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Interim Results

27th Nov 2007 07:01

Vp PLC27 November 2007 Press Release 27 November 2007 Vp plc ("Vp" or "the Group") Interim Results Vp plc, the equipment rental specialist, today announces its Interim Results forthe six months ended 30 September 2007. • Profit before tax increased by 55% to £12.1m (2006: £7.8m)• Strong revenue growth of 24% to £76.0m ( 2006: £61.3m)• Significant margin improvement to 15.9% (2006: 12.7%)• Interim dividend increased by 24% to 2.80 pence per share• Capital investment almost doubled to £24m• Two successful acquisitions during the period and four acquisitions since period end Jeremy Pilkington, Chairman of Vp plc, commented: "I am delighted to be announcing what we believe to be an outstanding set ofresults for the period, followed by continued positive trading through theAutumn. We are satisfied with performance across all our businesses and areespecially pleased with Hire Station's achievement of its margin recovery a yearahead of schedule. Furthermore, we are confident that the strength and breadth of our business mixwill stand the Group in good stead for the rest of the year and beyond." - Ends - For further information please contact: Vp plcJeremy Pilkington, Chairman Tel: +44 (0) 1423 533 [email protected] Stothard, Group Managing Director Tel: +44 (0) 1423 533 [email protected] Holt, Group Finance Director Tel: +44 (0) 1423 533 [email protected] AbchurchSarah Hollins / Emma Johnson Tel: +44 (0) 20 7398 [email protected] CHAIRMAN'S STATEMENT I am very pleased to report a further period of excellent progress for theGroup. In the six months ended 30 September 2007, profit before tax grew by 55% to£12.1m on revenues ahead by 24% to £76.0m. Margins improved significantly to15.9% (2006: 12.7%) as did return on average capital employed, rising to 19.8%from 16.5% at 31 March 2007. Recognising the Group's continuing progress andthese outstanding results in particular, the Board is declaring an interimdividend of 2.80 pence per share, an increase of 24% payable on 4 January 2008to shareholders registered at 7 December 2007. These results have been delivered primarily through strong organic growthsupported by significant capital investment in a generally supportive tradingenvironment, both domestically and internationally. Capital investment in theperiod rose to £24m, almost double last year's level. This level of investmenthas been made whilst maintaining gearing at a modest 63%, only marginally aheadof this time last year, and importantly, whilst further improving the quality ofthe return on investment. Recent acquisitions have also made a usefulcontribution. We have seen strong performances from the water, house-building, constructionand remediation sectors, but weaker trading conditions in the rail sector. Thestrength of this overall result demonstrates the resilience the Group derivesfrom operating in a wide diversity of markets. Business Review Groundforce produced an outstanding result with all constituent businessesperforming well, including the recently established formwork rental business.Groundforce finally started to derive benefit from the AMP4 programme and demandfrom basement propping and large civil engineering schemes for the large bracingsystems was particularly strong. The depot in Ireland will be operationalshortly and, since the reporting date, Groundforce have acquired two Irishbusinesses engaged in shoring and pipe testing rental, for an aggregateconsideration of €0.8m. These businesses mirror the type of activities we offerto our UK customer base and their acquisition will significantly accelerate thedevelopment of our activities in Ireland. During the period, Survey Technologywas successful in being named Sokkia European Dealer of the Year against stronginternational competition and we are pleased that the progress this business hasachieved over the last two years has been recognised in this way. UK Forks had an exceptional period delivering a profit performance in six monthsin excess of that achieved for the whole of the previous financial year.Residential and general construction markets each account for approximately halfof UK Forks business and demand was buoyant from both sectors. Recovery ofmarket share in the critical South East territory has been an importantcontributing factor. UK Forks' unique product offering of a specialisttelehandler service on a national basis continues to offer economies of scale tothose customers who wish to take costs out of their supply chain. Performancewithin UK Forks was also aided by strong international demand for thetelehandlers which we have been disposing of as part of our planned fleetrenewal programme. As usual, we expect a less busy second half, including asit does the traditionally weak Christmas period, but we nevertheless anticipatea very satisfactory result for the year as a whole. Airpac Bukom produced a useful improvement in profitability. We have committedsignificant capital investment to this business to take advantage of theopportunities opened up to us by last year's acquisition of Bukom OilfieldServices and the underlying strength in the international oil and gas markets.The long manufacturers lead times associated with some of this highlyspecialised equipment means that the majority of deliveries will not be receiveduntil the second half of the year, thereby reducing their impact on this year'sresult, but giving us a firm base from which to start the next financial year.The business is heavily engaged in the well test market internationally and onrig maintenance activities in the North Sea but there remain significantopportunities for us in pipeline dewatering and other high pressure applicationswhich the new capital investment will better facilitate. The new satellites inWestern Australia, the Middle East and South America are coming on stream asplanned and will give us a much stronger network from which to service ourinternational customers. Torrent Trackside, along with other suppliers to the rail sector, hasexperienced difficult trading conditions and faced a number of challenges duringthe period. Network Rail conducted a review of its supply chain with a view torationalising the number of renewal contractors from six to four and thisinevitably disrupted the work flow during and after the review process. Also,in July 2007 the Metronet Consortium, one of two providers to London Undergroundwent into administration. Over the past two years Torrent has been verysuccessful in diversifying into the London Underground market where a verysignificant investment is being made in the maintenance and upgrade of track andplatforms. The subsequent interruption to project activity had an adverseimpact on Torrent's revenues and profitability in this important market. Thework remains to be carried out but it will inevitably be some time before normaltrading patterns are resumed. On the positive side, in October, Torrent acquired for a consideration of £1.2mthe rail portable plant assets of First Engineering, one of the successfulrenewal contractors, together with their premises in Glasgow. The acquisitionincludes a three year supply agreement which will enable us to work more closelywith First Engineering in the upgrading of the national rail infrastructure.Under the circumstances, Torrent has achieved a creditable performance, whilstcarefully managing investment and maintaining its ability to take advantage offuture prospects. TPA had a successful first half with strong demand from the summer eventsmarket. The MD40 roadway and fence system was launched during the period andits versatility has proven very popular with customers. TPA's German subsidiaryhad a very successful period from modest beginnings and work was also carriedout in Ireland and France. We had expected significant demand from themulti-billion pound upgrade to the National Grid transmission infrastructurethat was announced last year. Unfortunately, this programme has got off to aslow start and it will be next year before we see workloads from this sectorimproving. During the period, the barrier hire business has been reorganised toreduce its cost base and refocus it on a broader range of activities outside ofits traditional London market. TPA's business is highly seasonal and itsoutturn for the year will be very dependent upon how successful it is insecuring work over the much slower winter period. Hire Station has had a remarkable half year, with profits ahead of the previousyear's full year figure. Margins at Hire Station continue to improve and we arenow approaching, one year ahead of plan, our goal of matching industry bestmargins. MEP, acquired last year, has performed ahead of expectations and hasextended its distribution via the national tool branch network. Climate Hire,aided by the acquisition of Cool Customers in April has proved highlysuccessful. The summer period did not produce the usual demand for airconditioning equipment but the business was instead heavily engaged insupporting the flood remediation work. We expect Climate Hire's activity toreturn to a more normal trading pattern next year. In August Hire Stationacquired the Scottish operations of ET Hire, a three branch tool business incentral Scotland, significantly improving our distribution coverage in thisregion. Post the period end, Hire Station acquired Able Safety, a safetyequipment, rental and training business based in West Yorkshire. Thisacquisition is an excellent fit with our existing ESS Safeforce business intowhich it will be integrated to consolidate our market leadership position. Outlook We consider these to be an outstanding set of results and we are pleased to haveseen trading remain positive into the autumn. However, the inevitableuncertainties of the winter period lie ahead of us and we believe that the fullimpact of the liquidity problems in the financial markets has yet to be feltwithin the broader economy. Overall therefore, we remain optimistic about future prospects for the Group andconfident that the outcome for the full year will demonstrate continuingprogress. Jeremy PilkingtonChairman27 November 2007 Condensed Consolidated Income StatementFor the period ended 30 September 2007 Note Six months to 30 Six months to 30 Full year to Sep 2007 Sep 2006 31 Mar 2007 (unaudited) (unaudited) (audited) £000 £000 £000 Revenue 3 76,008 61,263 121,607 Cost of sales (50,448) (42,159) (84,897) Gross profit 25,560 19,104 36,710 Administrative expenses (12,125) (10,333) (20,459) Operating profit before other income 3 13,435 8,771 16,251 Other income - property profit - - 257 Operating profit 13,435 8,771 16,508 Financial income 132 58 125 Financial expenses (1,496) (1,034) (2,154) Profit before tax 12,071 7,795 14,479 Income tax expense 4 (2,865) (2,339) (3,998) Net profit for the period 9,206 5,456 10,481 Basic earnings per 5p ordinary share 8 21.57p 12.71 p 24.50 p Diluted earnings per 5p ordinary share 8 20.51p 12.16 p 23.34 p Dividend per share 9 2.80p 2.25 p 8.25p Dividends paid and proposed (£000) 1,199 954 3,520 Condensed Consolidated Statement of Recognised Income and ExpenseFor the period ended 30 September 2007 Six months to Six months to Full year to 30 Sep 2007 30 Sep 2006 31 Mar 2007 (unaudited) (unaudited) (audited) £000 £000 £000 Actuarial gains on defined benefit pension - - 411scheme Impact of change in tax rate on items taken (56) - -direct to equity Tax on items taken direct to equity - - (123) Effective portion of changes in fair value ofcash flow hedges (160) 130 366 Foreign exchange translation difference - - (1) Net (expense)/income recognised directly to (216) 130 653equity Profit for the period 9,206 5,456 10,481Total recognised income and expense for theperiod 8,990 5,586 11,134 Condensed Consolidated Balance SheetAt 30 September 2007 Note 30 Sep 2007 31 Mar 2007 30 Sep 2006 Restated (unaudited) (audited) (unaudited) £000 £000 £000Non-current assets Property, plant and equipment 5 89,585 76,797 69,592Intangible assets 6 37,125 35,909 34,122Total non-current assets 126,710 112,706 103,714 Current assets Inventories 4,938 4,814 3,372Trade and other receivables 39,193 30,112 29,735Cash and cash equivalents 6,746 6,662 4,979Assets classified as held for resale - - 217Total current assets 50,877 41,588 38,303 Total assets 177,587 154,294 142,017 Current liabilities Interest bearing loans and borrowings (15,866) (7,535) (3,073)Income tax payable (2,970) (1,500) (2,213)Trade and other payables (37,884) (31,698) (23,466)Total current liabilities (56,720) (40,733) (28,752) Non-current liabilities Interest bearing loans and borrowings (36,283) (35,677) (36,616)Employee benefits (1,886) (2,048) (2,734)Other payables (4,240) (4,240) (7,930)Deferred tax liabilities (6,526) (6,004) (4,944)Total non-current liabilities (48,935) (47,969) (52,224) Total liabilities (105,655) (88,702) (80,976) Net assets 71,932 65,592 61,041 Equity Issued capital 2,309 2,309 2,309Share premium 16,192 16,192 16,192Hedging reserve 117 277 41Retained earnings 53,287 46,787 42,472Total equity attributable to equity 71,905 65,565 61,014holders of parent Minority interest 27 27 27 Total equity 7 71,932 65,592 61,041 Condensed Consolidated Statement of Cash FlowsFor the period ended 30 September 2007 Note Six months to Six months to Full year to 30 Sep 2007 30 Sep 2006 31 Mar 2007 (unaudited) (unaudited) (audited) £000 £000 £000 Cash flows from operating activities Profit before taxation 12,071 7,795 14,479Adjustment for: Pension fund contributions in excess of servicecost (222) (160) (435)Share based payment charges 498 497 1,000 Depreciation 5 8,546 6,899 14,093 Amortisation of intangibles 12 12 25 Net interest expense 1,364 976 2,029 Profit on sale of property, plant and equipment (1,731) (1,131) (3,307) Operating cash flow before changes in working 20,538 14,888 27,884capital and provisions Decrease/(increase) in inventories 55 (253) (1,458) Increase in trade and other receivables (8,761) (1,662) (1,131) Increase in trade and other payables 5,463 1,708 4,599 Cash generated from operations 17,295 14,681 29,894 Interest paid (1,397) (522) (1,930)Interest element of finance lease rental (77) (91) (155)paymentsInterest received 132 58 125Income tax paid (1,051) (894) (2,890)Net cash from operating activities 14,902 13,232 25,044 Investing activities Proceeds from sale of property, plant and 4,583 3,267 8,966equipmentPurchase of property, plant and equipment (25,758) (15,052) (26,746)Acquisition of businesses and subsidiaries (net 6 (1,889) (91) (4,375)of cash and overdrafts)Net cash from investing activities (23,064) (11,876) (22,155) Cash flows from financing activities Purchase of own shares by Employee Trust (691) (3,434) (3,671)Repayment of borrowings - - (156)Repayment of loan notes (70) (941) (941)New loans 4,500 3,000 7,000New finance lease 28 - -Payment of hire purchase and finance lease (521) (580) (1,105)liabilitiesDividends paid 9 - - (2,932)Net cash from financing activities 3,246 (1,955) (1,805) Net (decrease)/increase in cash and cashequivalents (4,916) (599) 1,084Cash and cash equivalents at beginning ofperiod 6,662 5,578 5,578Cash and cash equivalents at end of period 1,746 4,979 6,662 Notes to the Condensed Financial Statements 1. Basis of Preparation Vp plc (the "Company") is a company domiciled in the United Kingdom. TheCondensed Consolidated Interim Financial Statements of the Company for the halfyear ended 30 September 2007 comprise the Company and its subsidiaries (togetherreferred to as the "Group"). This interim announcement has been prepared in accordance with the Disclosureand Transparency Rules of the UK Financial Services Authority and therequirements of IAS34 ("Interim Financial Reporting") as adopted by the EU. Theaccounting policies applied are consistent for all periods presented and are inline with those applied in the annual financial statements for the year ended 31March 2007 which were prepared in accordance with International FinancialReporting Standards ("IFRS") as adopted by the EU. The financial statements for the year ending 31 March 2008 will be impacted byIFRS 7 Financial Instruments: Disclosure and the Amendment to IAS 1 Presentationof Financial Instruments - Capital Disclosures which will increase the amount ofdisclosure in the full financial statements. The net income and net assets willnot be affected by these two new standards. The interim announcement was approved by the Board of Directors on 26 November2007. The Condensed Consolidated Interim Financial Statements do not include all theinformation required for full annual Financial Statements. The comparative figures for the financial year ended 31 March 2007 are extractedfrom the Company's statutory accounts for that financial year. Those accountshave been reported on by the Company's auditors and delivered to the Registrarof Companies. The report of the auditors was (i) unqualified, (ii) did notinclude a reference to any matters to which the auditors drew attention by wayof emphasis without qualifying their report, and (iii) did not contain astatement under section 237(2) or (3) of the Companies Act 1985. The preparation of financial statements in conformity with IFRS requiresmanagement to make judgements, estimates and assumptions that affect theapplication of policies and reported amounts of assets and liabilities, incomeand expenses. The estimates and associated assumptions are based on historicalexperience and various other factors that are believed to be reasonable underthe circumstances; these form the basis of the judgements relating to carryingvalues of assets and liabilities that are not readily apparent from othersources. Actual results may differ from these estimates. The estimates and underlying assumptions are reviewed on an ongoing basis.Revisions to accounting estimates are recognised in the period in which theestimate is revised if the revision affects only that period, or in the periodof the revision and future periods if the revision affects both current andfuture periods. The Balance Sheet comparatives disclosed for the six month period ended 30September 2006 have been restated to reflect refinements to the completionaccounts for acquisitions in the 12 months following acquisition. The impactsof the restatement were an increase in the deferred tax liability of £210,000, anet decrease in current assets and liabilities of £72,000, an increase in fixedassets of £8,000 and an increase in goodwill of £274,000. 2. Risks and Uncertainties The risks and uncertainties for the Group have not changed from those disclosedin the last statutory accounts. In particular the Group comprises sixbusinesses serving different markets and manages the risks inherent to theseactivities. The key external risks include general economic conditions,competitor actions, the effect of legislation, credit risk and businesscontinuity. Internal risks relate mainly to investment and controls failurerisk. The Group seeks to mitigate exposure to all forms of risk wherepracticable and to transfer risk to insurers where cost effective. Thediversified nature of the Group limits the exposure to external risks withinparticular markets. Exposure to credit risk in relation to customers, banks andinsurers is managed through credit control practices. Business continuity plansexist for key operations and accounting centres. The Group is an activeacquirer and acquisitions may involve risks that might materially affect theGroup performance. These risks are mitigated by extensive due diligence andappropriate warranties and indemnities from the vendors. 3. Summarised Segmental Analysis Revenue Operating Profit Sept 2007 Sept 2006 External Internal Total External Internal Total 2007 2006 Revenue Revenue Revenue Revenue Revenue Revenue £000 £000 £000 £000 £000 £000 £000 £000Groundforce 17,260 - 17,260 13,010 - 13,010 4,551 2,752UK Forks 8,098 320 8,418 6,930 180 7,110 1,929 667Airpac Bukom 6,075 - 6,075 4,998 - 4,998 1,358 1,248Hire Station 29,340 240 29,580 22,121 150 22,271 3,449 1,353Torrent 6,519 - 6,519 6,566 - 6,566 366 910TracksideTPA 8,716 - 8,716 7,638 - 7,638 1,782 1,841 76,008 560 76,568 61,263 330 61,593 13,435 8,771 4. Income Tax The effective tax rate of 23.7% in the period to 30 September 2007 (30 September2006: 30%) is made up of two elements. Firstly, an estimated underlying taxrate of 27.9% for the full year to 31 March 2008 and secondly a release of £0.5m(4.2%) from the opening deferred tax balance as a result of the change in thefuture UK corporation tax rate from 30% to 28% with effect from next financialyear. 5. Property, Plant and Equipment 2007 2006 £000 £000Carrying amount 1 April 76,797 66,041Additions 23,530 12,803Acquisitions 656 -Depreciation (8,546) (6,899)Disposals (2,852) (2,136)Transfer to assets held for resale - (217)Carrying amount 30 September 89,585 69,592 The value of capital commitments at 30 September 2007 was £13,186,000 (31 March2007: £12,465,000). 6. Acquisitions The Group acquired the following businesses in the period to 30 September 2007.The acquisitions were made by its subsidiary Hire Station Limited. Name of acquisition Date of Type of acquisition Principle activity acquisitionL&P 52 Limited (Cool Customers) 17 April 2007 Share purchase (100% equity) Hire and sale of cooling equipmentScottish branches of ET Hire 6 August 2007 Business and assets Hire and sale of small tools None of the acquisitions in the current period were individually material inGroup terms and hence the details are provided in aggregate below: £000Property, plant and equipment 656Current assets 339Cash 257Tax, trade and other payables (334)Book value and fair value of assets acquired 918 Goodwill on acquisition 1,228Cost of acquisitions 2,146 Satisfied byCash consideration 2,100Acquisition costs 46 2,146 Analysis of cash flow for acquisitionsConsideration 2,100Acquisition costs 46Cash included in acquisitions (257) 1,889 Certain of the fair values included above are provisional due to the timing ofacquisitions and will be finalised within 12 months of the acquisition date. As a result of the immediate integration of the acquisitions into Hire Station'sbusiness, including the transfer of assets between branches, it is not possibleto accurately disclose separately the trading performance of the acquisitions inthe Income Statement. For the same reason it is not possible to disclose whatthe revenue or profit for the combined entity would have been had all businesscombinations effected in the period occurred on 1 April 2007. Goodwill on acquisitions relates to the relationships, skills and inherentmarket knowledge of employees within the acquired businesses together with thesynergistic benefits within the enlarged businesses post acquisition,principally through economies of scale and improved business processes andmanagement. These are critical to the ongoing success of any specialisedequipment rental business, together with the availability of the rightequipment. 7. Statement of Changes in Equity Six months to Six months to Full year to 30 Sep 2007 30 Sep 2006 31 Mar 2007 £000 £000 £000 Total recognised income and expense for the 8,990 5,586 11,134period Impact of change in tax rate on items taken (51) - -directly to equity Tax movements to equity - - (22) Share option charge in the period 498 497 1,000 Gains/(losses) on disposal of shares 160 47 (240) Net movement in shares held by Vp Employee (691) (3,434) (3,671)Trust at cost Dividends to shareholders (2,566) (1,978) (2,932) Change in equity during the period 6,340 718 5,269 Equity at the start of the period 65,592 60,323 60,323Equity at the end of the period 71,932 61,041 65,592 Included in the above changes are a reduction of £160,000 (September 2006:£130,000 increase, March 2007: £366,000 increase) in the Hedging Reserve. Therewere no changes in Issued Share Capital or Share Premium. 8. Earnings Per Share Earnings per share have been calculated on 42,684,615 shares (2006: 42,934,732)being the weighted average number of shares in issue during the period. Dilutedearnings per share have been calculated on 44,886,741 shares (2006: 44,869,566)adjusted to reflect conversion of all potentially dilutive ordinary shares. 9. Dividends The Directors have declared an interim dividend of 2.80 pence (2006: 2.25 pence)per share payable on 4 January 2008 to shareholders on the register at 7December 2007. The dividend proposed at the year end was subsequently approvedat the AGM in September and therefore accrued, but was not paid in the period(2006 paid: nil). The cost of dividends in the Statement of Changes in Equityis after adjustments for the interim and final dividends waived by the VpEmployee Trust in relation to the shares it holds for the Group's share optionschemes. 10. Analysis of Net Debt As at Cash As at 1 Apr 07 Flow 30 Sep 07 £000 £000 £000 Cash in hand and at bank less overdrafts 6,662 (4,916) 1,746 Revolving credit facilities (40,500) (4,500) (45,000) Loan notes (70) 70 - Finance leases and hire purchases (2,642) 493 (2,149) (36,550) (8,853) (45,403) The movement in revolving credit facilities is a further draw down from theexisting facilities. 11. Subsequent Events Since the half year the Group has made four acquisitions totalling £2.5m. InOctober the rail portable assets of First Engineering together with theirpremises in Glasgow were acquired by Torrent Trackside Limited for aconsideration of £1.2m. In November, the Company acquired two Irish businessesengaged in shoring and pipe testing rental, for a consideration of €0.8m andHire Station Limited acquired Able Safety (Yorkshire) Limited, a safetyequipment rental and training business based in West Yorkshire for £0.75m. Responsibility statement of the directors in respect of the half-yearlyfinancial report We confirm that to the best of our knowledge: • the condensed set of financial statements has been prepared in accordance withIAS 34 Interim Financial Reporting as adopted by the EU • the interim management report includes a fair review of the informationrequired by: (a) DTR 4.2.7R of the Disclosure and Transparency Rules, being an indication ofimportant events that have occurred during the first six months of the financialyear and their impact on the condensed set of financial statements; and adescription of the principal risks and uncertainties for the remaining sixmonths of the year; and (b) DTR 4.2.8R of the Disclosure and Transparency Rules, being related partytransactions that have taken place in the first six months of the currentfinancial year and that have materially affected the financial position orperformance of the entity during that period; and any changes in the relatedparty transactions described in the last annual report that could do so. By order of the Board27 November 2007 The Board The Board of Directors who served during the 6 months to 30 September 2007 isunchanged from that set out on page 16 of the Annual Report and FinancialStatements 2007. Independent Review Report to Vp plc We have been engaged by the Company to review the condensed set of FinancialStatements in the half-yearly financial report for the six months ended 30September 2007 which comprises the Condensed Consolidated Income Statement,Condensed Consolidated Balance Sheet, Condensed Consolidated Statement of CashFlows, Condensed Consolidated Statement of Recognised Income and Expense and therelated explanatory notes. We have read the other information contained in thehalf-yearly financial report and considered whether it contains any apparentmisstatements or material inconsistencies with the information in the condensedset of financial statements. This report is made solely to the company in accordance with the terms of ourengagement to assist the company in meeting the requirements of the Disclosureand Transparency Rules ("the DTR") of the UK's Financial Services Authority("the UK FSA"). Our review has been undertaken so that we might state to theCompany those matters we are required to state to it in this report and for noother purpose. To the fullest extent permitted by law, we do not accept orassume responsibility to anyone other than the company for our review work, forthis report, or for the conclusions we have reached. Directors' responsibilities The half-yearly financial report is the responsibility of, and has beenapproved by, the directors. The directors are responsible for preparing thehalf-yearly financial report in accordance with the DTR of the UK FSA. As disclosed in note 1, the annual Financial Statements of the Group areprepared in accordance with IFRSs as adopted by the EU. The condensed set ofFinancial Statements included in this half-yearly financial report has beenprepared in accordance with IAS 34 Interim Financial Reporting as adopted by theEU. Our responsibility Our responsibility is to express to the Company a conclusion on the condensedset of Financial Statements in the half-yearly financial report based on ourreview. Scope of review We conducted our review in accordance with International Standard on ReviewEngagements (UK and Ireland) 2410 Review of Interim Financial InformationPerformed by the Independent Auditor of the Entity issued by the AuditingPractices Board for use in the UK. A review of interim financial informationconsists of making enquiries, primarily of persons responsible for financial andaccounting matters, and applying analytical and other review procedures. Areview is substantially less in scope than an audit conducted in accordance withInternational Standards on Auditing (UK and Ireland) and consequently does notenable us to obtain assurance that we would become aware of all significantmatters that might be identified in an audit. Accordingly, we do not express anaudit opinion. Conclusion Based on our review, nothing has come to our attention that causes us tobelieve that the condensed set of Financial Statements in the half-yearlyfinancial report for the six months ended 30 September 2007 is not prepared, inall material respects, in accordance with IAS 34 as adopted by the EU and theDTR of the UK FSA. KPMG Audit PlcChartered Accountants Leeds27 November 2007 This information is provided by RNS The company news service from the London Stock Exchange

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