| ||
Loss from operations before gain on bargain acquisition | (685) |
| |||||||
Investment revenues | 152 |
| |||||||
Other gains and losses (note 3) | 308 |
| |||||||
Gain on bargain acquisition | 12 |
| |||||||
Net finance expense (note 4) | (52) |
| |||||||
Income tax expense | (14) |
| |||||||
| ||||||||
Loss for the period | (279) |
| |||||||
Year ended 31 December 2012
Online marketing & data services £'000 |
Security solutions £'000 |
Investing and management services £'000 |
Food manufacturing £'000 |
Transport planning and engineering consultancy £'000 |
Eliminations £'000 |
Total £'000 | ||
Revenue | ||||||||
External | 8,882 | 246 | 47 | 6,166 | - | - | 15,341 | |
Inter-segment | - | - | 516 | - | - | (516) | - | |
| ||
Total | 8,882 | 246 | 563 | 6,166 | - | (516) | 15,341 | |
| ||
Segment (loss)/profit |
181 |
(4) |
(863) |
(304) |
- |
- |
(990) | |
| ||
Loss from operations before gain on bargain acquisition | (990) | |||||||
Investment revenues | 295 | |||||||
Other gains and losses (note 3) | 644 | |||||||
Gain on bargain acquisition | 11 | |||||||
Net finance expense (note 4) | (90) | |||||||
Income tax expense | (219) | |||||||
| ||||||||
Loss for the year | (349) | |||||||
Statement of financial position (excluding inter-segment balances):
As at 30 June 2013
Online marketing & data services £'000 |
Security solutions £'000 |
Investing and management services £'000 |
Food manufacturing £'000 |
Transport planning and engineering consultancy £'000 |
Eliminations £'000 |
Total £'000 | |
Assets | 1,780 | 93 | 12,106 | 7,208 | 2,629 | - | 23,816 |
Liabilities | (1,475) | (120) | (289) | (3,833) | (1,169) | - | (6,886) |
| |
Net assets/ (liabilities) |
305 |
(27) |
11,817 |
3,375 |
1,460 |
- |
16,930 |
2 Segmental information (continued)
As at 30 June 2012 |
Online marketing & data services £'000 |
Security solutions £'000 |
Investing and management services £'000 |
Food manufacturing £'000 |
Transport planning and engineering consultancy £'000 |
Eliminations £'000 |
Total £'000 | |
Assets | 3,356 | 101 | 15,129 | 6,638 | - | - | 25,224 |
Liabilities | (1,817) | (171) | (369) | (3,378) | - | - | (5,735) |
| |
Net assets/ (liabilities) |
1,539 |
(70) |
14,760 |
3,260 |
- |
- |
19,489 |
| |
As at 31 December 2012 |
Online marketing & data services £'000 |
Security solutions £'000 |
Investing and management services £'000 |
Food manufacturing £'000 |
Transport planning and engineering consultancy £'000 |
Eliminations £'000 |
Total £'000 | |
Assets | 3,687 | 79 | 14,308 | 7,393 | - | - | 25,467 |
Liabilities | (1,938) | (105) | (370) | (3,586) | - | - | (5,999) |
| |
Net assets/ (liabilities) |
1,749 |
(26) |
13,938 |
3,807 |
- |
- |
19,468 |
Other disclosures:
Period ended 30 June 2013
Online marketing & data services £'000 |
Security solutions £'000 |
Investing and management services £'000 |
Food manufacturing £'000 |
Transport planning and engineering consultancy £'000 |
Eliminations £'000 |
Total £'000 | |
Capital expenditure |
67 |
- |
- |
17 |
- |
- |
84 |
Depreciation | 68 | 1 | 2 | 161 | 2 | - | 234 |
Amortisation | - | - | 12 | - | - | - | 12 |
Gain on bargain acquisition |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
Period ended 30 June 2012
Online marketing & data services £'000 |
Security solutions £'000 |
Investing and management services £'000 |
Food manufacturing £'000 |
Transport planning and engineering consultancy £'000 |
Eliminations £'000 |
Total £'000 | |
Capital expenditure |
8 |
1 |
442 |
2 |
- |
- |
453 |
Depreciation | 78 | 1 | 3 | 164 | - | - | 246 |
Amortisation | - | - | - | - | - | - | - |
Gain on bargain acquisition |
- |
- |
12 |
- |
- |
- |
12 |
2 Segmental information (continued)
Year ended 31 December 2012
Online marketing & data services £'000 |
Security solutions £'000 |
Investing and management services £'000 |
Food manufacturing £'000 |
Transport planning and engineering consultancy £'000 |
Eliminations £'000 |
Total £'000 | |
Capital expenditure |
47 |
1 |
443 |
110 |
- |
- |
601 |
Depreciation | 146 | 2 | 6 | 338 | - | - | 492 |
Amortisation | - | - | 12 | - | - | 12 | |
Gain on bargain acquisition |
- |
- |
11 |
- |
- |
- |
11 |
Geographical analysis:
External revenue by location of customers | Non-current assets (excluding deferred tax) by location of assets | |||||
6 months to 30 June 2013 | 6 months to 30 June 2012 | Year ended 31 December 2012 |
30 June 2013 |
30 June 2012 |
31 December 2012 | |
£'000 | £'000 | £'000 | £'000 | £'000 | £'000 | |
UK | 8,521 | 6,667 | 14,867 | 6,187 | 6,596 | 6,486 |
Rest of Europe | 45 | 109 | 351 | - | - | - |
USA | 4 | - | - | - | - | - |
Other | 96 | 105 | 123 | - | - | - |
8,666 | 6,881 | 15,341 | 6,187 | 6,596 | 6,486 | |
3 Other gains and losses
Other gains and losses are the gains and losses arising on investments disposed of in the period pursuant to the Company's investing and treasury management policies.
4 Finance expense/income
The Group's finance expense relates to the debt servicing costs in the Group's subsidiary, Shire Foods Limited, which was acquired in July 2011, offset by interest earned on the Group's cash deposits.
5 Business combination
On 14 May 2013 the Group acquired the business and certain of the assets of JMP Consultants Limited, a UK-based transport planning and consulting practice, for a cash consideration of £415,000 (plus advance payments in respect of certain properties amounting to £118,000). The estimated fair value of the net assets acquired is as follows:
Book value at acquisition £000 | Provisional fair value adjustments £000 |
Fair value at acquisition £000 | |||
Fixed assets | |||||
Tangible | 28 | - | 28 | ||
Current assets | |||||
Amounts recoverable under contracts | 868 | - | 868 | ||
Other debtors | 323 | - | 323 | ||
Cash | - | - | - | ||
| |||
Total assets | 1,219 | - | 1,219 | ||
| |||
Creditors | |||||
Trade and other creditors | (520) | - | (520) | ||
| |||
Total liabilities | (520) | - | (520) | ||
| |||
Net assets | 699 | - | 699 | ||
| |||
Group share of net assets acquired | 699 | ||||
Negative goodwill recognised | (166) | ||||
| |||||
Purchase consideration | 533 | ||||
| |||||
Satisfied by cash | 533 | ||||
The Group has agreed to allot up to 25% of the equity in JMP to certain management and staff. At the reporting date this had not been implemented and therefore there were no non-controlling interests for the period or at the period end.
The negative goodwill arising will be recognised as the assets to which it relates are turned into cash.
The performance of JMP is included in the segmental report as the Transport Planning and Consultancy segment.
6 Loss per share
The calculation of the basic and diluted loss per share is based on the following data:
6 months to 30 June 2013 £'000 | 6 months to 30 June 2012 £'000 | Year ended 31 December 2012 £'000 | |
Loss for the purposes of earnings per share: | |||
From continuing operations | (909) | (182) | (325) |
From discontinued operations | - | - | - |
Total | (909) | (182) | (325) |
No. | No. | No. | |
Weighted average number of ordinary shares for the purposes of earnings per share: | |||
Weighted average number of ordinary shares in issue | 4,762,893 | 5,081,832 | 4,953,801 |
Dilutive effect of potential ordinary shares | - | - | - |
Weighted average number of ordinary shares for diluted EPS | 4,762,893 | 5,081,832 | 4,953,801 |
In the period to 30 June 2013 there was no dilutive effect from share options in issue in view of the loss from continuing operations. Outstanding employee share options at 30 June 2013 totalling 34,000 have therefore been excluded.
7 Goodwill and other intangible assets
Goodwill £'000 |
Negative goodwill £'000 | Registered design rights £'000 |
Carrying amount at 1 January 2013 | 305 | - | 429 |
Arising in the period | - | (166) | - |
Amortisation in the period | - | - | (12) |
| |
Carrying amount at 30 June 2013 | 305 | (166) | 417 |
| |
Cost and carrying amount at 1 January 2012 | 305 | - | - |
Acquired in the period | - | - | 441 |
Amortisation in the period | - | - | - |
| |
Carrying amount at 30 June 2012 | 305 | - | 441 |
| |
Cost and carrying amount at 1 January 2012 | 305 | - | - |
Acquired in the year | - | - | 441 |
Amortisation in the year | - | - | (12) |
| |
Carrying amount at 31 December 2012 | 305 | - | 429 |
Goodwill represents that arising from the acquisition of Interactive Prospect Targeting Limited's business and assets on 29 September 2008, being the difference between the fair value of the consideration paid and the fair value of the net assets acquired.
Negative goodwill arising in the period relates to the acquisition of JMP Consultants Limited, as set out in note 5, and is the difference between the estimated fair value of the net assets acquired and the purchase consideration.
8 Non-controlling interests
The non-controlling interests of £0.62 million relate to the net assets attributable to the shares not held by the Group at 30 June 2013 in the following subsidiary undertakings:
30 June 2013 £'000 | 30 June 2012 £'000 | 31 December 2012 £'000 | |
NMT Group Limited | 77 | 78 | 77 |
Interactive Prospect Targeting Limited | 165 | 838 | 953 |
Shire Foods Limited | 375 | 489 | 447 |
617 | 1,405 | 1,477 | |
9 Purchase of own shares
During the period the Company acquired 98,195 of its own Ordinary shares for a total consideration of £275,000. This brings the total number of Ordinary shares held in treasury to 1,486,283. The number of shares in issue, excluding treasury shares, at the period end was 4,717,791.
10 Dividend
The Board is not recommending the payment of an interim dividend for the period ended 30 June 2013.
- Ends -
Related Shares: