2nd Mar 2011 07:00
2 March 2011
4imprint Group plc
Final Results for the period ended 1 January 2011
4imprint Group plc announces today its results for the period ended 1 January 2011
• Group revenue was £200.77m, an increase of 19%
• Underlying operating profit* was £10.49m, an increase of 92%
• Underlying profit before tax was £9.98m (2009: £5.14m)
• Profit before tax was £8.09m, (2009: £2.83m)
• Year end net debt was £0.24m, a reduction of £2.89m
• Underlying basic earnings per share 32.87p (2009: 17.07p)
• Basic earnings per share 26.65p (2009: 9.39p)
• Final dividend proposed of 9.0p (2009: 8.5p)
John Poulter, Chairman said:
"As incoming Chairman, it is a pleasure to report these strong results. The efforts to drive our business forward have been rewarded and our market positions have undoubtedly improved.
Despite the wider threats to economic growth, the momentum developed in the past year is evident in the early weeks of 2011."
* Underlying operating profit is operating profit before IAS 38 marketing cost adjustment, defined benefit pension charges, share option costs and exceptional items
- Ends -
For further information, please contact:
John Poulter
4imprint Group plc Tel. +44(0) 20 7299 7201
Gillian Davies
Group Finance Director
4imprint Group plc Tel. +44(0) 20 7299 7201
Chairman's Statement
The Group delivered a good performance with strong revenue and operating profit growth as well as a reduction in net debt. The Group has seen some recovery in the markets its serves during the year. However, it has grown revenue and profitability at a rate well ahead of this recovery as the 4imprint Direct Marketing and Brand Addition Divisions continue to grow their market share.
Group revenue for the year was £200.77m, an increase of 19% over prior year. Underlying operating profit* was £10.49m, 92% ahead of prior year. Underlying operating margin increased to 5.2% from 3.2% in the prior year. Profit before tax was £8.09m (2009: £2.83m), an increase of 186%.
Operating cash flow was strong and cash generated from operations was £7.85m (2009: £7.63m) after a modest increase of £1.69m in working capital to support revenue growth (2009: £3.15m decrease) and contributions to the defined benefit pension fund of £2.50m (2009: £2.46m). Net debt reduced to £0.24m from £3.13m at the end of 2009.
Basic earnings per share were 26.65p (2009: 9.39p)
Divisional performance
4imprint Direct Marketing
Total revenue £128.97m (2009: £111.14m)
Revenue in the Division grew strongly and was 16% ahead of 2009, increasing market share. Underlying operating profit of £7.97m was more than double prior year. Both new and existing customer orders were significantly ahead of prior year as the business saw improvement in the yield on its prospecting catalogue and internet marketing spend coupled with further growth in its customer file and retention rate of existing customers. New customer orders in North America were up 14% over prior year and existing customer orders were up 27%. The UK business traded profitably on revenue which increased by 12% over the prior year.
Brand Addition
Total revenue £58.89m (2009: £44.22m)
Revenue in the Division grew by 33% compared to 2009. Underlying operating profit was £4.28m, 27% ahead of prior year. The Division benefited from new corporate contracts gained at the end of 2009 and during 2010, as well as some recovery in spend from its existing customer base. The Division continues to expand its geographic reach and has invested in people to maintain its service levels and expertise across a diverse range of industry sectors.
Total revenue £16.25m (2009: £16.85m)
Revenue in the Division was 4% below prior year. Underlying operating profit was £0.06m compared to a small loss in 2009. As a result of the weak performance, further cost cutting initiatives have been undertaken during the year. In addition the business has strengthened its senior management team with particular emphasis on sales and marketing.
The Board has recommended a final dividend of 9.0p per share, an increase of 6% compared to 2009. The Board seeks to pay a progressive dividend whilst having regard for the performance and cash requirements of the Group.
The Board reiterates its strategy of revenue investment in driving profitable organic growth in its three Divisions and continuing to grow market share.
The Board continues to examine ways of reducing the risk of the pension fund to the Group. An early retirement exercise was completed in 2010 and an offer allowing deferred members to transfer funds out of the scheme at an enhanced value is underway. The Board will continue to seek further strategic opportunities to reduce the pension deficit.
The positive trading trends experienced in 4imprint Direct Marketing and Brand Addition in 2010 have continued into the early part of the new year. The Board, while mindful of the potential macroeconomic risk, remains optimistic for the performance of the Group in 2011.
John Poulter
2 March 2011
* Operating profit before IAS 38 marketing cost adjustment, defined benefit pension charges, share option costs and exceptional items.
Finance Director's Report
Group results
| 2010
£m | 2009 restated £m |
Change |
Group revenue | 200.77 | 169.09 | +19% |
Underlying operating profit* | 10.49 | 5.45 | +92% |
Operating profit | 8.60 | 3.14 | +174% |
Profit before tax | 8.09 | 2.83 | +186% |
Net debt | (0.24) | (3.13) | +£2.89m |
* Operating profit before IAS 38 marketing cost adjustment, defined benefit pension charges, share option costs and exceptional items.
Divisional summary | Revenue | ||
| 2010 £m | 2009 £m |
Change |
4imprint Direct Marketing | 128.97 | 111.14 | +16% |
Brand Addition | 58.89 | 44.22 | +33% |
SPS | 16.25 | 16.85 | -4% |
Inter-segment | (3.34) | (3.12) | |
200.77 | 169.09 | +19% |
Revenue increased in both the 4imprint Direct Marketing and Brand Addition Divisions with a small decrease in SPS. The Group estimates that the impact of the 53 v 52 week reporting period in 2009 v 2010 resulted in approximately a £1m reduction in revenue in the 4imprint Direct Marketing Division.
| Underlying operating profit | ||
| 2010
£m | 2009 restated £m |
Change |
4imprint Direct Marketing | 7.97 | 3.56 | +124% |
Brand Addition | 4.28 | 3.37 | +27% |
SPS | 0.06 | (0.06) | |
Head Office | (1.82) | (1.42) | |
10.49 | 5.45 | +92% |
Underlying operating profit increased in all Divisions as a result of tight control of costs and investment in marketing and infrastructure to grow market share resulting in increased revenue in the 4imprint Direct Marketing and Brand Addition Divisions.
The Board monitors progress on the Group's strategy by reference to the following KPIs:
• Revenue by division
• Underlying operating profit by division
• Group profit before tax
• Group and divisional operating cash flow
These are discussed in the divisional operating reviews and in this report.
IAS 38 Marketing cost adjustment
As discussed in the interim statement the Group has adopted the amendment to IAS 38 'Intangible assets' in these financial statements. The amendment requires the expense for mail order catalogues and related marketing expenses to be recognised when the Group has access to the catalogues rather than when the catalogues are distributed. At the end of the year catalogues to which the Group had access are expensed rather than being included in prepayments. This resulted in a small increase in 2010 profit of £0.02m (2009: £0.26m), following restatement of 2008 and 2009 opening balance sheets.
Share option charge
The Group charged £0.22m (2009: £0.54m) to operating profit. In 2010 this charge is in respect of employee share option schemes in the UK and USA. The charge has been restated in line with a clarification to IFRS 2 'share based payments' that the cancellation of options by employees results in a charge of the full remaining cost of the options. This has resulted in an increase in the 2010 charge of £0.10m (2009: £0.11m). The charge is a non cash item.
Defined benefit pension scheme
The Group sponsors a defined benefit pension scheme, closed to new members. At 5 April 2010 (the date of the triennial valuation), the scheme had 1,170 pensioners (2009: 982) and 1,042 deferred members (2009:1,293) and 2 active members (2009: 2).
The triennial valuation of the scheme as at 5 April 2010 was completed in December 2010 and resulted in a deficit on a scheme funding basis of £26.26m, based on assets of £74.94m and liabilities at £101.20m. At the year end, the IAS 19 pension valuation showed a £21.91m deficit with an increase in assets to £77.55m and liabilities at £99.46m (see note 6). The Group has agreed a cash contribution rate to the scheme of £3m for 2011 (increasing at 3% per annum).
The deficit of £21.91m is £0.55m less than the previous year end. This is due to higher asset values (£3.50m) offset by higher liability (£2.95m), as a result of a reduction in the discount rate from 5.8% to 5.5%.
During the year an early retirement exercise was undertaken and 184 members opted to take early retirement from the scheme. In addition, the Company is proposing to make an enhanced transfer value offer to those deferred members who wish to receive it. A trivial commutation exercise is also ongoing. In addition, from March 2011 the scheme will be closed to future accrual.
Exceptional items
The Group charged £1.13m to exceptional items in the year (2009: £0.77m).
Exceptional charges of £0.54m related to further restructuring in the SPS Division - including reduction in headcount and the planned closure of an off site warehouse in early 2011.
An exceptional charge of £0.59m related to a 4imprint Group plc guarantee for a leasehold property. This guarantee was maintained following the sale of the Henry Booth business by the Group in 2000. Bemrosebooth Ltd, who acquired the Henry Booth business, went into administration in 2010 and 4imprint became liable for the obligation to the end of the lease in March 2013. An extensive search has not revealed any other historical property guarantees.
The Group tax charge was £1.23m (2009: £0.42m), an effective rate of 15% (2009: 15%). The tax charge is below the Group's marginal rate due principally to the utilisation of previously unrecognised tax losses. The Group had a tax cash refund of £0.60m in the year and paid tax of £0.10m in overseas territories.
Earnings per share
Underlying basic earnings per share were 32.87p (2009:17.07p) and basic earnings per share were 26.65p (2009: 9.39p). The calculations are set out in note 4.
The Board has proposed a final dividend of 9.0p which together with the interim dividend of 4.7p, gives a dividend paid and proposed for the period of 13.7p, an increase of 7.5% compared to prior year.
Cash flow
The Group's net debt at 1 January 2011 was £0.24m, a reduction of £2.89m in the year. The principal components of the cash flow movement are:
£m | |
Underlying operating profit | 10.49 |
Working capital movement | (1.69) |
Depreciation and amortisation | 2.06 |
Capital expenditure | (1.54) |
Cash exceptional items | (0.53) |
8.79 | |
Tax and interest | 0.02 |
Defined benefit pension contributions | (2.50) |
Dividends | (3.40) |
Exchange and other | (0.02) |
Reduction in net debt | 2.89 |
Net debt
2010 | 2009 | |
£m | £m | |
Cash and cash equivalents | 8.46 | 5.61 |
Borrowings due in less than one year | (0.37) | (6.20) |
Borrowings due after one year | (8.33) | (2.54) |
(0.24) | (3.13) |
Borrowing facilities
The Group agreed new facilities with Lloyds TSB Bank plc in January 2010 and with JPMorgan Chase Bank in the USA in August 2010. These facilities are set out below.
The Group has a £9.75m facility with Lloyds TSB Bank plc, its principal banker. A £6m facility at an interest rate of LIBOR plus 3%, repayable on 31 December 2012, a £1.75m mortgage at an interest rate of LIBOR plus 2.75%, repayable £0.25m on 30 December 2011 and £1.5m on 31 December 2012 and an overdraft facility of £2m at base rate plus 2.75% renewable on 31 December 2011. The Group's US subsidiary has a facility of US$10m with JPMorgan Chase Bank, at an interest rate of US$ LIBOR plus 1.5% repayable on 20 April 2012.
The Group had headroom on its borrowing facilities of £7.77m at year end; together with cash balances of £8.46m; in total available funding of £16.23m.
Balance sheet and Shareholders' funds
£m | 2009 restated £m | |
Non current assets | 29.68 | 31.45 |
Working capital | 10.68 | 8.64 |
Net debt | (0.24) | (3.13) |
Pension deficit | (21.91) | (22.45) |
Other (liabilities)/assets | (1.00) | 0.05 |
Net assets | 17.21 | 14.56 |
Net assets increased by £2.65m with the principal movements being profit for the period £6.86m offset by dividend payments totalling £3.40m and a net pension deficit adjustment to reserves £1.10m.
The main exchange rates relevant to the Group are set out below:
2010 | 2009 | |||
Year end | Average | Year end | Average | |
US Dollar | 1.57 | 1.55 | 1.61 | 1.56 |
Euro | 1.17 | 1.17 | 1.13 | 1.12 |
The movements in the average rates in the year increased operating profit in the US business by £0.09m and reduced the operating profit of the German business by £0.04m. The movements in the year end rates resulted in an increase in US dollar denominated overseas subsidiaries assets of £0.23m and a decrease in Euro denominated overseas subsidiary assets of £0.09m.
Critical accounting policies
Critical accounting policies are those that require significant judgements or estimates and potentially result in materially different results under different assumptions or conditions. It is considered that the Group's critical accounting policies are pensions, deferred taxation, goodwill and inventory provisions.
New accounting standards
As already mentioned the Group has adopted the amendment to IAS 38 'Intangible Assets' and the clarification to IFRS 2 'share-based payments' in the period. In addition the adoption of the following standards have impacted on the financial statements:
IAS 1 'Presentation of Financial Statements' (Revised 2007): IAS 1 (revised) requires the presentation of a Statement of Changes in Equity as a performance statement. As a result, a Group Statement of Changes in Shareholders' Equity has been included in the primary statements rather than in the notes. The Group has elected to show the Income Statement and Statement of Comprehensive Income as separate performance statements.
IFRS 8 - 'Operating Segments' and other new or amended standards effective during the period have not impacted upon the financial statements.
Treasury policy
Treasury policy is to manage centrally the financial requirements of the Divisions in line with their business needs. The Group operates cash pooling arrangements on currency accounts separately for its US operations and its UK operations. The Group enters into forward contracts to buy or sell currency relating to specific receivables and payables. It matches its remaining currency requirements in its UK Divisions with currency cash flows arising in its overseas subsidiaries and holds the majority of cash or borrowings with its principal UK banker.
Principal risks
The Group reported in its Annual Report for the period ended 2 January 2010 that its activities expose it to a number of operational and financial risks. These principal risks, as set out in the Director's Report and note 20 of the 2009 Annual Report, remain unchanged at the date of this announcement.
The principal risks are: macroeconomic conditions; market competitors and new products; operation risks; purchase of material and services; potential litigation and complaints; and changes in law or regulation.
Gillian Davies
Group Finance Director
2 March 2011
Operating Review
4imprint Direct Marketing
2010 | 2009 restated | ||
£'000 | £'000 | ||
External Revenue | 128,972 | 111,138 | |
Underlying operating profit | 7,973 | 3,557 | |
Operating profit | 7,998 | 3,838 |
Revenue in the Division increased 16% over 2009 (15% at constant currency) as continuous enhancement of marketing techniques, more favourable market conditions and the decision to maintain marketing investment during the economic downturn in 2009 allowed the business to emerge from the recession in a strong position. In 2010, North American revenue in US Dollars was $190.1m, compared to $165.4m in the previous year. Revenue in the UK and Ireland was £6.0m, compared to £5.3m in 2009. Operating profit was more than double that of 2009 driven largely by the improving yield on customer acquisition activities.
Industry sources in the USA estimate the size of the promotional products industry in 2010 to be $17.4bn. This represents a 9% increase over 2009, but is still 12% below the 2008 market estimate of $19.8bn. In contrast, 4imprint Direct Marketing revenue in the USA increased by 12% between 2008 and 2010. 4imprint's revenue in the UK and Canadian markets is also well above pre-recession levels.
In 2010, the yield on prospecting activities improved, generating an 11% increase in customers acquired during the year to more than 100,000. In addition, existing customers were retained at a higher rate, a result of increasingly sophisticated marketing programmes that deliver highly targeted materials to each individual customer. Orders from existing customers produce a stronger contribution as the cost of acquisition has already been absorbed. Together, these prospecting and retention dynamics along with a stabilised average order value were the principal factors contributing to increases in profitability and return on sales in the year.
2010 was a year of progress for the developing UK based Direct Marketing business. Although the UK economic conditions remain uncertain, revenue increased by 12%, reflecting the progress made in both prospecting and customer retention activities and the business made a small profit.
The business is committed to creating a working environment that attracts and retains the best employees and equips them with the training and tools they need to deliver the superior customer experience that is a key component to growth. In 2010, this was reflected in the North American operation being named for the third consecutive year in the list of 'Best Small & Medium Workplaces in America' by the Great Place to Work Institute® and the 'Investors in People' accreditation achieved in the UK.
The Division remains highly cash generative, with net operating cash inflow broadly equivalent to operating profit in the year.
Operating Review
Brand Addition
2010 | 2009 | ||
£'000 | £'000 | ||
External and inter division revenue | 58,886 | 44,219 | |
External revenue | 58,414 | 43,594 | |
Underlying operating profit | 4,284 | 3,370 | |
Operating profit | 4,284 | 3,183 |
Total revenue in Brand Addition at £58.89m increased 33% over 2009 and underlying operating profit increased by 27%. The revenue growth in 2010 was a result of new contracts gained, including some major international customers gained in 2009, as well as an improvement in sales to existing customers as the economic environment stabilised.
The Division continues to pursue its strategy of providing value added service to its existing customers whilst vigorously pursuing new business opportunities, expanding both its market share and geographic reach. Over half of the Division's revenue comes from outside the UK.
Underlying operating profit was £4.28m, £0.91m ahead of prior year. Operating margin was slightly lower than prior year as a result of customer mix and some foreign exchange impact. The Division also invested in its customer facing teams to ensure that it continues to deliver excellent service to customers as well as pursuing its business growth strategy and maintaining strong control of costs.
The Division is cash generative requiring minimal fixed capital investment and some working capital investment to support growth.
Operating Review
| 2010 | 2009 restated |
| £'000 | £'000 |
External and inter division revenue | 16,252 | 16,847 |
External revenue | 13,382 | 14,356 |
Underlying operating profit /(loss) | 57 | (56) |
Operating loss | (486) | (73) |
Total revenue for 2010 at £16.25m was 4% below prior year. Further production efficiencies and cost cutting initiatives were undertaken in the year to mitigate the reduction in revenue. Underlying operating profit before depreciation in 2010 was £0.77m compared to £0.71m in 2009. Underlying operating profit for 2010 was £0.06m compared with a loss of £0.06m in 2009.
The business continues to focus on improving its revenue and customer service levels and has strengthened its senior management, sales and customer service teams during the year. In addition, the business continues to focus on its product offering with further product development in manufactured products being undertaken and modest investment in new digital printing, embroidery and screen printing technology.
The business continued to maintain tight control of working capital and cash generated in the year was ahead of underlying operating profit before depreciation and amortisation.
Exceptional costs in the year related to reduction in headcount from 227 to 211 and closure of an off site warehouse.
Group income statement for the 52 weeks ended 1 January 2011
2010 52 weeks | 2009 53 weeks restated* | ||
Note | £'000 | £'000 | |
Revenue | 1 | 200,768 | 169,088 |
Operating expenses | (192,172) | (165,948) | |
Operating profit | 1 | 8,596 | 3,140 |
Operating profit before exceptional items | 9,721 | 3,911 | |
Exceptional items | 2 | (1,125) | (771) |
Operating profit | 1 | 8,596 | 3,140 |
Finance income | 13 | 28 | |
Finance costs | (522) | (343) | |
Profit before tax | 8,087 | 2,825 | |
Taxation | 3 | (1,225) | (424) |
Profit for the period - attributable to equity Shareholders | 6,862 | 2,401 | |
Earnings per share | |||
Basic | 4 | 26.65p | 9.39p |
Diluted | 4 | 26.05p | 9.29p |
* Note 9
All amounts in the income statement relate to continuing operations for both the current and prior periods.
Group statement of comprehensive income for the 52 weeks ended 1 January 2011
2010 52 weeks | 2009 53 weeks restated* | ||
Note | £'000 | £'000 | |
Profit for the period | 6,862 | 2,401 | |
Other comprehensive income/(expense) | |||
Exchange differences on translation of foreign subsidiaries | 193 | (1,123) | |
Actuarial losses on defined benefit pension scheme | 6 | (1,387) | (6,701) |
Tax relating to components of other comprehensive income | 388 | 1,876 | |
Effect of change in UK tax rate | (219) | - | |
Other comprehensive expense net of tax | (1,025) | (5,948) | |
Total comprehensive income/(expense) for the period | 5,837 | (3,547) |
* Note 9
Group balance sheet at 1 January 2011
Note | 2010 | 2009 restated* | 2008 restated* | |
£'000 | £'000 | £'000 | ||
Non current assets | ||||
Property, plant and equipment | 12,580 | 13,063 | 12,548 | |
Intangible assets - goodwill | 9,084 | 9,084 | 9,084 | |
Other intangible assets | 1,657 | 1,730 | 1,630 | |
Investments | 9 | 10 | 11 | |
Deferred tax assets | 6,348 | 7,558 | 6,244 | |
29,678 | 31,445 | 29,517 | ||
Current assets | ||||
Inventories | 6,317 | 7,022 | 8,449 | |
Trade and other receivables | 29,947 | 23,207 | 27,685 | |
Cash and cash equivalents | 8,465 | 5,613 | 4,411 | |
44,729 | 35,842 | 40,545 | ||
Current liabilities | ||||
Trade and other payables | (25,588) | (21,390) | (23,601) | |
Current tax | (239) | (150) | (151) | |
Borrowings | (374) | (6,196) | - | |
Provisions for other liabilities and charges | (377) | - | - | |
| (26,578) | (27,736) | (23,752) | |
Net current assets | 18,151 | 8,106 | 16,793 | |
Non current liabilities | ||||
Retirement benefit obligations | 6 | (21,905) | (22,450) | (16,937) |
Borrowings | (8,330) | (2,543) | (8,600) | |
Provisions for other liabilities and charges | (383) | - | - | |
(30,618) | (24,993) | (25,537) | ||
Net assets | 17,211 | 14,558 | 20,773 | |
Shareholders' equity | ||||
Share capital | 9,939 | 9,939 | 9,846 | |
Share premium reserve | 38,016 | 38,016 | 38,016 | |
Capital redemption reserve | 208 | 208 | 208 | |
Cumulative translation differences | 221 | 28 | 1,151 | |
Retained earnings | (31,173) | (33,633) | (28,448) | |
Total equity | 17,211 | 14,558 | 20,773 |
* Note 9
Group statement of changes in Shareholders' equity
Retained earnings | |||||||
Share capital | Share premium reserve | Capital redemption reserve | Cumulative translation differences |
Own shares | Profit and loss | Total equity | |
£'000 | £'000 | £'000 | £'000 | £'000 | £'000 | £'000 | |
Balance at 28 December 2008 | 9,846 | 38,016 | 208 | 1,151 | (519) | (27,143) | 21,559 |
Change in accounting policies* | (786) | (786) | |||||
Balance at 28 December 2008 (restated) | 9,846 | 38,016 | 208 | 1,151 | (519) | (27,929) | 20,773 |
Profit for the period* | 2,401 | 2,401 | |||||
Other comprehensive income/(expense) | |||||||
Exchange differences on translation of foreign subsidiaries | (1,123) | (1,123) | |||||
Actuarial losses on defined benefit pension scheme | (6,701) | (6,701) | |||||
Tax relating to components of other comprehensive income | 1,876 | 1,876 | |||||
Total comprehensive expense | (1,123) | (2,424) | (3,547) | ||||
Shares issued | 93 | 93 | |||||
Own shares utilised | 451 | (451) | - | ||||
Own shares purchased | (93) | (93) | |||||
Share based payment charge* | 470 | 470 | |||||
Deferred tax on share based payment charge | (14) | (14) | |||||
Dividends | (3,124) | (3,124) | |||||
Balance at 2 January 2010 | 9,939 | 38,016 | 208 | 28 | (161) | (33,472) | 14,558 |
Profit for the period | 6,862 | 6,862 | |||||
Other comprehensive income/(expense) | |||||||
Exchange differences on translation of foreign subsidiaries | 193 | 193 | |||||
Actuarial losses on defined benefit pension scheme | (1,387) | (1,387) | |||||
Tax relating to components of other comprehensive income | 388 | 388 | |||||
Effect of change in UK tax rate | (219) | (219) | |||||
Total comprehensive income | 193 | 5,644 | 5,837 | ||||
Share based payment charge | 215 | 215 | |||||
Dividends | (3,399) | (3,399) | |||||
Balance at 1 January 2011 | 9,939 | 38,016 | 208 | 221 | (161) | (31,012) | 17,211 |
*restated (note 9)
Group cash flow statement for the 52 weeks ended 1 January 2011
2010 52 weeks | 2009 53 weeks | ||
Note | £'000 | £'000 | |
Cash flows from operating activities | |||
Cash generated from operations | 8 | 7,849 | 7,633 |
Net tax recovered | 499 | 73 | |
Finance income | 13 | 28 | |
Finance costs | (497) | (340) | |
Net cash generated from operating activities | 7,864 | 7,394 | |
Cash flows from investing activities | |||
Purchases of property, plant and equipment | (884) | (1,679) | |
Purchases of intangible assets | (656) | (633) | |
Net cash used in investing activities | (1,540) | (2,312) | |
Cash flows from financing activities | |||
Proceeds from borrowings | 10,814 | - | |
Repayment of borrowings | (10,814) | (174) | |
Capital element of finance lease payments | (129) | (126) | |
Proceeds from issue of ordinary shares | - | 93 | |
Purchase of own shares | - | (93) | |
Dividends paid to Shareholders | 5 | (3,399) | (3,124) |
Net cash used in financing activities | (3,528) | (3,424) | |
Net movement in cash, cash equivalents and bank overdrafts | 2,796 | 1,658 | |
Cash, cash equivalents and bank overdrafts at beginning of the period | 5,613 | 4,411 | |
Exchange gains/(losses) on cash, cash equivalents and bank overdrafts | 56 | (456) | |
Cash, cash equivalents and bank overdrafts at end of the period | 8,465 | 5,613 | |
Analysis of cash, cash equivalents and bank overdrafts | |||
Cash at bank and in hand | 5,215 | 5,613 | |
Short term deposits | 3,250 | - | |
8,465 | 5,613 |
General Information
4imprint Group plc, registered number 177991, is a public limited company incorporated and domiciled in the UK and listed on the London Stock Exchange. Its registered office is 7/8 Market Place, London W1W 8AG.
Basis of preparation
The financial information set out in this document does not constitute the Group's statutory accounts for the year ended 1 January 2011 or 2 January 2010. The annual report and financial statements for the year ended 1 January 2011 were approved by the Board of Directors on 2 March 2011, along with this announcement, but have not yet been delivered to the Registrar of Companies. The auditors' report on the statutory accounts for the year ended 1 January 2011 was unqualified and did not contain a statement under section 498 of the Companies Act 2006. Statutory accounts for the year ended 2 January 2010 have been delivered to the Registrar of Companies. The auditors' report on the statutory accounts for the year ended 2 January 2010 was unqualified and did not contain a statement under section 498 of the Companies Act 2006.
The audited consolidated financial statements from which these results are extracted have been prepared under the historical cost convention and in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) as adopted by the European Union, IFRIC interpretations and those parts of the Companies Act 2006 applicable to companies reporting under IFRS.
The accounting policies set out below represent an extract of the policies set out in the consolidated financial statements. These policies have been consistently applied to all the periods presented except as noted below.
IAS 38 'Intangible Assets': Following an amendment to IAS 38 an expense will now be recognised for mail order catalogues and other related marketing expenses when the Group has access to the catalogues, rather than when the catalogues are distributed to customers as was the previous policy.
IFRS 2 'Share-based payments': A clarification to the interpretation of this standard requires that cancellations of options by employees are to be treated in the same way as cancellations by the employer and that the full remaining cost of the options are expensed at the time of cancellation.
The impact on the financial statements of the above policy changes is shown in note 9.
IAS 1 (revised), 'Presentation of financial statements'. In applying this standard both the income statement and statement of comprehensive income have been presented as performance statements.
IFRS 8 - 'Operating Segments': The reporting requirements of IFRS 8 requires operating segments to be identified on the basis of internal reports about components of the Group that are regularly reviewed by the chief operating decision maker to allocate resources to the segments and to assess their performance. The adoption of this standard in the current reporting period has not impacted on the reported numbers or segments.
Other new and revised standards effective during the period have not impacted on the Group financial statements.
Critical accounting policies
Critical accounting policies are those that require significant judgement or estimates and potentially result in materially different results under different assumptions or conditions. Management consider the following to be the critical accounting policies.
As disclosed in note 6 the Group operates a closed defined benefit scheme. Year end recognition of the liabilities under this scheme and the return on assets held to fund these liabilities require a number of significant actuarial assumptions to be made including inflation, asset returns, discount rate and mortality rates. Small changes in assumptions can have a significant impact on the expense recorded in the income statement and on the pension liability in the balance sheet.
Deferred taxation
The Group is required to estimate the income tax in each of the jurisdictions in which it operates. This requires an estimation of the current tax liability together with an assessment of the temporary differences which arise as a consequence of different tax and accounting treatments. Assumptions are made around the extent to which it is probable that future taxable profit will be available against which the temporary differences can be utilised and deferred tax assets are recognised at the balance sheet date based on these assumptions.
Goodwill on acquisition of subsidiaries is included in intangible assets and is stated at cost less any impairment. Goodwill is not amortised but is tested annually for impairment. The test for impairment involves the use of assumed discount rates, future growth rate and operating margins. Changes in the assumptions can have an impact on the impairment test.
Inventory provisions
Inventory provisions are made in relation to slow moving and obsolete inventory and are based on assumptions of expected usage using historic and forecast sales as a basis.
1. Segmental reporting
The chief operating decision maker has been identified as the Executive Committee and the segmental analysis is presented based on the Group's internal reporting to the Executive Committee.
At 1 January 2011, the Group is reported in three primary business segments:
Revenue | Total | Inter-segment | External | |||
2010 £'000 | 2009 £'000 | 2010 £'000 | 2009 £'000 | 2010 £'000 | 2009 £'000 | |
4imprint Direct Marketing | 128,972 | 111,138 | - | - | 128,972 | 111,138 |
Brand Addition | 58,886 | 44,219 | (472) | (625) | 58,414 | 43,594 |
SPS | 16,252 | 16,847 | (2,870) | (2,491) | 13,382 | 14,356 |
Total | 204,110 | 172,204 | (3,342) | (3,116) | 200,768 | 169,088 |
All revenue is derived from the sale of promotional products. Inter-segment revenues are on an arms-length basis.
Operating profit | Underlying operating profit | Exceptional items | Operating profit/(loss) | |||
£'000 | 2009
£'000 | 2010
£'000 | 2009
£'000 | 2010
£'000 | 2009 restated £'000 | |
4imprint Direct Marketing | 7,973 | 3,557 | - | - | 7,973 | 3,557 |
Brand Addition | 4,284 | 3,370 | - | (187) | 4,284 | 3,183 |
SPS | 57 | (56) | (537) | - | (480) | (56) |
Head Office | (1,828) | (1,419) | (588) | (584) | (2,416) | (2,003) |
10,486 | 5,452 | (1,125) | (771) | 9,361 | 4,681 | |
IAS 38 marketing cost adjustment* - 4imprint Direct Marketing - SPS |
25 (6) |
281 (17) | ||||
Defined benefit pension charge | (569) | (1,268) | ||||
Share option charge | (215) | (537) | ||||
Operating profit | 8,596 | 3,140 |
* Note 9
Net finance cost totalling £509,000 (2009: £315,000) and taxation charge of £1,225,000 (2009: £424,000) cannot be separately allocated to individual segments.
A description and review of the segments is included in the Operating Review.
During the year the operating segments have been renamed to reflect their trading names: Direct Marketing is now 4imprint Direct Marketing; End User is now Brand Addition; and Trade is now SPS. This has not impacted on the components of the segments.
2. Exceptional items
2010 | 2009 | |
£'000 | £'000 | |
Onerous contracts and termination costs | (588) | (584) |
SPS restructuring costs | (537) | - |
Brand Addition reorganisation costs | - | (187) |
(1,125) | (771) |
The onerous contract charge in the year related to a 4imprint Group plc guarantee for a leasehold property. This guarantee was maintained following the sale of the Henry Booth business by the Group in 2000. Bemrosebooth Ltd, who acquired the Henry Booth business, went into administration in 2010 and 4imprint became liable for the obligation to the end of the lease in March 2013. An extensive search has not revealed any other historical property guarantees.
SPS restructuring costs related to the closure of an offsite warehouse facility and a headcount reduction exercise.
Cash expenditure on exceptional items in 2010 was £526,000 (2009: £829,000). Cash items of £456,000 (2009: £728,000) are included in accruals and £760,000 included in provisions (2009: £nil) at 1 January 2011.
3. Taxation
2010 | 2009 restated | |
£'000 | £'000 | |
Analysis of charge/(credit) in the period: | ||
UK tax - current | - | 3 |
Overseas tax - current | 208 | 95 |
Adjustments in respect of prior years | - | (144) |
Total current tax | 208 | (46) |
Deferred tax | 1,021 | 524 |
Effect of change in UK tax rate | (4) | - |
Adjustment in respect of prior years | - | (54) |
Total deferred tax | 1,017 | 470 |
Taxation | 1,225 | 424 |
The tax for the year is different to the standard rate of corporation tax in the UK (28%). The differences are explained below:
| 2010 | 2009 restated |
| £'000 | £'000 |
Profit before tax | 8,087 | 2,825 |
Profit before tax multiplied by rate of corporation tax in the UK of 28% (2009: 28%) | 2,264 | 791 |
Effects of: | ||
Adjustments in respect of foreign tax rates | 138 | (152) |
Expenses not deductible for tax purposes and non taxable income | 78 | (18) |
Timing differences and other differences | (455) | 1 |
Adjustments in respect of previous years | - | (198) |
Utilisation of losses not previously recognised | (796) | - |
Effect of change in UK tax rate on deferred tax balances | (4) | - |
Taxation | 1,225 | 424 |
4. Earnings per share
Basic, underlying and diluted
The basic, underlying and diluted earnings per share are calculated based on the following data:
| 2010
| 2009 restated |
| £'000 | £'000 |
Profit for the period | 6,862 | 2,401 |
Add back: | ||
IAS 38 marketing cost adjustment | (19) | (264) |
Defined benefit pension charge | 569 | 1,268 |
Share option charge | 215 | 537 |
Exceptional items | 1,125 | 771 |
Tax relating to above items | (287) | (347) |
Underlying profit for the period | 8,465 | 4,366 |
Number 000's | Number 000's | |
Basic weighted average number of shares | 25,750 | 25,574 |
Dilutive potential ordinary shares - employee share options | 593 | 261 |
Diluted weighted average number of shares | 26,343 | 25,835 |
Basic earnings per share | 26.65p | 9.39p |
Underlying basic earnings per share | 32.87p | 17.07p |
Diluted earnings per share | 26.05p | 9.29p |
The basic weighted average number of shares excludes shares held in the 4imprint Group plc Employee Share Trust. The effect of this is to reduce the average by 90,325 (2009: 170,648).
5. Dividends
2010 | 2009 | |
Equity dividends - ordinary shares | £'000 | £'000 |
Interim paid: 4.7p (2009: 4.25p) | 1,210 | 1,098 |
Final paid: 8.5p (2009: 8.0p) | 2,189 | 2,026 |
3,399 | 3,124 |
In addition, the Directors are proposing a final dividend in respect of the period ended 1 January 2011, of 9.0p per share, which will absorb an estimated £2.32m of Shareholders' funds. It will be paid on 4 May 2011 to Shareholders who are on the register of members on 1 April 2011. These financial statements do not reflect this proposed dividend.
6. Employee pension schemes
The Group operates defined contribution plans for the majority of its UK and US employees. The regular contributions are charged to the income statement as they are incurred.
The Group also operates a UK defined benefit scheme which is closed to new members.
Net pension costs |
| 2010 £'000 | 2009 £'000 |
Defined contribution plans | 505 | 493 | ||
Defined benefit scheme | ||||
- Current service cost | 38 | 28 | ||
- Net interest charge | 531 | 1,240 | ||
1,074 | 1,761 |
Defined benefit scheme
The financial position of the defined benefit scheme has been updated on an approximate basis at 1 January 2011. The last full actuarial valuation was carried out by a qualified independent actuary as at 5 April 2010.
The principal assumptions made by the actuaries at each period end were:
2010 | 2009 | |
Rate of increase in pensionable salaries | 4.4% | 4.4% |
Rate of increase in pensions in payment and deferred pensions | 3.4% | 3.4% |
Discount rate | 5.5% | 5.8% |
Inflation assumption | 3.4% | 3.4% |
Expected return on scheme assets | 6.3% | 6.8% |
The expected return on scheme assets is a weighted average based on actual scheme assets held and respective returns expected on the separate asset classes, as calculated by the Group's independent actuaries.
The mortality assumptions adopted at 1 January 2011 imply the following life expectancies at age 65:
2010 | 2009 | |
Male currently age 40 | 24.4 yrs | 21.5 yrs |
Female currently age 40 | 27.9 yrs | 24.2 yrs |
Male currently age 65 | 22.0 yrs | 20.3 yrs |
Female currently age 65 | 25.3 yrs | 23.2 yrs |
The amounts recognised in the balance sheet comprise:
2010 £'000 | 2009 £'000 | |
Present value of funded obligations | (99,460) | (96,505) |
Fair value of scheme assets | 77,555 | 74,055 |
Net liability recognised in the balance sheet | (21,905) | (22,450) |
Analysis of the movement in the balance sheet liability:
2010 | 2009 | |
£'000 | £'000 | |
At start of period | 22,450 | 16,937 |
Total expense | 569 | 1,268 |
Contributions paid | (2,501) | (2,456) |
Actuarial losses recognised in other comprehensive income | 1,387 | 6,701 |
At end of period | 21,905 | 22,450 |
7. Analysis of net debt
2010 | 2009 | ||
£'000 | £'000 | ||
Cash at bank and in hand | 5,215 | 5,613 | |
Short term deposits | 3,250 | - | |
Current finance lease creditor | (135) | (124) | |
Current bank loan | (239) | (6,072) | |
8,091 | (583) | ||
Non current bank loans | (8,037) | (2,127) | |
Non current finance lease creditor | (293) | (416) | |
Net debt | (239) | (3,126) |
8. Cash generated from operations
| 2009 restated | |
£'000 | £'000 | |
Operating profit | 8,596 | 3,140 |
Adjustments for: | ||
Depreciation charge | 1,384 | 1,448 |
Amortisation of intangibles | 674 | 643 |
Loss on disposal of property, plant and equipment | - | 26 |
Exceptional non cash items | 111 | - |
Increase/(decrease) in exceptional accruals/provisions | 488 | (58) |
Share option non cash charge | 215 | 470 |
IAS 19 pension charge for defined benefit scheme | 569 | 1,268 |
Contributions to defined benefit pension scheme | (2,501) | (2,456) |
Changes in working capital: | ||
Decrease in inventories | 688 | 1,158 |
(Increase)/decrease in trade and other receivables | (6,683) | 3,405 |
Increase/(decrease) in trade and other payables | 4,308 | (1,411) |
Cash generated from operations | 7,849 | 7,633 |
9. Prior years' restatements
IAS 38 'Intangible Assets': Following an amendment to IAS 38 an expense will now be recognised for mail order catalogues and other related marketing expenses when the Group has access to the catalogues, rather than when the catalogues are distributed to customers as was the previous policy.
The impact on reported profit for the period ended 2 January 2010 was to decrease operating expenses by £264,000, which has the impact of increasing profit after tax by £224,000. Net assets at 2 January 2010 are reduced by £496,000 as a result of this change of policy (2008: £786,000 decrease).
IFRS 2 'Share-based payments': A clarification to the interpretation of this standard requires that cancellations of options by employees are to be treated in the same way as cancellations by the employer and that the full remaining cost of the options are expensed at the time of cancellation. As a result of this clarification, operating expenses for the period ended 2 January 2010 have increased by £111,000, which reduces profit after tax by £94,000. There is no net impact on net assets.
As a result of these changes in accounting policy, the comparative amounts have been restated, as follows:
2009 | |
£'000 | |
Profit for the period as previously reported | 2,271 |
Decrease in operating expenses | 153 |
Deferred tax impact of the above | (23) |
Profit for the period as restated | 2,401 |
2009 | 2008 | |
£'000 | £'000 | |
Net assets as previously reported | 15,054 | 21,559 |
Reduction in trade and other receivables | (831) | (1,169) |
Increase in deferred tax asset | 335 | 383 |
Net assets as restated | 14,558 | 20,773 |
10. Related party transactions
The Group did not participate in any related party transactions that require disclosure.
Statement of Directors' Responsibilities
Each of the Directors confirm that, to the best of their knowledge:
·; the financial statements within the full Annual Report and Accounts from which the financial information within this Final Results announcement has been extracted, have been prepared in accordance with IFRSs as adopted by the EU, give a true and fair view of the assets, liabilities, financial position and profit of the Group; and
·; the Finance Director's Report and Operating Review include a fair review of the development and performance of the business and the position of the Group, together with a description of the principal risks and uncertainties that it faces.
By order of the Board
John Poulter Gillian Davies
Chairman Group Finance Director
2 March 2011
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