8th Nov 2005 10:44
Findel PLC8 November 2005DEALINGS BY SUBSTANTIAL SHAREHOLDERS1) Name of CompanyFINDEL PLC2) Name of Shareholder having a substantial interestBARCLAYS PLC3) Please state whether notification indicates that it is inrespect of holding of the Shareholder named in 2 above or inrespect of a non-beneficial interest or in the case of anindividual holder if it is a holding of that person's spouse orchildren under the age of 18SHAREHOLDER IN 2 ABOVE AS SHOWN IN LIST BELOW4) Name of the registered holder(s) and, if more than one holder,the number of shares held by each of themLEGAL ENTITY HOLDING PERCENTAGE HELDBARCLAYS GLOBAL INVESTORS, N.A. 153,552 .1809BARCLAYS CAPITAL SECURITIES LTD 103,489 .1219BARCLAYS PRIVATE BANK AND TRUST LTD 7,250 .0085BARLCAYS LIFE ASSURANCE CO LTD 102,473 .1207BARLCAYS GLOBAL INVESTORS LTD 2,972,745 3.5023GERRARD LTD 50,467 .0595BARCLAYS BANK TRUST COMPANY LTD 7,307 .0086 3,397.283 4.0024REGISTERED HOLDER ACOUNT DESIGNATION HOLDINGBARCLAYS CAPITAL NOMINEES LIMI 103,489BARCLAYS TRUST CO & OTHERS 2,460BARCLAYS TRUST CO AS EXEC/ADM 2,347BARCLAYS TRUST CO R69 2,500BNP PARIBAS 2,898BOISS NOMINEES LTD 4224361 34,833CHASE NOMINEES LTD 16376 42,115CHASE NOMINEES LTD 20947 1,818,845CHASE NOMINEES LTD 28270 33,753CIBC MELLON GLOBAL SECURITIES 1,712INVESTORS BANK AND TRUST CO. 86,224INVESTORS BANK AND TRUST CO. 2,613INVESTORS BANK AND TRUST CO. 33,010JP MORGAN (BGI CUSTODY) 16331 25,124JP MORGAN (BGI CUSTODY) 16341 43,596JP MORGAN (BGI CUSTODY) 16400 615,744JP MORGAN (BGI CUSTODY) 16482 409,371JP MORGAN (BGI CUSTODY) 18409 51,837MELLON TRUST - US CUSTODIAN / 4,120MELLON TRUST OF NEW ENGLAND 5,021NORTHERN TRUST BANK - BGI SEPA 1,313NORTHERN TRUST BANK - BGI SEPA 6,385NORTHERN TRUST BANK - BGI SEPA 5,552R C GRIEG NOMINEES LIMITED RC1 7,912R C GRIEG NOMINEES LIMITED A/C AK1 33,660R C GRIEG NOMINEES LIMITED A/C BL1 5,405R C GRIEG NOMINEES LIMITED A/C CM1 3,490REFLEX NOMINEES LIMITED 7,250STATE STREET TRUST OF CANADA - 1,956THE NORTHERN TRUST COMPANY - U 2,748 TOTAL 3,397,2835) Number of shares/amount of stock acquired2,1206) Percentage of issued Class0.0027) Number of shares/amount of stock disposed8) Percentage of issued Class9) Class of securityORDINARY 5p SHARES10)Date of transactionNOT KNOWN11)Date company informed8.11.200512)Total holding following this notification3,397,28313)Total percentage holding of issued class following thisnotification4.00214)Any additional information15)Name of contact and telephone number for queriesI.J. BOLTON01943 86468616)Name and signature of authorised company official responsible formaking this notificationI.J. BOLTONCOMPANY SECRETARYDate of Notification 8.11.2005ENDFINDEL PLCRelated Shares: