21st May 2007 17:05
GlaxoSmithKline PLC21 May 2007 GlaxoSmithKline Responds to NEJM Article on Avandia London (21st May 2007) - GlaxoSmithKline plc (NYSE:GSK) today issued thefollowing response to an article in the New England Journal of Medicine (NEJM)on Avandia(R) (rosiglitazone maleate), a widely used and highly effectivetreatment for type 2 diabetes: GSK strongly disagrees with the conclusions reached in the NEJM article, whichare based on incomplete evidence and a methodology that the author admits hassignificant limitations. The NEJM paper is based on an analysis of summary information that combines anumber of studies - a meta-analysis - which is not the most rigorous way toreach definite conclusions about adverse events. Each study is designeddifferently and looks at unique questions: for example, individual studies varyin size and length, in the type of patients who participated, and in theoutcomes they investigate. The data compiled from these varied studies iscomplex and can be conflicting. Importantly, the editorial in the NEJM states: "A few events either way mighthave changed the findings for myocardial infarction or for death fromcardiovascular causes. In this setting, the possibility that the findings weredue to chance cannot be excluded. In their discussion, the authors properlyemphasize the fragility of their findings." In contrast to a meta-analysis, the most scientifically rigorous way to examinethe safety and benefits of a medicine is to conduct large scale, long-termclinical trials in patients with the disease. Several trials of this type havebeen ongoing for many years. To date concerns regarding patient safety have notbeen identified by the independent Safety Monitoring Boards for these trials.Several trials have completed and the results published. For example, GSK'slong-term, landmark study 'ADOPT' (A Diabetes Outcome Progression Trial) - oneof the longest clinical trials in people with type 2 diabetes to date - directlycompared both the safety and effectiveness of Avandia with other oralanti-diabetic medicines in over 4,300 patients studied for up to 6 years. Data from ADOPT showed that the overall risk of serious, cardiovascular events(CV death, myocardial infarction, and stroke, or MACE endpoint) for patients onAvandia was comparable to metformin and sulfonylurea (glyburide) - two of themost commonly used medicines to treat type 2 diabetes. ADOPT showed comparablerates of cardiovascular deaths: Avandia - 5 reports out of 1,456 patients, or0.34%; metformin - 4 out of 1,454, or 0.28%; and glyburide - 8 out of 1,441 or0.56%. The ADOPT clinical trial did show a small increase in reports ofmyocardial infarction among the Avandia-treated group (Avandia: 24 out of 1,456or 1.65%) vs metformin (20 out of 1,454 or 1.38%) vs glyburide (14 out of 1,441or 0.97%); however, the number of events is too small to reach a reliableconclusion about the role any of the medicines may have played in this finding. Importantly, ADOPT also demonstrated that Avandia was superior to metformin andsulfonylurea regarding long-term control of blood sugar over five years, whichis a key goal in managing diabetes to avoid the long-term complications of thedisease. In another long-term study, DREAM - which followed over 5,200 patients at highrisk of developing of type 2 diabetes for a period of three to five years -Avandia monotherapy showed no increase in cardiovascular risk when compared toplacebo. Furthermore, in 2000, GSK initiated RECORD - a large, long-term clinical trialin people with diabetes- which has been prospectively designed to look atcardiovascular outcomes. The independent Safety Monitoring Boards responsiblefor overseeing the safety of this trial monitors patients closely, and in itsregular operations has not found any safety risk that would interruptcontinuation of the study. In addition, in a comprehensive analysis of patients in a US managed caredatabase of more than 33,000 people with diabetes - performed by independentinvestigators - there was no difference in ischemic cardiovascular events(including myocardial infarction) among patients taking Avandia-containingregimens versus other oral anti-diabetic medicines. The totality of the data show that Avandia has a comparable cardiovascularprofile to other oral anti-diabetic medicines. GSK stands firmly behind thesafety of Avandia when used appropriately, and we believe its significantbenefits continue to outweigh any treatment risks. Because Avandia has been shown to control blood sugar for longer than otherstandard oral anti-diabetic medicines, it is an important treatment option forphysicians who often need to prescribe two or three medicines to help theirpatients maintain their blood sugar levels. Type 2 diabetes is chronic,relentlessly progressive and life threatening; yet, two-thirds of diabeticpatients suffer with uncontrolled disease. If left uncontrolled, diabetes canlead to heart disease, and is the leading cause of blindness, kidney disease andnon-traumatic amputations in the US. GSK has consistently shared its data on Avandia from meta-analyses andcontrolled studies with the FDA and other regulatory agencies. Data is alsoposted publicly on the company's Clinical Trial Register. We continue to workclosely with regulatory authorities and physicians to keep them fully informedso they can make the best decisions for patients based on both the safety andbenefit of the medicine. GlaxoSmithKline - one of the world's leading research-based pharmaceutical andhealthcare companies - is committed to improving the quality of human life byenabling people to do more, feel better and live longer. For companyinformation, visit GlaxoSmithKline on the World Wide Web at www.gsk.com. Simon Bicknell Company Secretary 21st May 2007 Cautionary statement regarding forward-looking statements Under the safe harbor provisions of the U.S. Private Securities LitigationReform Act of 1995, the company cautions investors that any forward-lookingstatements or projections made by the company, including those made in thisAnnouncement, are subject to risks and uncertainties that may cause actualresults to differ materially from those projected. Factors that may affect theGroup's operations are described under 'Risk Factors' in the 'Business Review'in the company's Annual Report on Form 20-F for 2006. Enquiries: UK Media enquiries: Philip Thomson (020) 8047 5502 Joss Mathieson (020) 8047 5502 Gwenan White (020) 8047 5502 US Media enquiries: Nancy Pekarek (215) 751 7709 Alice Hunt (215) 751 7709 Mary Anne Rhyne (919) 483 2839 European Analyst/Investor enquiries: Anita Kidgell (020) 8047 5542 David Mawdsley (020) 8047 5564 Sally Ferguson (020) 8047 5543 US Analyst/ Investor enquiries: Frank Murdolo (215) 751 7002 Tom Curry (215) 751 5419 This information is provided by RNS The company news service from the London Stock ExchangeRelated Shares: