7th Oct 2013 18:12
Griffin Land & Nurseries Inc - Form 8.3 - Centaur Media plcGriffin Land & Nurseries Inc - Form 8.3 - Centaur Media plc
PR Newswire
London, October 7
FORM 8.3 PUBLIC OPENING POSITION DISCLOSURE/DEALING DISCLOSURE BY A PERSON WITH INTERESTS IN RELEVANT SECURITIES REPRESENTING 1% OR MORE Rule 8.3 of the Takeover Code (the "Code") 1. KEY INFORMATION (a) Identity of the person whose positions/dealings are Griffin Land &being disclosed: Nurseries, Inc (b) Owner or controller of interests and short positionsdisclosed, if different from 1(a): The naming of nominee or vehicle companies isinsufficient (c) Name of offeror/offeree in relation to whose Centaur Media, plcrelevant securities this form relates: Use a separate form for each offeror/offeree (d) If an exempt fund manager connected with an offeror/offeree, state this and specify identity of offeror/offeree: (e) Date position held/dealing undertaken: 4 October 2013 (f) Has the discloser previously disclosed, or are they NOtoday disclosing, under the Code in respect of any otherparty to this offer? 2. POSITIONS OF THE PERSON MAKING THE DISCLOSURE (a) Interests and short positions in the relevant securities of the offeror orofferee to which the disclosure relates following the dealing (if any) Class of relevant security: Interests Short positions Number % Number % (1) Relevant securities owned 3,952,462 2.76and/or controlled: (2) Derivatives (other thanoptions): (3) Options and agreements topurchase/sell: TOTAL: 3,952,462 2.76 All interests and all short positions should be disclosed. Details of any open derivative or option positions, or agreements to purchaseor sell relevant securities, should be given on a Supplemental Form 8 (OpenPositions). (b) Rights to subscribe for new securities (including directors' and otherexecutive options) Class of relevant security inrelation to which subscription rightexists: Details, including nature of therights concerned and relevantpercentages: If there are positions or rights to subscribe to disclose in more than oneclass of relevant securities of the offeror or offeree named in 1(c), copytable 2(a) or (b) (as appropriate) for each additional class of relevantsecurity. 3. DEALINGS (IF ANY) BY THE PERSON MAKING THE DISCLOSURE (a) Purchases and sales Class of relevant Purchase/sale Number of Price per unit security securities (b) Derivatives transactions (other than options) Class of Product Nature of dealing Number of Price per relevant description e.g. opening/closing a reference unit security e.g. CFD long/short position, securities increasing/reducing a long/short position (c) Options transactions in respect of existing securities (i) Writing, selling, purchasing or varying Class of Product Writing, Number of Exercise Type Expiry Optionrelevant description purchasing, securities price e.g. date moneysecurity e.g. call selling, to which per unit American, paid/ option varying option European received etc. relates etc. per unit (ii) Exercising Class of relevant Product Number of Exercise price per security description securities unit e.g. call option (d) Other dealings (including subscribing for new securities) Class of relevant Nature of dealing Details Price per unit security e.g. subscription, (if applicable) conversion The currency of all prices and other monetary amounts should be stated. Where there have been dealings in more than one class of relevant securities ofthe offeror or offeree named in 1(c), copy table 3(a), (b), (c) or (d) (asappropriate) for each additional class of relevant security dealt in. 4. OTHER INFORMATION (a) Indemnity and other dealing arrangements Details of any indemnity or option arrangement, or any agreement orunderstanding, formal or informal, relating to relevant securities which maybe an inducement to deal or refrain from dealing entered into by the personmaking the disclosure and any party to the offer or any person acting inconcert with a party to the offer: If there are no such agreements, arrangements or understandings, state "none" None (b) Agreements, arrangements or understandings relating to options orderivatives Details of any agreement, arrangement or understanding, formal or informal,between the person making the disclosure and any other person relating to: (i) the voting rights of any relevant securities under any option; or (ii) the voting rights or future acquisition or disposal of any relevantsecurities to which any derivative is referenced: If there are no such agreements, arrangements or understandings, state "none" None (c) Attachments Is a Supplemental Form 8 (Open Positions) attached? NO Date of disclosure: 7 October 2013 Contact name: Frederick M. Danziger Telephone number: 001-212-218-7912 Public disclosures under Rule 8 of the Code must be made to a RegulatoryInformation Service and must also be emailed to the Takeover Panel [email protected] . The Panel's Market Surveillance Unit isavailable for consultation in relation to the Code's dealing disclosurerequirements on +44 (0)20 7638 0129.
The Code can be viewed on the Panel's website at www.thetakeoverpanel.org.uk .
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