20th Apr 2007 07:00
Ashmore Group PLC20 April 2007 TR-1(i): Notification of major interests in shares 1. Identity of the issuer or theunderlying issuer of existing ASHMORE GROUP PLCshares to which voting rights areattached(ii): 2. Reason for the notification (please tick the appropriate boxor boxes) ( ) An acquisition or disposal of voting rights ( ) An acquisition or disposal of financial instruments which mayresult in the acquisition ofshares already issued to whichvoting rights are attached ( ) An event changing the breakdown of voting rights ( ) Other (please specify): First notification under the TransparencyDirective rules ( X ) 3. Full name of person(s) subject Mark Langhorn Coombsto the notification obligation(iii): 4. Full name of shareholder(s) HSBC Global Custody Nominee (UK) Limited(if different from 3.)(iv): 5. Date of the transaction (and date on which the threshold iscrossed or reached if different)(v): N/A 6. Date on which issuer notified: 20th March 2007 7. Threshold(s) that is/are crossed or reached: N/A 8. Notified details: A: Voting rights attached to sharesClass/type of Situation previous to the Resulting situation after the triggering transaction(vii)shares Triggering transaction (vi) Number of Number of Number of Number of voting rights % of voting rights if possible Shares Voting Rights shares ixusing the ISIN viii Direct Direct x Indirect Direct IndirectCODE xi ISIN:GB00B132NW22 303,324,200 303,324,200 303,324,200 303,324,200 42.79% B: Financial InstrumentsResulting situation after the triggering transaction xiiType of financial Expiration date Exercise/ Conversion Number of voting rights % of votinginstrument xiii Period/ Date xiv that may be acquired if rights the instrument is exercised/ converted. N/A Total (A+B)Number of voting rights % of voting rights 303,324,200 42.79% 9. Chain of controlled undertakings through which the voting rights and/or the financial instruments are effectively held, if applicable xv: N/A Proxy Voting: 10. Name of the proxy holder: N/A 11. Number of voting rights proxy holder will cease to hold: N/A 12. Date on which proxy holder will cease to hold voting rights: N/A 13. Additional information: Notification using total voting rights figure of 708,925,000 14. Contact name: Mark Grimwood 15. Contact telephone number: 020 7557 4123 Annex Notification Of Major Interests In Shares xvi A: Identity of the person or legal entity subject to the notification obligation Full name (including legal form for legal entities) Mark Langhorn Coombs Contact address (registered office for legal entities) 20 Bedfordbury, London WC2N 4BL Phone number 020 7557 4100 Other useful information (at least legal representative N/Afor legal persons) B: Identity of the notifier, if applicable xviiFull name N/A Contact address N/A Phone number N/A Other useful information (e.g. functional relationship with the person or legal entity subject to thenotification obligation) N/A C: Additional informationN/A Notes -------------------------- (i) This form is to be sent to the issuer or underlying issuer andto be filed with the competent authority. (ii) Either the full name of the legal entity or another methodfor identifying the issuer or underlying issuer, provided it is reliable andaccurate. (iii) This should be the full name of (a) the shareholder; (b) theperson acquiring, disposing of or exercising voting rights in the cases providedfor in DTR5.2.1 (b) to (h); (c) all the parties to the agreement referred to inDTR5.2.1 (a), or (d) the direct or indirect holder of financial instrumentsentitled to acquire shares already issued to which voting rights are attached,as appropriate. In relation to the transactions referred to in points DTR5.2.1 (b) to (h), thefollowing list is provided as indication of the persons who should be mentioned: - in the circumstances foreseen in DTR5.2.1 (b), the person thatacquires the voting rights and is entitled to exercise them under the agreementand the natural person or legal entity who is transferring temporarily forconsideration the voting rights; - in the circumstances foreseen in DTR 5.2.1 (c), the personholding the collateral, provided the person or entity controls the voting rightsand declares its intention of exercising them, and person lodging the collateralunder these conditions; - in the circumstances foreseen in DTR5.2.1(d), the person who hasa life interest in shares if that person is entitled to exercise the votingrights attached to the shares and the person who is disposing of the votingrights when the life interest is created; - in the circumstances foreseen in DTR5.2.1 (e), the parentundertaking and, provided it has a notification duty at an individual levelunder DTR 5.1, under DTR5.2.1 (a) to (d) or under a combination of any of thosesituations, the controlled undertaking; - in the circumstances foreseen in DTR5.2.1 (f), the deposit takerof the shares, if he can exercise the voting rights attached to the sharesdeposited with him at his discretion, and the depositor of the shares allowingthe deposit taker to exercise the voting rights at his discretion; - in the circumstances foreseen in DTR5.2.1 (g), the person thatcontrols the voting rights; - in the circumstances foreseen in DTR5.2.1 (h), the proxy holder,if he can exercise the voting rights at his discretion, and the shareholder whohas given his proxy to the proxy holder allowing the latter to exercise thevoting rights at his discretion. (iv) Applicable in the cases provided for in DTR 5.2.1 (b) to (h).This should be the full name of the shareholder or holder of financialinstruments who is the counterparty to the natural person or legal entityreferred to in DTR5.2. (v) The date of the transaction should normally be, in the case ofan on exchange transaction, the date on which the matching of orders occurs; inthe case of an off exchange transaction, date of the entering into an agreement. The date on which threshold is crossed should normally be the date on which theacquisition, disposal or possibility to exercise voting rights takes effect (seeDTR 5.1.1R (3)). For passive crossings, the date when the corporate event tookeffect. These dates will usually be the same unless the transaction is subject to acondition beyond the control of the parties. (vi) Please refer to the situation disclosed in the previousnotification, In case the situation previous to the triggering transaction wasbelow 3%, please state 'below 3%'. vii If the holding has fallen below the minimum threshold , the notifying partyshould not be obliged to disclose the extent of the holding, only that the newholding is less than 3%. For the case provided for in DTR5.2.1(a), there should be no disclosure ofindividual holdings per party to the agreement unless a party individuallycrosses or reaches an Article 9 threshold. This applies upon entering into,introducing changes to or terminating an agreement. viii Direct and indirect ix In case of combined holdings of shares with voting rightsattached 'direct holding' and voting rights 'indirect holdings', please splitthe voting rights number and percentage into the direct and indirect columns-ifthere is no combined holdings, please leave the relevant box blank. X Voting rights attached to shares in respect of which thenotifying party is a direct shareholder (DTR 5.1) xi Voting rights held by the notifying party as an indirectshareholder (DTR 5.2.1) xii If the holding has fallen below the minimum threshold, thenotifying party should not be obliged to disclose the extent of the holding,only that the new holding is below 3%. xiii date of maturity / expiration of the finical instrument i.e.the date when the right to acquire shares ends. xiv If the financial instrument has such a period-pleasespecify the period- for example once every three months starting from the (date) xv The notification should include the name(s) of the controlledundertakings through which the voting rights are held. The notification shouldalso include the amount of voting rights and the percentage held by eachcontrolled undertaking, insofar as individually the controlled undertaking holds3% or more, and insofar as the notification by the parent undertaking isintended to cover the notification obligations of the controlled undertaking. xvi This annex is only to be filed with the competent authority. xvii Whenever another person makes the notification on behalf of theshareholder or the natural person/legal entity referred to in DTR5.2 andDTR5.3. This information is provided by RNS The company news service from the London Stock ExchangeRelated Shares: