24th Oct 2006 07:02
Ashmore Group PLC24 October 2006 These written materials are not for distribution (directly or indirectly) in orto the United States, Canada, Australia or Japan. They are not an offer ofsecurities for sale in or into the United States, Canada, Australia or Japan. The Shares of the Company are not being registered under the US Securities Actof 1933, as amended (the 'Securities Act') and may not be offered or sold in theUnited States unless registered under the Securities Act or pursuant to anexemption from such registration. No money, securities or other considerationis being solicited and, if sent in response to the information contained herein,will not be accepted. 24 October 2006 Ashmore Group plc ('Ashmore' or the 'Company') Announcement of Utilisation of Over-allotment Option: Ashmore Group plc In connection with the Placing in relation to the following ordinary shares: Ashmore Group plc ordinary shares of 0.01p eachISIN Code: GB00B132NW22 Ashmore announces that, in connection with the Placing of 177,266,000 ordinaryshares by Ashmore, UBS Limited, as stabilising manager, has given notice toutilise the Over-allotment Option in full in respect of 17,726,600 ordinaryshares in Ashmore. None of the £30.1 million gross proceeds arising from theutilisation of the Over-allotment Option will be received by Ashmore. Including the utilisation of the Over-allotment Option, the total size of thePlacing is 194,992,600 ordinary shares. Following the utilisation of theOver-allotment Option and as a consequence of the Over-allotment Arrangements,Mark Coombs will be beneficially interested in 303,324,200 Ashmore ordinaryshares and Jon Moulton will be beneficially interested in 30,511,700 Ashmoreordinary shares. The Placing Price of Ashmore ordinary shares of 0.01p each was set at 170p perordinary share on 12 October 2006. UBS Limited, as stabilising manager has also informed the Company that thestabilisation period which commenced at 8am on 12 October 2006 has now ended andthat it made no stabilisation trades. Further details in respect of the Over-allotment Option and the Over-allotmentArrangements are set out in Ashmore's Prospectus dated 12 October 2006. Defined terms used in this announcement have the same meaning as in theCompany's Prospectus dated 12 October 2006 unless the context requiresotherwise. This announcement may not be distributed, directly or indirectly, in or into theUnited States, Canada, Australia or Japan. This announcement is for information purposes only and does not constitute aninvitation or offer to underwrite, subscribe for or otherwise acquire or disposeof any securities of Ashmore Group plc in any jurisdiction. In addition, if and to the extent that this announcement is communicated in, orthe offer of the securities to which it relates is made in, any EEA Member Statethat has implemented Directive 2003/71/EC (together with any applicableimplementing measures in any Member State, the 'Prospectus Directive') beforethe publication of a prospectus in relation to the securities which has beenapproved by the competent authority in that Member State in accordance with theProspectus Directive (or which has been approved by a competent authority inanother Member State and notified to the competent authority in that MemberState in accordance with the Prospectus Directive), this announcement and thePlacing are only addressed to and directed at persons in that Member State whoare qualified investors within the meaning of the Prospectus Directive (or whoare other persons to whom the offer may lawfully be addressed) and must not beacted on or relied on by other persons in that Member State. The Placing and the distribution of this announcement and other information inconnection with the Placing in certain jurisdictions may be restricted by lawand persons into whose possession any document or other information referred toherein comes should inform themselves about and observe any such restriction.Any failure to comply with these restrictions may constitute a violation of thesecurities laws of any such jurisdiction. This announcement is not an offer of securities for sale into the United States.The securities have not been, and will not be, registered under the U.S.Securities Act of 1933 and may not be offered or sold in the United Statesabsent registration or an exemption from registration. There will be no publicoffer of securities in the United States. Stabilisation/FSA END This information is provided by RNS The company news service from the London Stock ExchangeRelated Shares: