9th Jul 2007 09:33
Babcock International Group PLC09 July 2007 FORM 8.1 DEALINGS BY OFFERORS, OFFEREE COMPANIES OR THEIR ASSOCIATES FOR THEMSELVES OR FOR DISCRETIONARY CLIENTS (Rules 8.1(a) and (b)(i) of the Takeover Code) 1. KEY INFORMATION Name of person dealing (Note 1) Babcock International Group PLCCompany dealt in International Nuclear Solutions PLCClass of relevant security to which the Ordinary shares of 1pdealings being disclosed relate (Note 2) Date of dealing 06 July 2007 2. INTERESTS, SHORT POSITIONS AND RIGHTS TO SUBSCRIBE (a) Interests and short positions (following dealing) in the class ofrelevant security dealt in (Note 3) Long Short Number Number (%) (%) (1) Relevant securities 27,954,131 (44.8%) (2) Derivatives (other than options) (3) Options and agreements to purchase/sell Total 27,954,131 (44.8%) (b) Interests and short positions in relevant securities of the company,other than the class dealt in (Note 3) Class of relevant security: Long Short Number Number (%) (%) (1) Relevant securities (2) Derivatives (other than options) (3) Options and agreements to purchase/sell Total (c) Rights to subscribe (Note 3) Class of relevant security: Details 3. DEALINGS (Note 4) (a) Purchases and sales Purchase/sale Number of securities Price per unit (Note 5) Purchase 347,076 (0.6%) 63p (b) Derivatives transactions (other than options) Product name, Long/short (Note 6) Number of securities (Note 7) Price per unit (Note 5) e.g. CFD (c) Options transactions in respect of existing securities (i) Writing, selling, purchasing or varying Product name, Writing, selling, Number of securities Exercise Type, e.g. Expiry Option money purchasing, to which the option American,e.g. call option varying etc. relates (Note 7) price European etc. date paid/received per unit (Note 5) (ii) Exercising Product name, e.g. call option Number of securities Exercise price per unit (Note 5) (d) Other dealings (including new securities) (Note 4) Nature of transaction (Note 8) Details Price per unit (if applicable) (Note 5) 4. OTHER INFORMATION Agreements, arrangements or understandings relating to options or derivatives Full details of any agreement, arrangement or understanding between the person disclosing and any other person relatingto the voting rights of any relevant securities under any option referred to on this form or relating to the votingrights or future acquisition or disposal of any relevant securities to which any derivative referred to on this form isreferenced. If none, this should be stated. Is a Supplemental Form 8 attached? (Note 9) NO Date of disclosure 9 July 2007 Contact name Albert Dungate Telephone number 020 7291 5000 Name of offeree/offeror with which associated Babcock International Group PLCSpecify category and nature of associate status (Note 10) Company Secretary to Babcock International Group PLC Notes The Notes on Form 8.1 can be viewed on the Takeover Panel's website atwww.thetakeoverpanel.org.uk This information is provided by RNS The company news service from the London Stock ExchangeRelated Shares: