26th Nov 2015 07:10
Mountview Estates P.L.C.
Interim Results
Turnover at £42.8 million up by 16% (2014 - £36.9m)
Gross profit at £28.3 million up by 17.4% (2014 - £24.1m)
Profit before tax at £25.9 million up by 24.5% (2014 - £20.8m)
Earnings per share at 531.0 pence up by 24.0% (2014 - 428.0p)
Net assets per share at £77.3 up by 8.9% (2014 - £71.0)
Mountview Estates P.L.C. advises its shareholders that, following the issue of the interim results, the relevant dates in respect of the interim dividend payment of 200p per share are as follows:
Ex-dividend date 18 February 2016
Record date 19 February 2016
Payment date 29 March 2016
We are delighted to report another strong start to our financial year, with turnover, profit before taxation and net asset value all ahead of the same period last year.
Whilst the percentage increases may not be as strong as they were for this period last year, they compare favourably with the increases for the last full year. Further, I must emphasise that these are increases on top of increases and thus represent a continuing strength in the Company's performance.
Interim Dividend
Although the details have yet to reach the Statute Book, the Chancellor of the Exchequer has announced that from the beginning of the next tax year, the treatment of an individual's dividend income will be less favourable. To reduce the impact of these changes, your Board have decided to pay the greater part of the dividend at the interim stage. This interim dividend of 200p per share is payable in respect of the year ending 31 March 2016 on 29 March 2016 to shareholders on the Register of Members as at 19 February 2016.
Current Trading
Acquisitions made during the first six months equate almost to those made for the last full year and there are other purchases already in the pipeline. The Company remains financially sound with gearing at a modest level and trading in line with the Board's expectations.
The outlook for the Company is sound with financing in place to take advantage of any good purchasing opportunities which occur. We can never control the macro-economic situation and presently Europe is experiencing troubled times, but we remain optimistic.
On 1 December 2015, Dr Andrew Williams joins the Board as a Non-Executive Director. We are delighted to welcome Andrew (who is a grandson of our co-founder, the late Frank Sinclair) to Mountview. He is a highly respected professional and brings with him a skill-set that will complement the Board. On 31 December 2015, Alistair Sinclair retires as a Non-Executive Director of the Company. We would like to thank Alistair for his five years of distinguished service and full tribute will be paid in my statement which accompanies the full year's Report and Accounts.
for the half year ended 30 September 2015
| Half year ended 30.09.2015 £000 | Half year ended 30.09.2014 £000 | Year ended 31.03.2015 £000 |
Revenue | 42,769 | 36,900 | 71,331 |
Cost of Sales | (14,448) | (12,794) | (24,621) |
Gross Profit | 28,321 | 24,106 | 46,710 |
Administrative expenses | (2,010) | (2,361) | (5,055) |
Gain on sale of investment properties | 197 | - | - |
Operating profit before changes in |
fair value of investment properties | 26,508 | 21,745 | 41,655 |
Increase in fair value of investment properties | - | - | 57 |
Profit from operations | 26,508 | 21,745 | 41,712 |
Net finance costs | (606) | (959) | (1,736) |
Profit before taxation | 25,902 | 20,786 | 39,976 |
Taxation - current | (5,400) | (4,364) | (8,422) |
Taxation - deferred | 202 | 266 | 263 |
Taxation | (5,198) | (4,098) | (8,159) |
Profit attributable to equity Shareholders | 20,704 | 16,688 | 31,817 |
Basic and diluted earnings per share (pence) | 531.0p | 428.0p | 816.0p |
All items within the consolidated income statement relate to continuing operations.
for the half year ended 30 September 2015
| Half year ended | Half year ended | Year ended |
| 30.09.2015 | 30.09.2014 | 31.03.2015 |
| £000 | £000 | £000 |
Assets |
Non-current assets |
Property, plant and equipment | 1,954 | 2,058 | 2,008 |
Investment properties | 27,896 | 29,342 | 29,399 |
| 29,850 | 31,400 | 31,407 |
Current assets |
Inventories of trading properties | 330,867 | 317,651 | 323,020 |
Trade and other receivables | 1,760 | 1,580 | 1,948 |
Cash and cash equivalents | 682 | 467 | 1,625 |
| 333,309 | 319,698 | 326,593 |
Total assets | 363,159 | 351,098 | 358,000 |
Equity and liabilities |
Capital and reserves attributable |
to equity holders of the Company |
Share capital | 195 | 195 | 195 |
Capital redemption reserve | 55 | 55 | 55 |
Capital reserve | 25 | 25 | 25 |
Other reserves | 56 | 56 | 56 |
Retained earnings | 301,211 | 276,100 | 287,330 |
| 301,542 | 276,431 | 287,661 |
Non-current liabilities |
Long-term borrowings | 49,600 | 62,000 | 60,200 |
Deferred tax | 5,055 | 5,255 | 5,259 |
| 54,655 | 67,255 | 65,459 |
Current liabilities |
Bank overdrafts and loans | 991 | 1,744 | 963 |
Trade and other payables | 628 | 1,342 | 2,343 |
Current tax payable | 5,343 | 4,326 | 1,574 |
| 6,962 | 7,412 | 4,880 |
Total liabilities | 61,617 | 74,667 | 70,339 |
Total equity and liabilities | 363,159 | 351,098 | 358,000 |
for the half year ended 30 September 2015
| Half year | Half year | Year |
| ended | ended | ended |
| 30.09.2015 | 30.09.2014 | 31.03.2015 |
| £000 | £000 | £000 |
Cash flows from operating activities |
Profit from operations | 26,508 | 21,745 | 41,712 |
Adjustment for: |
Depreciation | 55 | 66 | 140 |
(Gain) on disposal of investment properties | (197) | - | - |
(Increase) in fair value of investment properties | - | - | (57) |
Operating cash flows before movement | 26,366 | 21,811 | 41,795 |
in working capital |
(Increase)/ Decrease in inventories | (7,847) | 3,672 | (1,697) |
Decrease/(Increase) in receivables | 188 | (2) | (370) |
(Decrease)/Increase in payables | (1,715) | (662) | 339 |
Cash generated from operations | 16,992 | 24,819 | 40,067 |
Interest paid | (606) | (959) | (1,736) |
Income taxes paid | (1,633) | (4,584) | (11,393) |
Net cash inflow from operating activities | 14,753 |
19,276 | 26,938 |
Investing activities |
Proceeds from disposal of investment properties | 1,700 | 54 | 54 |
Purchase of property, plant and equipment | (1) | (8) | (33) |
Net cash inflow from investing activities | 1,699 | 46 | 21 |
Cash flows from financing activities |
Repayment of borrowings | (10,649) | (7,764) | (10,181) |
Equity dividend paid | (6,823) | (5,848) | (9,747) |
Net cash (outflow) from financing activities | (17,472) | (13,612) | (19,928) |
Net (decrease)/increase in cash and cash equivalents | (1,020) | 5,710 | 7,031 |
Opening cash and cash equivalents | 887 | (6,144) | (6,144) |
Cash and cash equivalents at end of period | (133) | (434) | 887 |
for the half year ended 30 September 2015
| Half year | Half year | Year |
| ended | ended | ended |
| 30.09.2015 | 30.09.2014 | 31.03.2015 |
| £000 | £000 | £000 |
Shareholders' funds as at the beginning of the period | 287,661 |
265,591 | 265,591 |
Profit for the period | 20,704 | 16,688 | 31,817 |
Dividends | (6,823) | (5,848) | (9,747) |
Shareholders' funds at the end of the period | 301,542 | 276,431 | 287,661 |
~ Ends ~
For further information on the Company, visit: www.mountviewplc.co.uk
SPARK Advisory Partners Limited (Financial Advisor) www.sparkadvisorypartners.com
Miriam Greenwood 0203 368 3553
Mark Brady 0203 368 3551
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Mountview Est.