23rd Jun 2006 16:51
23 June 2006 LiDCO Group Plc (the "Company") Grant of Options The Board of the Company announces that on 23rd June 2006, it granted thefollowing options to subscribe for new ordinary shares in the Company tocertain Directors as follows:Director Number Exercise price Exercise period Hugh McGarel-Groves 250,000 21p from 2006 to 2016John Barry 45,000 21p from 2006 to 2016 In addition, a further 455,250 new options have been granted to employees ofthe Company on the same terms.Following the above grants, a total of 8,464,923 options have been granted,representing approximately 7.17% of the Company's present issued ordinary sharecapital.The current issued share capital of the Company is 118,071,850 shares with anominal value of 0.05 pence each.ENDLIDCO GROUP PLCRelated Shares: