27th Feb 2015 15:00
PR Newswire
London, February 27
London Finance & Investment Group P.L.C. Interim Results Lonfin (LSE: LFI, JSE: LNF) today announces its unaudited interim results forthe six months ended 31st December 2014 and dividend declaration Introduction As an investment company our target is to achieve growth in shareholder valuein real terms over the medium to long term. In the short term our results canbe influenced by overall stock market performance, particularly the valuationof our Strategic Investments. We continue to believe that a combination ofStrategic Investments and a General Portfolio is the most effective way ofachieving our aims. Strategic Investments are significant investments insmaller UK quoted companies where we have expectations of above average growthover the medium to longer term and these are balanced by a General Portfoliowhich consists of investments in major U.S., U.K. and European equities. At 31st December 2014, we held two Strategic Investments in which we have boardrepresentation: our associated company Western Selection P.L.C. and FinsburyFood Group plc. Detailed comments on our Strategic Investments are given below. Results Our net assets per share increased 6.9% to 47.8p at 31st December 2014 from44.7p at 30th June 2014. Our Strategic Investments, adjusting for theadditional investment in Finsbury Foods, increased in value by 13.4% during theperiod, reflecting a strong performance in both Western's and Finsbury Food'sshare prices. Our General Portfolio increased by 1%, compared with decreases of2.6% in the FTSE 100 index, and 0.2% in the FTSEurofirst 300 Index over thehalf year. At the close of business on 26th February 2015, our net asset valuewas 49.9p per share. The Group profit before tax for the half year was £1,017,000 compared to aprofit of £385,000 for the same period last year, which reflects the unrealisedprofit arising from the strong performances in the Strategic Investments. Ourprofit after tax and minority interest was £810,000 (2013 - profit: £355,000)giving profits per share of 2.6p (2013 - 1.1p). Strategic Investments Western Selection P.L.C. ("Western") The Group owns 7,860,515 Western shares, representing 43.8% of Western's issuedshare capital. On 26th February 2014, Western announced a profit after tax of £336,000 for itshalf year to 31st December 2014 and a profit per share of 1.2p (2013: profit1.9p). Western's net assets at market value were £16,647,000 equivalent to 93pper share, a decrease of 9% from 102p at 30th June 2014. Western has announcedan interim dividend of 1.05p per share (prior year: 0.95p). The market value of the Company's investment in Western at 31st December 2014was £4,559,000 representing 31% of the net assets of Lonfin. The underlyingvalue of the investment in Western, valuing Western's own investments at marketvalue, was £7.3 million (30th June 2014: £8.0 million).I am the Chairman ofWestern and Mr. Robotham is a Non-Executive Director. Western's principal coreholdings are in Creston plc, Northbridge Industrial Services PLC, Swallowfieldplc and Hartim Limited. Extracts from Western's announcement on its coreholdings are set out below: Creston plc ("Creston") Creston is a marketing services group whose strategy is to grow within its sector both by organic growth and through selective acquisition to become a substantial, diversified marketing services group. Further information about Creston is available on their website: www.creston.com. Creston's results for the half-year to 30th September 2014 show a profit after tax of £3,123,000 (2013: £1,148,000). Creston declared an interim dividend of 1.35p per share, an increase of 13% on the prior year. Western owns 3,000,000 shares in Creston (5.0%) with a market value at 31st December 2014 of £3,840,000 (30th June 2014: £3,150,000), being 23% of Western's assets. Northbridge Industrial Services plc ("Northbridge") Northbridge hires and sells specialist industrial equipment to a non-cyclical customer base. With offices or agents in the U.K., U.S.A., Dubai, Germany, Belgium, France, Australia, Singapore, India, Brazil, Korea and Azerbaijan, Northbridge has a global customer base. This includes utility companies, the oil and gas sector, shipping, construction and the public sector. The product range includes loadbanks, transformers, generators, compressors, loadcells and oil tools. Further information about Northbridge is available on their website: www.northbridgegroup.co.uk. Northbridge's latest results, for the half year to 30th June 2014, showed profit after tax of £2,568,000 (2013: £1,949,000). Northbridge declared an interim dividend of 2.20p per share, an increase of 10% on the prior year. Western owns 1,875,000 shares, representing 10% of Northbridge's share capital. The market value of this investment at 31st December 2014 was £ 7,406,000 (30th June 2014: £9,750,000), representing 44% of Western's assets. I am a Non-Executive Director of Northbridge. Swallowfield plc ("Swallowfield") Swallowfield is a market leader in the development, formulation, manufacture and supply of cosmetics, toiletries and related household products for global brands and retailers operating in the cosmetics, personal care and household goods market. Further information about Swallowfield is available on its website: www.swallowfield.com. Swallowfield announced its annual results to 30th June 2014 on 18th September 2014 showing a profit after tax of £157,000 compared to a loss of £910,000 (restated) for the comparable period last year. No dividends were received from Swallowfield during the year (2013 - £118,000). Western owns 1,869,149 shares in Swallowfield (16.5% of their issued share capital). The market value of the Company's holding in Swallowfield on 31st December 2014 was £1,589,000 (30th June 2014: £1,813,000) representing 10% of the Company's assets. Mr E.J. Beale is a Non-Executive Director of Swallowfield. Hartim Limited ("Hartim") Hartim offers a complete export sales, marketing and logistical service to a number of well known UK branded fast moving consumer goods companies. This investment is accounted for as an associated company. Our share of Hartim's estimated results for the period ended 31st December 2014 is a profit after tax of £23,000 (2013 - £161,000, plus an exceptional profit in 2013 of £167,000 due to the release of surplus provisions relating to the closure of its Australian subsidiary). At 31st December 2014, Western owned 49.5% of Hartim. The carrying value of the Company's equity investment in Hartim on 31st December 2014 was £ 591,000 (31st December 2013: £514,000) representing 3% of the Company's assets. In addition, loans of £660,000 (equivalent to a further 4% of the Company's assets) have been made to Hartim and its executive directors. Mr L.H. Marshall and Mr. E.J. Beale are Non-Executive Directors of Hartim. Finsbury Food Group plc ("Finsbury Food") Finsbury Food is a leading manufacturer of cakes and bread to the major UKmultiple grocers and recently acquired the Fletchers Group, suppliers of freshand frozen bread and morning goods to the major UK multiple grocers and the UKfoodservice sector. Further information about Finsbury Food is available on itswebsite: www.finsburyfoods.co.uk. The Group acquired a further 1,000,000 shares in Finsbury Food for £593,000during the period and now holds 10,000,000 shares, representing 7.9% of theirshare capital. The Group interest has reduced from 13.7% at June 2014 followingFinsbury's acquisition of Fletchers Group for £56m by way of £35m of shares andnew debt facilities. The market value of our holding was £5,900,000 on 31stDecember 2014 compared to a cost of £2,876,000; this represents 40% of the netassets of Lonfin. Finsbury Food will be announcing their interim results on 23rd March 2015. Mr E.J. Beale is a Non-Executive Director of Finsbury Food. General Portfolio The list of investments included in the General Portfolio is set out at the endof this announcement. We continue to hold 29 investments having taken £67,000out of the amount invested. Dividends The Board has declared an interim dividend of 0.50p per share (prior year:0.45p) Outlook Despite only modest improvements in global economic conditions, world indicesare at record levels. As a result the Board remains cautious about theremainder of the year. David C. Marshall Chairman Interim Dividend The declared interim dividend is 0.5p per share (ZAR 8.86735 cents) (prioryear: 0.45p) and will be paid on Friday, 10th April 2015 to those membersregistered at the close of business on Friday 20th March 2015 (SA and UK).Shareholders on the South African register will receive their dividend in SouthAfrican Rand converted from sterling at the closing rate of exchange on 26thFebruary 2015. The issued number of shares as at the declaration date is 31,207,479. The Company's UK Income Tax reference number is 948/L32120. Salient dates for dividend Last day to trade (SA) Friday, 13th March 2015 Shares trade ex dividend (SA) Monday, 16th March 2015 Shares trade ex dividend (UK) Thursday, 19th March 2015 Record date (SA and UK) Friday, 20th March 2015 Pay date Friday, 10th April 2015 Shareholders are hereby advised that the exchange rate to be used will be GBP 1= ZAR 17.7347. This has been calculated as the average of the bid/ask spread at16.00 (United Kingdom time) being the close of business on 26th February 2015.Consequently, the dividend of 0.50p will be equal to ZAR 8.86735 cents. The JSE Listings Requirements require disclosure of additional information inrelation to any dividend payments. Shareholders registered on the South African register are reminded that thedividend withholding tax will be withheld from the gross final dividend amountof ZAR 8.86735 cents per share at a rate of 15%, unless a shareholder qualifiesfor an exemption; shareholders registered on the South African register who donot quality for an exemption will receive a net dividend of ZAR 7.53725 centsper share. The dividend is payable in cash as a `Dividend' (as defined in theSouth African Income Tax Act, 58 of 1962, as amended) by way of a payment outof income reserves. The dividend withholding tax and the information containedin this paragraph is only of direct application to shareholders registered onthe Johannesburg register, who should direct any questions about theapplication of the dividend withholding tax to Computershare Investor Services(Pty) Limited, Tel: +27 11 373-0004. No dematerialisation or rematerialisation of share certificates, nor transferof shares between the registers in London and South Africa will take placebetween Monday, 16th March 2015 and Friday 20th March 2015 all dates inclusive. Unaudited Consolidated Statement of Comprehensive Income Half year ended Year ended 31st December 30th June 2014 2013 2014 £000 £000 £000 Operating Income Dividends received 197 173 393 Rental and other income 41 41 82 Profit on sales of investments, including 91 205 205provisions 329 419 680 Management services income 108 93 205 437 512 885 Administrative expenses Investment operations (171) (158) (330) Management services (111) (173) (321) Total administrative expenses (282) (331) (651) Operating profit 155 181 234 Unrealised changes in the carrying value of 879 206 (339)investments Interest payable (17) (2) (25) Profit on ordinary activities before taxation 1,017 385 (130) Tax on result of ordinary activities (188) (45) 71 Profit on ordinary activities after taxation 829 340 (59) Non-controlling interest (19) 15 16 Total comprehensive income - profit 810 355 (43)attributable to members of the holdingcompany Reconciliation of headline earnings Earnings/(Loss) per share 2.6p 1.1p (0.1)p Adjustment for unrealised changes in the (2.8)p (0.6)p 0.8pcarrying value of investments and exceptionalitems, net of tax Headline (loss)/earnings per share (0.2)p 0.5p 0.7p Interim dividend 0.50p 0.45p 0.45p Final dividend 0.45p Total in respect of the year 0.90p Unaudited Consolidated Changes in Shareholders' Equity 31st December 30th June 2014 2013 2014 £000 £000 £000 Total comprehensive income attributable to 810 355 (43)members Dividends paid to equity shareholders (141) (125) (265) 669 230 (308) Equity shareholders' funds at start of 13,950 14,258 14,258period Equity shareholders' funds at end of period 14,619 14,488 13,950 Unaudited Consolidated Statement of Financial Position 31st December 30th June 2014 2013 2014 £000 £000 £000 Non-current assets Tangible assets 35 2 39 Principal investments:- Finsbury Food Group Plc 5,900 5,400 4,860 Western Selection P.L.C. 4,559 4,323 4,166 10,494 9,725 9,065 Current assets Listed investments 5,899 5,775 5,927 Trade and other receivables 252 254 245 Cash, bank balances and deposits 83 123 39 6,234 6,152 6,211 Total Assets 16,728 15,877 15,276 Capital and Reserves Called up share capital 1,560 1,560 1,560 Share premium account 2,320 2,320 2,320 Unrealised profits and losses on investments 5,280 5,037 4,585 Share of undistributed profits and losses of (125) (387) (294)subsidiaries and associates Company's retained realised profits and 5,584 5,958 5,779losses Equity shareholders funds 14,619 14,488 13,950 Trade and other payables falling due within 1,729 1,067 1,150one year Deferred taxation 296 255 111 Non-controlling equity interest 84 67 65 16,728 15,877 15,276 Net assets per share 46.8p 46.4p 44.7p Number of shares in issue 31,207,479 31,207,479 31,207,479 Unaudited Consolidated Statement of Cash Flow Half year ended Year ended 31st December 30th June 2014 2013 2014 £000 £000 £000 Profit/(Loss) before taxation 1,017 385 (130) Adjustments for non-cash and non-operatingexpenses:- Depreciation charges 4 1 3 Unrealised changes in the carrying value of (879) (206) 339fixed asset investments Net interest paid 17 2 25 (858) (203) 367 Taxation paid (4) (3) (22) Changes in working capital:- (Increase)/Decrease in debtors (8) 11 11 (Decrease)/Increase in creditors (244) 69 23 Decrease/(Increase) in current asset 67 (300) (272)investments (185) (220) (238) Cash outflow on operating activities (30) (41) (39) Investment activities Purchase of additional shares in strategic (593) - -investment Net cash outflow from investment activities (593) - - Cash flows from financing Net interest paid (17) (2) (25) Drawdown of loan facilities 825 175 275 Equity dividends paid (141) (125) (265) Net cash inflow/(outflow) from financing 667 48 (15) Increase/(Decrease) in cash and cash 44 7 (77)equivalents Cash and cash equivalents at start of period 39 116 116 Cash and cash equivalents at end of period 83 123 39 Reconciliation of net cash flow to movement in net debt At start Cash At end of period Flow of Period Half year ended 31st December £000 £000 £000 2014 Cash at bank 39 44 83 Bank loan (650) (825) (1,475) (611) (781) (1,392) 2013 Cash at bank 116 7 123 Bank loan (650) (175) (825) (534) (168) (702) Year ended 30th June 2014 Cash at bank 116 (77) 39 Bank loan (650) - (650) (534) (77) (611) Notes:- 1. The results for the half-year are unaudited. The information contained in this report does not constitute statutory accounts within the meaning of the Companies Act 2006. The statutory accounts of the Group for the year ended 30th June 2014 have been reported on by the Company's auditors and have been delivered to the Registrar of Companies. The report of the auditors was unqualified. 2. This report has been prepared in accordance with the accounting policies contained in the Company's Annual Report and Accounts 2014, International Financial Reporting Standards and comply with IAS34. 3. The calculation of earnings per share is based on the weighted average number of shares in issue for the period and the profit on ordinary activities after tax. Composition of General Portfolio 31st December 2014 Value £000 % Nestle 322 5.5 L'Oreal 322 5.5 British American Tobacco 305 5.2 Investor 304 5.1 Henkel 292 4.9 Diageo 271 4.6 Heineken 265 4.5 Reckitt Benckiser 265 4.5 Pernod-Ricard 255 4.3 Schindler-Holdings 252 4.3 Novartis 247 4.2 Imperial Tobacco 238 4.0 Philip Morris International 232 3.9 Unilever 231 3.9 Exxon 213 3.6 Procter & Gamble 194 3.3 BASF 193 3.3 Chevron 189 3.2 ABB 181 3.1 Danone 170 2.9 Holcim 169 2.9 Linde 145 2.5 Givaudan 144 2.4 Anheuser Busch Inbev 126 2.1 LVMH 106 1.8 3M 96 1.6 Glencore International 90 1.5 United Technologies 72 1.2 Hermes International 10 0.2 5,899 100.0
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