14th Oct 2011 11:30
LONDON FINANCE & INVESTMENT GROUP P.L.C. ("the Company") Dividend announcement for the year ended 30th June 2011
Further to the Company's preliminary announcement of results for the year ended 30th June 2011, released on 29th September 2011, the Board recommends a final dividend of 0.3p, making 0.6p per share for the year (2010 - 0.6p). Subject to member's approval, which will be sought at the Annual General Meeting to be held on Wednesday, 23rd November 2011, the dividend will be paid on 25th November 2011 to those members on the register at the close of business on 4th November 2011. Shareholders on the South African register will receive their dividend in South African rand converted from sterling at the closing rate of exchange on 13th October 2011.
Salient dates for dividend
Last day to trade (SA) Friday 28th October 2011 Shares trade ex dividend (SA) Monday 31st October 2011
Shares trade ex dividend (UK) Wednesday 2nd November 2011
Record date (UK & SA) Friday 4th November 2011 Pay date Friday 25th November 2011 Currency conversion date Thursday 13th October 2011
Shareholders are hereby advised that the exchange rate to be used will be GBP 1 = ZAR12.4690.
This has been calculated as the average of the bid/ask spread as at 16h00 (United Kingdom time) being close of business on 13th October 2011. Consequently the dividend of 0.30p will be equal to 3.7407 South African cents.
No dematerialisation or rematerialisation of share certificates, nor transfer of shares between the registers in London and South Africa will take place between Monday, 31st October 2011 and Friday 4th November 2011, both dates inclusive.
By Order of the BoardCity Group P.L.C.Secretaries14th October 2011
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