28th Jul 2011 16:31
(the "Company")
Grant of Options
The Company announces that, on 27 July 2011, it granted options over a total of 21,688,959 Ordinary Shares representing approximately 1.87% of the Company's current issued share capital (the "Options) to Anthony Catterson (CEO), and Chris Ogle (CFO). The Options were granted subject to certain performance criteria and are exercisable at a price of 1.3125p per share.
Anthony Catterson has been granted options over 7,229,653 Ordinary Shares and Chris Ogle has been granted options over 14,459,306 Ordinary Shares.
Subject to satisfying the performance criteria 30% of the Options will vest after the results for the Financial year 2012, 30% after the results for the Financial year 2013 and 40% after the results for the Financial year 2014. Each tranche of the Options will have an exercise period of seven years from the date of vesting.
In addition, Mr Catterson renounced options over 4,500,000 shares which were granted in January 2010.
Following this grant and renunciation Anthony Catterson holds 36,135,903 options over Ordinary Shares and Chris Ogle holds 14,459,306 options over Ordinary Shares.
For further information please contact:
EXPANSYS plc Anthony Catterson, CEO Chris Ogle, CFO
Via M: Communications |
Cenkos Securities Stephen Keys or Camilla Hume
| Tel: +44 (0) 20 7397 8900 |
M:Communications Nick Miles or Ben Simons | Tel +44 (0)20 7920 2340 [email protected] / [email protected]
Investor relations website | www.EXPANSYS.plc.uk
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