19th Dec 2005 14:45
Cesky Telecom A.S.19 December 2005 > PRESS RELEASE - 19. 12. 2005 > CESKY TELECOM TESTS FLAT FEE DIAL-UP CONNECTION CESKYM TELECOM has begun a trial operation in which it is offering dial-upInternet for a flat fee. According to which periods they use dial-up Internetthe most, customers can choose one of three variants of this new product. Theoperator has prepared Internet Basic Nonstop, Internet Basic Day, and InternetBasic Volno for customers. It will offer this product in a pilot operation thatwill last until June 2006. The new packages are intended for customers who actively use a dial-up Internetconnection. This offer will appeal primarily to customers who live in areas thatthe Internet Expres service does not cover yet. They can now surf duringprepaid periods of time for the same monthly fee (from CZK 399 without VAT)irrespective of the minutes they spend online or the number of times theyconnect. They can connect whenever and as often as they need to - the amount ontheir bill will not change. Furthermore, they do not need to purchase any newequipment. Setting up the service only involves changing the access number. Package variants: Internet Basic Volno - Off-peak connection for CZK 399 (CZK 474,81 with VAT)Internet Basic Day - Peak connection for CZK 449 (CZK 534,31 with VAT)Internet Basic Nonstop - 24/7 connection for CZK 499 (CZK 593,81 with VAT) Just like other CESKY TELECOM services, customers can order flat fee dial-upInternet packages through the Internet (www.telecom.cz), TELEPOINT and TELEPOINTPARTNER brand stores, or by calling the Telephone Services Centre toll-free on800 123 456, which is operational on a nonstop basis - 24 hours, 7 days a week. For further information, please contact: MARTIN ZABKAPress SpokesmanTel: +420 271 463 359Fax: +420 271 469 896e-mail: [email protected] CESKY TELECOM, a. s., a member of the Telefonica Group, is the leadingtelecommunications company in the Czech Republic. Through its subsidiary companyEurotel Praha, spol. s r.o., it also has a significant presence in the Czechmobile services market. Further information about the firm and the services itoffers is available at www.telecom.cz, which was rated as BestWeb 2003 in theWebTop100 survey. Signum Temporis has consistently awarded CESKY TELECOM for being one of thedomestic capital market's most transparent firms in terms of providinginformation. Based on an open vote of specialists, members of the press and anine-member committee, CESKY TELECOM placed first in 2003, just as it did in2001. CESKY TELECOM ranks among the most prominent firms on the Czech capital marketin terms of capitalization and trading volumes. Its shares are also traded onthe London Stock Exchange in the form of GDRs. CESKY TELECOM's credit rating isthe highest a Czech corporation can receive from top international ratingagencies. About Telefonica Telefonica is Europe's leading integrated telecom company and second biggest inthe world. Its activities are centred mainly on the fixed and mobile telephonybusinesses with broadband as the key tool for the development of both of these. The company is operating in 40 countries and together with CESKY TELECOM has acustomer base that amounts to more than 140 million access. Telefonica has astrong presence in Latin America, where the company concentrates part of itsgrowth strategy. Telefonica is a 100% listed company, with more than 1.5 million directshareholders. Its share capital currently comprises 4,921,130,397 ordinaryshares traded on the Spanish Stock Market (Madrid, Barcelona, Bilbao andValencia) and on those in London, Paris, Frankfurt, Tokyo, New York, Lima,Buenos Aires, Sao Paulo and the SEAQ International Exchange in London. This information is provided by RNS The company news service from the London Stock ExchangeRelated Shares: