27th Feb 2007 07:01
EcoSecurities, one of the world's leading companies in thebusiness of sourcing, developing and trading carbon offsets fromgreenhouse gas emission reduction projects, announces its acquisitionof the business of Trexler Climate + Energy Services, Inc. ("TC+ES"),an internationally recognized leader in the emerging field of climatechange risk management, specializing in climate change mitigationpolicies, technologies, and projects. TC+ES will be combined withEcoSecurities consulting division to form EcoSecurities GlobalConsulting Services and enhance the Group's capacity to expand itsactivities in the US market. £ TC+ES was founded in 1991 as Trexler and Associates by Dr. Mark C.Trexler. Dr. Trexler founded the firm after several years at the WorldResources Institute in Washington, DC., where he developed some of thefirst carbon offset projects in the world. Today, TC+ES, based inPortland, Oregon, has more than 15 years of experience in the field,and has worked with numerous companies in the United States, Japan,and Canada, such as Southern California Edison, Tokyo Electric Power,and TransAlta. TC+ES has amassed unparalleled knowledge on howcompanies can most credibly and cost-effectively position themselvesfor a carbon constrained world. TC+ES has helped numerous companiesgain competitive advantage through early action climate changemitigation efforts, and has played a leading advocacy role in ensuringthe design of credible voluntary carbon markets in the United States. £ EcoSecurities, which has been operating in the greenhouse gasmitigation and carbon trading sector worldwide since 1997, will mergeits award-winning consulting division with TC+ES to establishEcoSecurities Global Consulting Services. The combined group will playa leadership role in the global expansion of EcoSecurities operationsinternationally and into the expanding carbon markets of the UnitedStates. £ Bruce Usher, CEO of EcoSecurities, based in New York, announcedthat "This partnership is highly strategic to EcoSecurities' expansionin the market for consulting and project development services in theUnited States and the rest of the world. Dr. Trexler has been a keyfigure in the founding and development of the overall field of climatechange mitigation strategies both in the United States and beyond. Weare delighted to welcome the TC+ES team to form EcoSecurities GlobalConsulting Services and look forward to continue being at thecutting-edge of the market as it expands in the United States andinternationally." £ Dr Mark C. Trexler, President of Trexler Climate + Energy Servicesand new Director of EcoSecurities Global Consulting Services, addedthat "We're very excited about becoming part of EcoSecurities. Withthe climate change issue gaining momentum in the United States, thiswill give us the platform and global network we need to stay at thehead of this field. The combined forces of EcoSecurities and TC+ESwill result in a strong market leader." £ Editor's Notes: £ About EcoSecurities: £ EcoSecurities is one of the world's leading companies in thebusiness of originating, developing and trading carbon offsets. £ EcoSecurities has experience of developing carbon offset projectsin the areas of renewable energy, agriculture and urban wastemanagement, industrial efficiency, and forestry. EcoSecurities hasbeen involved in some of the biggest milestones in the history of theinternational carbon market, including the first Kyoto project to beregistered by the UN and the first project to receive CertifiedEmission Reductions (CERs). In 2006, EcoSecurities was voted 'BestProject Developer' by both Point Carbon and Environmental FinanceMagazine. £ With a network of offices and representatives in over 20 countrieson five continents, EcoSecurities has amassed one of the industry'slargest and most diversified portfolios of carbon projects. Today, thecompany is working on 374 projects in 36 countries using 18 differenttechnologies, with the potential to generate more than 163 millionoffsets. In the United States, EcoSecurities has offices in LosAngeles and New York and representatives in Portland and SanFrancisco. £ Utilizing its highly diversified carbon offset portfolio,EcoSecurities is able to structure carbon offset transactions to fiteach buyer's needs, and has executed transactions with both privateand public sector buyers in Europe, North America and Japan. £ With our wide range of expertise and broad insight into theinternational carbon market, EcoSecurities also has one of the largestdedicated advisory teams in the world relating to greenhouse gasaccounting, climate neutral services and emission mitigation projects.Our experience in this area has been widely recognized, as evidencedby having been voted "Leading Greenhouse Gas Advisory Firm Worldwide"by readers of 'Environmental Finance' magazine for the sixth year in arow (2001-2006). £ EcoSecurities Group plc is listed on the London Stock Exchange AIM(ticker ECO.L). Additional information is available atwww.ecosecurities.com. £ About Trexler Climate Change + Energy Services £ Trexler Climate + Energy Services, Inc. (Trexler) isinternationally known as one of the first firms in the climate changefield and as a provider of high-quality information and reliableconsulting services. Trexler has worked primarily in theprivate-sector GHG risk-management market, and has actively supportedvoluntary mitigation efforts at the corporate as well as state andlocal levels, the development of "climate friendly" consumer markets,the identification and development of cost-effective GHG mitigationprojects, and the design of credible emissions trading programs. £ Trexler provides a wide range of climate-related services, fromcorporate inventory support to mitigation investment due diligence.Trexler is an approved technical services provider for the CaliforniaClimate Action Registry, and has worked with clients from operationalto CEO levels, in capacities ranging from outside expert to task forcesupport to regulatory expert witness. The company has a range ofanalytical tools and databases used to support corporate strategicplanning, forecast GHG market outcomes, develop tailored reports forclients, and analyze GHG mitigation projects. The firm also has astandard array of other consulting products. Trexler has providedcutting-edge policy development support in several areas, includingforestry and climate change, early action crediting, project-basedemissions trading systems, and state and local climate change policiesand measures. £ Trexler's expertise also includes sustainable development, powerplant siting, energy efficiency, renewable energy, national andinternational environmental law and policy, energy research anddevelopment, water law, and environmental product developmentincluding green branding. Copyright Business Wire 2007Related Shares:
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