14th Jul 2010 07:00
14 July 2010
Topps Tiles Plc
The UK's largest tile and wood flooring specialist
Interim Management Statement
Topps Tiles Plc (the "Company"), the UK's largest tile and wood flooring specialist, reports on trading for the 13 weeks ended 3rd July 2010.
At the half year results announced on 2nd June 2010, we reported that for the first seven weeks trading of our third financial quarter overall Group revenues declined 5.1%, with like-for-like revenues declining by 4.3%.
Trading during the remainder of the quarter has, however, demonstrated an improving trend with overall revenue across the 13 weeks now having declined by 2.5% (2009: down 8.9%) and like-for-like revenue declined by 1.2% (2009: down 10.9%).
In the UK, we are trading from a total of 310 stores, having opened 8 new stores, and closed or relocated 7 this financial year.
There have been no significant unexpected changes in the financial position of the Group since the publication of the Interim Report for the half year ended 3 April 2010.
Emma Kent / Duncan Mayall
Pelham Bell Pottinger 020 7861 3232
Matthew Williams, Chief Executive Officer
Rob Parker, Finance Director 0161 486 2400
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