29th Aug 2008 07:00
(Gem Diamonds) or (the Company)
Gem Diamonds is a global diamond company that is pursuing an accelerated growth strategy through targeted acquisitions and the development of its existing assets.
The Company's portfolio comprises producing kimberlite, lamproite and alluvial mines, development projects, exploration assets as well as a diamond beneficiation centre. Operations are situated in Angola, Australia, Botswana, CAR, DRC, Dubai, Lesotho and Indonesia.
Gem Diamonds has a specific focus towards higher value diamonds, a segment of the market expected to deliver superior long term returns. The Company produces some of the world's most remarkable white diamonds from its Letšeng mine, rare fancy and vivid yellow diamonds from its Ellendale mine and an array of coloured diamonds from its Cempaka mine.
Commenting on these results, Gem Diamonds CEO, Clifford Elphick said:
"Gem Diamonds has continued to position itself to capitalise on the growth in global demand for large high quality diamonds, some 60% of which are supplied by the Company's flagship mine, Letšeng. The turnaround at Ellendale is progressing well and returns to shareholders on this investment are expected within the year. The highly sought after yellow diamonds that Ellendale produces complement Letšeng's unique white diamonds and collectively they lend themselves to the beneficiation strategy that the Company is executing. This strategy will generate additional revenue and widen margins from 2009 onwards. The remainder of the year will be focused on making further improvements in production and in turn profitability at all three operating mines. "
For further information:
Gem Diamonds Limited Tel: +44 203 043 0280 Gem Diamond Technical Services Tel: +27 11 560 9600 |
Pelham PR Candice Sgroi Tel: +44 789 446 2114 James Henderson Tel : +44 207 743 6673 |
The first six months of 2008 have seen the Group build on the achievements of 2007.
During the period, several capital projects were successfully concluded and as a result production levels have risen across operations. Advance stage projects have been progressed with feasibility studies providing favourable results. Exploration activities continue to show good indications of undiscovered primary diamond deposits.
In Lesotho, the Group's key operation, Letšeng Diamonds, has gone from strength to strength. In March of 2008, construction of the mine's second processing plant was completed and commissioning began. The aggressive production ramp up progressed relatively smoothly over the second quarter and target production levels were achieved post the period end.
Whilst production rates are expected to run ahead of rated capacity, recent resource extensions indicate a life of mine of some 45 years. To optimise the Company's investment, means of increasing production are being explored. Initial indications are that the mine scheduling can accommodate a further increase in throughput using conventional methods. This and more innovative extraction techniques are the subject of a study; the results of which are expected before year end.
The diamonds produced at Letšeng continue to enjoy a highly favourable reception in the rough and polished diamond market. Average rough prices achieved over the period of US$2 512 are a 27% and 71% increase on those achieved in 2007 and 2006 respectively and are indicative of the global upward trend in prices for large, top quality diamonds.
Gem Diamonds acquired Australian listed Kimberley Diamonds in December 2007. Kimberley Diamonds is the owner of the Ellendale mine in Western Australia, the world's most reliable source of fancy and vivid yellow diamonds, demand for which has grown rapidly over the last 15 years.
Modifications at Ellendale's processing plants have increased the mine's processing capacity. This improvement, combined with the broader recapitalisation of the business and introduction of technical expertise, has resulted in the achievement of record throughput levels.
Losses historically recorded at Kimberley Diamonds have been reduced over the period as the turnaround strategy yields results. Due to the high levels of fixed costs at Ellendale, planned increases in production will enhance the mine's profitability. Improved cost control measures are also being put in place. The relative strength of the Australian dollar combined with high oil prices, will continue to impact costs at Ellendale.
Ellendale has historically experienced interrupted and erratic production on account of extreme weather conditions and insufficient waste stripping. An investment in stripped reserve over the period, which will continue into the second half, will alleviate this problem.
At current increased production rates, Ellendale's life of mine has been shortened to eight years. Resource extensions and pit redesign work are ongoing in an effort to extend this. Increased diamond prices achieved will also assist in this regard. In addition, samples taken prior to the acquisition of Ellendale from a number of the 42 lamproite bodies on the lease area are being re-evaluated. Results of this work will be known in 2009.
Ellendale's diamond sales have benefited from revised sales techniques as well as the overall upward trend in diamond prices. Diamonds sold in the rough increased 66% from the comparative period to achieve an average price of US$207 per carat. Polished diamonds, sold in diamond beneficiation trials, achieved average prices of US$28 860 per carat.
Subsequent to the period end, an agreement was reached with a global high end jewellery chain to supply a selection of Ellendale's gem quality diamonds to them at the current price book plus a royalty on retail sale price. This agreement provides Ellendale with a reliable rough diamond price and the opportunity to capture additional margin, as well as the Group with valuable insight into the diamond value chain post the rough diamond wholesale market.
Preparation and studies for the development of a kimberlite mine at Gope in Botswana were progressed during the first half of the year. The update to the De Beers' feasibility study was completed in April 2008 with a favourable outcome. It does however highlight that the provision of power and basic infrastructure to the Gope site by the Government of Botswana is important to the project's success. Further work on the feasibility study is ongoing and it is expected to be completed within the year.
The social and environmental impact assessment was completed and submitted in August 2008 and negotiations with the Government of Botswana in respect of the award of a mining license will commence shortly.
Due to the sensitive nature of the social and environmental issues at Gope, the assessment included two rounds of public participation meetings, rather than the one stipulated by law. In all meetings held, the local communities expressed their overwhelming support for the development of a mine at Gope.
Should a mining license be granted, Gem Diamonds is committed to developing a mine to the highest environmental standards and to working closely with local communities to initiate and manage sustainable development projects.
Capital estimates for the construction of a six mtpa mine at Gope remain between US$450 and US$500 million. Various funding options are under consideration for this capital outlay, the bulk of which is expected to be debt funded. A final decision in this regard will be made post the award of the mining license.
The Cempaka mine, located in the South Kalimantan province of Indonesia, has experienced mixed success over the period. After a smooth transition from contractor to owner mining in the second half of 2007, productivity levels at the mine increased dramatically. The target throughput of 216 000 tpm was achieved in the early part of this year. However, heavy rains in March flooded the mining pits and impacted waste stripping and production.
In April concerns were raised by local Provincial authorities about the quality of the waste water being discharged from the Cempaka mine. In line with the Group's desire to follow best environmental practice, mining was temporarily suspended. Independent environmental consultants were recruited to advise on the optimal waste water treatment facility and after extensive discussion with Provincial authorities, these facilities were constructed in June. Subsequent to the period end, the water treatment facility received the necessary approvals.
Cempaka continues to produce beautiful diamonds, with 22 000 carats sold during the period for an average of US$305 per carat, representing a 40% increase on the comparative period prices. This impetus, combined with the relatively long life of mine at Cempaka is the motivation for a potentially large ramp up of production. Various mining methods are being evaluated and the findings of this evaluation are now expected in 2009.
Work in the three alluvial project areas as well as on kimberlite exploration was progressed during the period.
Sampling at Mbelenge has yielded improved results. Indicative grades recorded on the Kasaï river terraces in late 2007 and early 2008 prompted the shift to sampling on the river flood plains. The flood plains proved to host more than double the grade than that of the terraces but still insufficient to warrant the development of a large scale mine. Accordingly sampling operations were moved to the modern day river where samples were obtained using dredges and a partial river diversion. Indicative grades in the river were a favourable 1ct/m3. An appropriate mass mining technique to exploit this deposit remains to be determined.
At Lubembe, river dredging in the Kasaï river continued to yield positive grade results of approximately 8 cts/m3, considerably ahead of expectations. The nature of the deposit in the river beds, combined with the high level of overburden makes a safe and effective mass mining technique a matter for considerable study.
Resource definition and delineation through sampling of the river and terraces at Longatshimo is planned for the latter half of 2008.
Whilst the Company remains confident of the alluvial prospectivity of its concessions in the DRC, the development of a mine operating to the highest environmental and safety standards remains a challenge. A decision in this regard is expected by year end.
Kimberlite drilling continued in the first half of the year with no kimberlite intersected to date. A programme of intensive stream sediment sampling has produced three discrete areas of indicator mineral concentrations that are of interest.
After mixed results from historic paleo-channel and terrace sampling in 2007, the grades achieved from the sampling of the modern day Mambéré river in the first half of this year have been far more promising. Grades of up to 60 cpht have been encountered in pockets, with an average of 25 cpht achieved. The extent of these deposits will be determined by the bulk sampling of river gravels, planned for the latter half of the year.
Project activities at Chiri, the known diamondiferous kimberlite in the Lunda Sul Province of Angola, commenced in the early part of the year with a view to completing the prefeasibility study in 2008. Gem Diamonds has the opportunity to acquire up to 20% of the Chiri project in partnership with Avantis Angola.
Solid logistical progress has been made with the establishment of site infrastructure, completion of civil foundation work and the assembly and commissioning of a ten tph dense media separation bulk sampling plant.
The geophysical survey undertaken earlier this year indicates that the kimberlite has a large surface expression of some 50 - 60 ha. Based on the results of the survey, a diamond drilling programme has been initiated to refine and calibrate the geophysical model. Bulk sampling was initiated in July and diamonds recovered have an initial estimated value of between US$150 - 200 per carat.
Large diameter drilling is planned for later in the year and is a critical step in the completion of the prefeasibility study on Chiri.
Diamond beneficiation trials continued in 2008 with the sale of a further 93 carats of white and 16 carats of yellow polished diamonds. All polished diamonds were sold on tender in Antwerp with a significant additional margin captured. With the confidence of four successful polished diamond tenders concluded, the decision was taken to formalise the Company's beneficiation strategy.
A diamond cutting and polishing facility is in the process of being established in Dubai and arrangements have been entered into with the founding executives of Matrix Diamond Technology to join Gem Diamonds. In their capacity as founders of this business, the executive team was responsible for developing some of the most sophisticated diamond mapping technology currently in existence. When applied to large complex rough diamonds, such as those recovered at Letšeng, this technology has the ability to enhance the polished yield and hence value. An established cutting and polishing business focused on these larger diamonds is expected to be operating from the start of 2009.
The diamond market for the large and top quality diamonds, that the Group produces, continues to be buoyant and all indications are that this is set to continue for at least the medium term. These diamonds are predominantly sold to HNWI's who are significant consumers of luxury goods and whose expenditure is less constrained by recent economic downturns.
The remainder of the year will see the Group focus on increasing production from its three operating mines as well as the development of projects set to generate future revenue streams. Cost input pressures are under constant review in order to ensure that unit costs remain acceptable.
The first half of the 2008 year can be regarded as an extremely satisfactory performance, in a difficult global economic climate.
Clifford Elphick
Chief Executive Officer
I am pleased to present the Half Yearly results in which the Group is able to report earnings before interest, tax, depreciation and amortisation ('EBITDA') of US$56.5 million, up 68% on the corresponding prior period. This EBITDA was achieved as follows:
6 months |
6 months |
ended |
ended |
30 June |
30 June |
(US$ millions) |
2008 |
2007 |
Revenue |
166.8 |
69.8 |
Selling and distribution costs |
(14.4) |
(5.5) |
Cost of sales |
(87.7) |
(20.3) |
Corporate costs |
(8.2) |
(9.9) |
Share of loss in associate |
- |
(0.5) |
56.5 |
33.6 |
Depreciation |
(16.4) |
(2.1) |
Amortisation |
(14.0) |
(4.7) |
Other income |
0.1 |
0.1 |
Share-based payments |
(5.2) |
(14.2) |
Foreign exchange gain |
2.3 |
5.1 |
Net finance income |
0.6 |
10.8 |
Profit before tax |
23.9 |
28.6 |
Revenue has more than doubled over the comparative six month period to US$166.8 million and is more than the full 2007 financial year. Revenue was generated from the sale of rough and polished diamonds recovered at the Letšeng, Ellendale and Cempaka mines where the diamonds sold and prices per carat achieved improved significantly from that of the comparative period.
Revenue generated from diamonds recovered and sold from exploration and resource development projects in central Africa are netted off against exploration expenditure, the net amount of which is capitalised to the balance sheet.
Selling and distribution costs of US$14.4 million were incurred. These relate to sales commission paid to agents based in Antwerp and royalties payable to the relevant state authorities in Lesotho, Australia and Indonesia on the value of diamond sales.
Cost of sales for the six months was US$87.7 million before non-cash costs of depreciation of US$16.4 million and amortisation of mining assets of US$14.0 million.
Cost of sales at Letšeng before depreciation and amortisation was US$18.5 million. At Ellendale, the cost of sales before depreciation and amortisation, and excluding waste stripping deferred, was US$55.6 million. The Ellendale mine has a high proportion of fixed costs and as production levels continue to ramp up over the remainder of the year, as has been the case in the first half, the unit costs are expected to decline significantly. At Cempaka, cost of sales before depreciation and amortisation of US$11.6 million include all costs incurred over the six month period, of which the mine was only operational for approximately two months.
Corporate expenses relate to central costs which were incurred by Gem Diamonds and its services subsidiary Gem Diamond Technical Services and are currently in line with those budgeted for the full year.
On 19 February 2008, the Group issued 506 322 shares to the non-Executive Directors in terms of their letters of appointment. During the period, the Group awarded 403 916 performance shares to Directors and senior executives in line with the rules of the Long-Term Incentive Plan. The total share-based payment charge to the income statement for the period was US$5.2 million, of which US$3.8 million relates to awards to non-Executive Directors agreed at IPO.
The majority of the foreign exchange gain of US$2.3 million arose due to forward cover contracts taken at Letšeng Diamonds. Gem Diamonds does not take active positions in the currency markets.
Net finance income received reflects the interest accrued on the funds held throughout the Group during the period, the majority of which was generated by surplus cash in Letšeng Diamonds and residual funds held by the Company following the capital raised on the IPO in the previous year.
Gem Diamonds is a registered tax payer in the United Kingdom.
The effective tax rate of 38% is above the average rate across the Group of 28% as a result of:
- Permanent differences, comprising a portion of share-based payments that are not tax deductible; and
- Deferred tax assets not currently recognised on losses at Kimberley Diamonds.
Minority interests represent the 30% interest in Letšeng Diamonds which is held by the Company's partner, the Government of the Kingdom of Lesotho and the 20% of PTGC, the holding company for Cempaka mine, held by Indonesian para-statal ANTAM.
At the returns attributable to shareholders level, the Group has exceeded budget and broken even. This is reflective of the turn around that is underway at the previously loss making mining operations at Ellendale and Cempaka. The full year return to shareholders is expected to be positive as improvements in profitability at newly acquired operations continue and recent production increases at Letšeng are reflected in earnings.
Diamond inventory held at the end of the period decreased from the previous period end to US$13.5 million. Of this US$7.5 million is attributable to Letšeng Diamonds and US$4.9 million to Kimberley Diamonds. The remainder of the inventory balance of US$18.0 million comprises ore stockpiles at Letšeng Diamonds and Kimberley Diamonds of US$1.3 million and US$6.1 million respectively and consumables held across all operations.
The Group started the period with US$182 million in cash resources. This was supplemented by net cash generated from operations of US$75 million. During the period US$44 million of this cash was invested in property, plant and equipment at existing operations (Letšeng Diamonds US$10 million, Kimberley Diamonds US$12 million and Cempaka US$7 million), and a further US$15 million on exploration and resource development expenditure in the DRC, CAR and Botswana.
A total of US$39 million was invested in deferred waste stripping across all operations (Letšeng Diamonds US$18 million, Kimberley Diamonds US$14 million and Cempaka US$7 million).
The outstanding balance for the acquisition of Kimberley Diamonds of US$14.5 million was also settled during period. The Group ended the period with US$143.6 million cash on hand.
For the remainder of the financial year, the Group will focus on turning recently acquired operations to profit, significant progress on which has already been made. The high level of taxation, predominantly a non-cash charge, remains a concern to the Group and means to reduce this are being sought out.
Kevin Burford
Chief Financial Officer
6 months ended |
6 months ended |
year ended |
30 June |
30 June |
31 December |
(US$'000) |
Note |
20081 |
20071* |
20072 |
Revenue |
166 752 |
69 800 |
152 706 |
Cost of sales |
(117 688) |
(26 951) |
(64 759) |
49 064 |
42 849 |
87 947 |
Other income |
66 |
78 |
245 |
Royalties and sales costs |
(14 445) |
(5 541) |
(16 558) |
Corporate expenses |
(8 656) |
(10 074) |
(17 371) |
Share-based payments |
(5 183) |
(14 190) |
(19 531) |
Foreign exchange gain |
2 312 |
5 060 |
14 654 |
23 158 |
18 182 |
49 386 |
Net finance income |
640 |
10 762 |
20 085 |
Finance income |
3 107 |
12 065 |
23 363 |
Finance costs |
(2 467) |
(1 303) |
(3 278) |
Share of loss in associate |
- |
(507) |
(1 030) |
23 798 |
28 437 |
68 441 |
Income tax expense |
7 |
(9 043) |
(11 031) |
(27 941) |
14 755 |
17 406 |
40 500 |
Loss after tax for the period relating to disposal group held for sale |
- |
(18) |
- |
14 755 |
17 388 |
40 500 |
Attributable to: |
Equity holders of parent |
(79) |
8 619 |
23 227 |
Minority interest |
14 834 |
8 769 |
17 273 |
14 755 |
17 388 |
40 500 |
Earnings per share |
- Basic, for (loss)/profit for the period attributable to equity holders of the parent (cents) |
- |
16 |
40 |
- Diluted, for (loss)/profit for the period attributable to equity holders of the parent (cents) |
- |
16 |
40 |
1 Unaudited
2 Audited
* Restated due to change in accounting policy
30 June |
30 June |
31 December |
(US$'000) |
20081 |
20071* |
20072 |
Non-current assets |
Property, plant and equipment |
908 373 |
328 138 |
863 529 |
Intangible assets |
68 968 |
44 723 |
71 685 |
Investment in associate |
- |
16 787 |
- |
Loans owing by associate |
- |
30 979 |
- |
Other assets |
3 335 |
1 211 |
2 366 |
Deferred tax assets |
4 485 |
1 138 |
962 |
985 161 |
422 976 |
938 542 |
Current assets |
Inventories |
31 493 |
8 241 |
41 145 |
Trade and other receivables |
13 353 |
9 001 |
12 505 |
Loans receivable |
3 801 |
1 370 |
1 663 |
Cash and cash equivalents |
143 736 |
524 421 |
183 536 |
192 383 |
543 033 |
238 849 |
Assets of disposal group classified as held for sale |
- |
26 093 |
- |
192 383 |
569 126 |
238 849 |
1 177 544 |
992 102 |
1 177 391 |
Equity attributable to equity holders of the parent |
Issued share capital |
629 |
624 |
624 |
Share premium |
787 487 |
786 819 |
787 487 |
Treasury shares |
(3) |
(4) |
(3) |
Other reserves |
57 066 |
19 167 |
56 968 |
Retained income/(accumulated losses) |
8 164 |
(6 365) |
8 243 |
853 343 |
800 241 |
853 319 |
Minority interest |
86 305 |
61 139 |
81 361 |
939 648 |
861 380 |
934 680 |
30 June |
30 June |
31 December |
(US$'000) |
20081 |
20071* |
20072 |
Non-current liabilities |
Other financial liabilities |
15 620 |
18 042 |
16 688 |
Provisions |
20 724 |
4 400 |
22 529 |
Deferred tax liabilities |
102 550 |
71 116 |
110 684 |
Trade and other payables |
- |
381 |
421 |
138 894 |
93 939 |
150 322 |
Current liabilities |
Other financial liabilities |
13 036 |
2 437 |
15 330 |
Trade and other payables |
68 827 |
31 464 |
64 995 |
Income tax payable |
16 973 |
2 831 |
10 362 |
Bank overdraft |
166 |
- |
1 702 |
99 002 |
36 732 |
92 389 |
Liabilities directly associated with the assets classified as held for sale |
- |
51 |
- |
99 002 |
36 783 |
92 389 |
237 896 |
130 722 |
242 711 |
1 177 544 |
992 102 |
1 177 391 |
1 Unaudited
2 Audited
* Restated due to change in accounting policy
Other reserves |
Retained |
Share- |
income/ |
Issued |
based |
Reval- |
(accu- |
share |
Share |
Treasury |
equity |
uation |
mulated |
Minority |
(US$'000) |
capital |
premium |
shares |
reserve |
reserve |
losses) |
interest |
Total |
Balance at 1 January 2008 |
624 |
787 487 |
(3) |
14 551 |
22 629 |
19 788 |
8 243 |
81 361 |
934 680 |
Share capital issued |
5 |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
5 |
Total recognised income and expenses for the period |
- |
- |
- |
(5 474) |
- |
- |
(79) |
14 834 |
9 281 |
(Loss)/profit for the period |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
(79) |
14 834 |
14 755 |
- |
- |
- |
(5 474) |
- |
- |
- |
- |
(5 474) |
Acquisition of subsidiaries |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
(64) |
(64) |
Fair value adjustments |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
190 |
- |
(15) |
175 |
Share-based payments (Note 12) |
- |
- |
- |
- |
5 382 |
- |
- |
- |
5 382 |
Dividends paid |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
(9 811) |
(9 811) |
Balance at 30 June 20082 |
629 |
787 487 |
(3) |
9 077 |
28 011 |
19 978 |
8 164 |
86 305 |
939 648 |
Balance at 1 January 2007 |
253 |
162 775 |
- |
2 362 |
2 362 |
- |
(14 984) |
45 319 |
198 087 |
Share capital issued |
371 |
665 290 |
(4) |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
665 657 |
Total recognised income and expenses for the period |
- |
- |
- |
253 |
- |
- |
8 619 |
8 769 |
17 641 |
Profit for the period |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
8 619 |
8 769 |
17 388 |
- |
- |
- |
253 |
- |
- |
- |
- |
253 |
Transaction costs on share capital issued |
- |
(41 246) |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
(41 246) |
Acquisition of subsidiaries |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
10 351 |
10 351 |
Share-based payments |
- |
- |
- |
- |
14 190 |
- |
- |
- |
14 190 |
Dividends paid |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
(3 300) |
(3 300) |
Balance at 30 June 20072* |
624 |
786 819 |
(4) |
2 615 |
16 552 |
- |
(6 365) |
61 139 |
861 380 |
Other reserves |
(Accu- |
Share- |
mulated |
Issued |
based |
Reval- |
losses)/ |
share |
Share |
Treasury |
equity |
uation |
retained |
Minority |
(US$'000) |
capital |
premium |
shares |
reserve |
reserve |
income |
interest |
Total |
Balance at 1 January 2007 |
253 |
162 775 |
- |
2 362 |
2 362 |
- |
(14 984) |
45 319 |
198 087 |
Share capital issued |
371 |
665 618 |
(3) |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
665 986 |
Total recognised income and expenses for the period |
- |
- |
- |
12 189 |
- |
- |
23 227 |
17 273 |
52 689 |
Profit for the period |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
23 227 |
17 273 |
40 500 |
- |
- |
- |
12 189 |
- |
- |
- |
- |
12 189 |
Transaction costs on share capital issued |
- |
(40 906) |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
(40 906) |
Share-based payments |
- |
- |
- |
- |
20 267 |
- |
- |
- |
20 267 |
Acquisition of subsidiaries |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
19 788 |
- |
22 069 |
41 857 |
Dividends paid |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
(3 300) |
(3 300) |
Balance at 31 December 20073 |
624 |
787 487 |
(3) |
14 551 |
22 629 |
19 788 |
8 243 |
81 361 |
934 680 |
1 Foreign currency translation reserve
2 Unaudited
3 Audited
*Restated due to change in accounting policy
6 months ended |
6 months ended |
Year ended |
30 June |
30 June |
31 December |
(US$'000) |
20081 |
20071* |
20072 |
75 332 |
23 399 |
49 578 |
Cash generated by operations |
61 408 |
36 029 |
76 506 |
Working capital adjustments |
16 638 |
(11 334) |
(29 190) |
78 046 |
24 695 |
47 316 |
Finance income |
3 107 |
12 065 |
23 363 |
Finance costs |
(1 271) |
(1 793) |
(2 913) |
Tax paid |
(4 550) |
(11 568) |
(18 188) |
(105 814) |
(150 430) |
(513 476) |
Purchase of property, plant and equipment |
(87 343) |
(33 887) |
(109 621) |
Purchase of intangible assets |
(215) |
(71) |
(683) |
Loans and receivables (granted)/repaid |
(2 138) |
(10 058) |
5 281 |
Purchase of other assets |
(995) |
- |
(229) |
Acquisitions |
(15 123) |
(106 414) |
(390 624) |
Loans acquired through acquisitions |
- |
- |
(44 617) |
Proceeds from disposal of group held for sale |
- |
- |
27 017 |
(4 903) |
599 592 |
592 175 |
Proceeds on share capital issued |
5 |
634 563 |
636 277 |
Repayment of bonds |
(961) |
- |
- |
Transaction costs on share capital issued |
- |
(28 294) |
(29 340) |
Financial liabilities repaid |
(3 947) |
(3 377) |
(8 841) |
Dividends paid to minorities |
- |
(3 300) |
(5 921) |
Net (decrease)/increase in cash and cash equivalents |
(35 385) |
472 561 |
128 277 |
Cash and cash equivalents at the beginning of the period |
181 834 |
51 907 |
51 907 |
Foreign exchange revaluations |
(2 879) |
(47) |
1 650 |
Cash and cash equivalents at the end of the period |
143 570 |
524 421 |
181 834 |
1 Unaudited
2 Audited
* Restated due to change in accounting policy
The primary segment reporting format is geographical as the Group's risks and rates of return are affected predominantly by differences in the geographical regions of the mines and areas in which the Group operates. Other regions where no direct mining activities take place are combined into a single geographical region. The main geographical regions are:
- Lesotho
- Australia
- Indonesia
- Botswana
- BVI and South Africa (Group function and provision of technical and administrative services)
Inter-segment transactions are entered into under terms agreed between the parties. Segment revenue, segment expense and segment results include transactions between segments. Those transactions are eliminated on consolidation.
Primary reporting - geographical segments:
The following table presents revenue and profit information regarding the Group's geographical segments for
the periods.
6 months ended |
and |
30 June 20081 |
Indo- |
Bots- |
South |
(US$'000) |
Lesotho |
Australia |
nesia |
wana |
Africa |
Total |
Sales |
Total sales |
99 486 |
60 158 |
6 940 |
- |
- |
- |
8 726 |
175 310 |
Inter-segment sales |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
(8 558) |
(8 558) |
Sales to external customers |
99 486 |
60 158 |
6 940 |
- |
- |
- |
168 |
166 752 |
Segment results |
65 383 |
(20 709) |
(8 738) |
- |
- |
- |
(12 778) |
23 158 |
Net finance income |
640 |
Profit before taxation |
23 798 |
Income tax expense |
(9 043) |
Profit for the period |
14 755 |
6 months ended |
and |
30 June 20071* |
Indo- |
Bots- |
South |
(US$'000) |
Lesotho |
Australia |
nesia |
wana |
Africa |
Total |
Sales |
Total sales |
69 624 |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
6 960 |
76 584 |
Inter-segment sales |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
(6 784) |
(6 784) |
Sales to external customers |
69 624 |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
176 |
69 800 |
Segment results |
37 072 |
- |
63 |
(20) |
(439) |
(1 515) |
(16 979) |
18 182 |
Net finance income |
10 762 |
Share of loss in associate |
(507) |
Profit before taxation |
28 437 |
Income tax expense |
(11 031) |
Profit for the period |
17 406 |
Year ended |
and |
31 December 20072 |
Indo- |
Bots- |
South |
(US$'000) |
Lesotho |
Australia |
nesia |
wana |
Africa |
Total |
Sales |
Total sales |
151 905 |
- |
76 |
- |
249 |
- |
14 180 |
166 410 |
Inter-segment sales |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
(13 704) |
(13 704) |
Sales to external customers |
151 905 |
- |
76 |
- |
249 |
- |
476 |
152 706 |
Segment results |
80 189 |
5 895 |
(6 373) |
(80) |
(1 632) |
1 735 |
(30 348) |
49 386 |
Net finance income |
20 085 |
Share of loss in associate |
(1 030) |
Profit before taxation |
68 441 |
Income tax expense |
(27 941) |
Profit for the year |
40 500 |
1 Unaudited
2 Audited
* Restated due to change in accounting policy
Acquisition of BDI Mining
On 29 May 2007, the Group acquired 100% of the share capital of BDI Mining, a diamond mining and gold exploration group which owned a producing alluvial diamond mine and a gold development project. BDI Mining through its indirect wholly owned subsidiary, Ashton MMC Pte Limited, owned 80% in PTGC, which holds the mining rights to the Cempaka mine in Indonesia. BDI Mining also indirectly owned 100% of Woodlark Mining Limited which owned the Woodlark Gold Project located in Papua New Guinea. The Group disposed of Woodlark Mining Limited on 30 June 2007.
The final fair value of the identifiable assets and liabilities of BDI Mining as at the date of acquisition were:
Provisional fair |
value as |
reported at |
Final fair |
31 December |
Fair value |
value at |
(US$'000) |
2007 |
adjustments |
acquisition |
Property, plant and equipment |
80 681 |
(1 745) |
78 936 |
Intangible assets |
42 |
(22) |
20 |
Other assets |
10 |
- |
10 |
Inventories |
309 |
- |
309 |
Trade and other receivables |
539 |
- |
539 |
Cash and cash equivalents |
3 739 |
- |
3 739 |
85 320 |
(1 767) |
83 553 |
Held for sale assets |
25 301 |
- |
25 301 |
Total assets |
110 621 |
(1 767) |
108 854 |
Other financial liabilities |
2 157 |
- |
2 157 |
Trade and other payables |
5 021 |
176 |
5 197 |
Deferred tax liabilities |
21 315 |
(730) |
20 585 |
Provisions |
392 |
501 |
893 |
Income tax payable |
4 650 |
(1 194) |
3 456 |
33 535 |
(1 247) |
32 288 |
Held for sale liabilities |
19 |
- |
19 |
Total liabilities |
33 554 |
(1 247) |
32 307 |
Fair value of net assets |
77 067 |
(520) |
76 547 |
Fair value of net assets |
77 067 |
(520) |
76 547 |
Less: Minority interest |
(11 172) |
64 |
(11 108) |
Attributable fair value of net assets |
65 895 |
(456) |
65 439 |
Plus: Goodwill on acquisition |
16 083 |
542 |
16 625 |
Total cost |
81 978 |
86 |
82 064 |
Total cost |
Purchase consideration |
79 676 |
- |
79 676 |
Costs associated with the acquisition |
2 302 |
86 |
2 388 |
81 978 |
86 |
82 064 |
The total cost of the combination was US$82.0 million which comprised the purchase consideration and directly attributable costs associated with the acquisition. |
Provisional fair |
value as |
reported at |
Final fair |
31 December |
Fair value |
value at |
(US$'000) |
2007 |
adjustments |
acquisition |
Cash outflow on acquisition |
Purchase consideration |
81 978 |
86 |
82 064 |
Net cash acquired with the subsidiary |
(3 756) |
- |
(3 756) |
Net cash paid |
78 222 |
86 |
78 308 |
Acquisition of Kabongo Development Company
At 30 June 2008, there has been no change in the provisional fair value of the identifiable assets and liabilities of Kabongo Development Company as at the date of acquisition and the corresponding carrying amounts immediately before acquisition other than additional costs of US$0.1 million which were identified. This resulted in an increase in the goodwill arising upon acquisition of US$0.1 million. The review of the fair value of the assets and liabilities acquired will be finalised within the twelve months post the acquisition date.
Acquisition of Kimberley Diamonds
At 30 June 2008, there has been no change in the provisional fair value of the identifiable assets and liabilities of Kimberley Diamonds as at the date of acquisition and the corresponding carrying amounts immediately before acquisition other than additional costs of US$0.5 million which were identified. This resulted in an increase in the mining asset arising upon acquisition of US$0.5 million. The review of the fair value of the assets and liabilities acquired will be finalised within the twelve months post the acquisition date.
The information in this results announcement has been extracted from the Group's Half Yearly Report for the period ended 30 June 2008 which has been prepared in accordance with IAS 34 Interim Financial Reporting and on a basis consistent with the accounting policies applied for preparation of financial statements included in the Group's annual financial statements as at 31 December 2007, except for any changes in accounting policies detailed below.
The Half Yearly Results announcement and the condensed interim consolidated financial statements of the Group for the six months ended 30 June 2008 were authorised for issue in accordance with a resolution of the Directors on 28 August 2008.
The Group's sales environment with regards to diamond sales is not materially impacted by seasonal and cyclical fluctuations. The mining operations may be impacted by seasonal weather conditions. Appropriate mine planning and ore stockpile build up ensures that mining can continue during adverse weather conditions.
During the 2007 period, the Group changed the way it accounts for stripping costs. The Group now accounts for stripping costs as follows:
Stripping costs incurred during the production phase to remove additional overburden or waste are deferred when they give access to future economic benefits and charged to operating costs using the expected average stripping ratio over the average life of the area being mined. The average life of area stripping ratio is calculated as the number of tonnes of waste material expected to be removed during the life of area, per tonne of ore mined.
The area cost per tonne is calculated as the total costs incurred to mine the orebody divided by the number of tonnes mined during the period. The average life of area stripping ratio and the cost per tonne is recalculated annually in light of additional knowledge and changes in estimates. Changes in the stripping ratio are accounted for prospectively as a change in estimate.
The Group previously accounted for stripping costs as follows:
Post production mine stripping costs are expensed to profit or loss as incurred.
The result of the change in accounting policy had no material impact on the opening accumulated loss at 1 January 2007 and accordingly was not restated.
The result for the 6 months ended 30 June 2007 have been restated and the effect of the adjustment was to increase profit before tax by US$1.4 million, and income tax expense by US$0.4 million. Earnings per share increased accordingly by 1 cent to 16 cents per share.
The Directors do not intend recommending the declaration of a dividend. The Directors will reconsider the Company's dividend policy as the Company advances the development of its operations. The Directors envisage that, at such time, the Company's dividend policy will be determined based on, and dependent on, the results of the Group's operations, its financial condition, cash requirements, future prospects, profits available for distribution and other factors deemed to be relevant at the time.
(US$'000) |
30 June 20081 |
30 June 20071 |
31 December 20072 |
Income statement |
Current |
(9 885) |
(5 798) |
(15 802) |
- UK |
(80) |
- |
(3 891) |
- Overseas |
(9 805) |
(5 798) |
(11 911) |
Withholding tax |
(2 636) |
(770) |
(1 312) |
Deferred |
- Overseas |
3 478 |
(4 463) |
(10 827) |
(9 043) |
(11 031) |
(27 941) |
1 Unaudited
2 Audited
* Restated due to change in accounting policy
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Gem Diamonds Di