25th Sep 2008 18:23
Notifiable Share Interest in Addex Pharmaceuticals Limited
GlaxoSmithKline plc (GSK) announces that on 25 September 2008 SR One, Limited, a wholly owned US-registered subsidiary of GSK, increased to 3.0% its interest in the issued common share capital of Addex Pharmaceuticals Limited (“Addex”), a biopharmaceuticals company located in Switzerland and whose shares are traded on the SWX Swiss Exchange. GSK’s interest, which is held entirely by SR One, Limited, now comprises 175,951 common shares of Addex.
This increased interest became disclosable under the rules of the SWX Swiss Exchange upon reaching 3% of the issued share capital of Addex, and an announcement regarding this increased holding is therefore due to be made to the SWX Swiss Exchange on 25 September 2008. The additional 6,820 common shares in Addex, which increased GSK’s interest above the 3% disclosable threshold and to its present holding, were acquired in the market for cash at a price of CHF 49.2807 per share.
Simon BicknellCompany Secretary
25 September 2008
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