8th Dec 2016 14:00
W.H. Ireland Group PLC (WHI)Holding(s) in Company 08-Dec-2016 / 15:00 GMT/BSTDissemination of a Regulatory Announcement, transmitted by EQS Group.The issuer is solely responsible for the content of this announcement. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- TR-1: NOTIFICATION OF MAJOR INTEREST IN SHARESi 1. Identity of the issuer or the underlying WH Ireland Group PLCissuerof existing shares to which voting rights areattached: ii2 Reason for the notification (please tick the appropriate box or boxes):An acquisition or disposal of voting rights XAn acquisition or disposal of qualifying financial instruments whichmay result in the acquisition of shares already issued to which votingrights are attachedAn acquisition or disposal of instruments with similar economic effectto qualifying financial instrumentsAn event changing the breakdown of voting rightsOther (please specify):3. Full name of person(s) Polygon Global Partners LLPsubject to the Reade Eugene Griffithnotification obligation: iii4. Full name of N/Ashareholder(s)(if different from 3.):iv5. Date of the transaction 6 December 2016and date onwhich the threshold iscrossed orreached: v6. Date on which issuer 7 December 2016notified:7. Threshold(s) that is/are 23%crossed orreached: vi, vii 8. Notified details:A: Voting rights attached to shares viii, ixClass/type Situation previous Resulting situation after theof to the triggering triggering transactionshares transaction Number Number Numb- Number of % of votingif possible of of er voting rights xusing Shares Voting of rightsthe ISIN Rights shar-CODE es Dire- Dire- Indir- Direct Indi- ct ct xi ect rect xiiCommon Stock 5,740,634 6,393, 23.25(GB000924188 126 8%5) B: Qualifying Financial InstrumentsResulting situation after the triggering transactionType of financial Expirat- Exercise/ Number of % ofinstrument ion Conversion voting voting date Period xiv rights that may rights xiii be acquired if the instrument is exercised/ converted. C: Financial Instruments with similar economic effect to QualifyingFinancial Instruments xv, xviResulting situation after the triggering transactionType of Exerci- Expir- Exercise/ Number of voting % of votingfinancial se ation Conversi- rights rights xix,instrument price date on period instrument xx xvii xviii refers to Total (A+B+C)Number of voting rights Percentage of voting rights6,393,126 23.258% 9. Chain of controlled undertakings through which the voting rights and/orthefinancial instruments are effectively held, if applicable: xxiReade Griffith holds a majority of the voting rights in Polygon GlobalPartners LLP. Consequently, Polygon Global Partners LLP is a 'controlledundertaking' in relation to Mr. Griffith. Proxy Voting:10. Name of the proxy holder: N/A11. Number of voting rights proxy holder will cease N/Ato hold:12. Date on which proxy holder will cease to hold N/Avoting rights: 13. Additional information: Polygon Global Partners LLP is the investment manager to a fund, Polygon European Equity Opportunity Master Fund, and a separate managed account that, between them, hold the positions referred to in this notification.14. Contact name: Katharine Ostrow15. Contact telephone number: +44 020 7901 8331 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Language: English ISIN: GB0009241885 Category Code: HOL TIDM: WHI Sequence Number: 3664 Time of Receipt: 08-Dec-2016 / 15:00 GMT/BST End of Announcement EQS News Service --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 527949 08-Dec-2016UK-Regulatory-announcement transmitted by DGAP - a service of EQS Group AG.The issuer is solely responsible for the content of this announcement.
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