16th Dec 2019 07:00
16 December 2019
Studio Retail Group plc
Proposed Disposal of Findel Education Limited for £50.0 million
Studio Retail Group plc, the online value retail and education business, is pleased to announce that it has entered into a conditional agreement for the sale ("Disposal") of Findel Education Limited ("Findel Education") to the Council of the City of Wakefield, acting in its capacity as the lead authority of the joint committee known as the Yorkshire Purchasing Organisation ("YPO" or "Purchaser"), for a gross consideration of £50.0 million on a debt free, cash free basis ("Consideration"). Completion of the Disposal is subject to, amongst other matters, shareholder approval and obtaining clearance for the Disposal from the UK Competition and Markets Authority.
Transaction highlights
·; Sale of Findel Education for a gross consideration of £50.0 million, representing a multiple of 10.3x FY19 adjusted EBITDA, subject to customary adjustments on Completion
·; Recognises the value of Findel Education and the long term growth potential of a combined Findel Education and YPO business
·; Material premium to the value that the Board believes would have been created for Shareholders through continued ownership of Findel Education
·; Transaction unanimously agreed by the Board to be in the best interests of shareholders
·; Net cash proceeds are expected to be approximately £48.0 million at completion
·; The net cash proceeds will be used to make a voluntary payment to the Group's defined benefit pension fund with the remainder to reduce Group debt
·; The Disposal is conditional upon, amongst other matters, shareholder approval and obtaining clearance from the UK Competition and Markets Authority
·; Following the Disposal, the Group will focus on its high growth, value orientated ecommerce business, Studio
·; Irrevocable undertakings obtained to vote to approve the Disposal representing 37.4 per cent. of issued ordinary share capital
·; Completion expected to occur in 2020 subject to receiving the necessary approvals and clearances
·; Interim results announced separately today, record Black Friday trading
Phil Maudsley, CEO of Studio Retail Group plc commented:
"Education has undergone a digital transformation over the past two years, and we are confident that YPO represents a natural new home for the business.
"We believe this transaction is in the best interests of all Studio stakeholders, allowing us to focus on driving further growth within our core Studio value retail business.
"I would like to thank our colleagues at Education for their hard work and wish them well for the future."
Simon Hill, Managing Director of YPO commented:
"Bringing together these two organisations will enable YPO to continue to grow its core activity of providing value for money and excellent service to its education and public sector customers. This is an excellent example of local authorities acting in a collaborative and commercial manner to provide benefits to local communities across the whole of the country."
In view of its size, the Disposal constitutes a Class 1 transaction under the Listing Rules. Completion is therefore conditional upon, amongst other matters, the passing of an ordinary resolution approving the Disposal by Ordinary Shareholders. Once approved by the Financial Conduct Authority, a circular and notice of general meeting ("Circular") will be posted to Ordinary Shareholders as soon as practicable thereafter and will be made available for inspection at www.studioretail.group. A further announcement will be made on posting of the Circular and notice of general meeting in due course.
This announcement contains inside information as defined in Article 7 of the Market Abuse Regulation No. 596/2014.
Studio Retail Group plc
Ian Burke, Group Chairman
Phil Maudsley, Group CEO
Stuart Caldwell, Group CFO
0161 303 3465
Tulchan CommunicationsCatherine James
Will Smith020 7353 4200
Stifel Nicolaus Europe Limited (Joint Sponsor, Joint Financial Adviser and Joint Corporate Broker to Studio Retail Group plc)
Francis North
Matthew Blawat
William Brinkley
020 7710 7600
Nplus1 Singer Advisory LLP (Joint Sponsor, Joint Financial Adviser and Joint Corporate Broker to Studio Retail Group plc)
Mark Taylor
Peter Steel
Alex Bond
020 7496 3000
Additional Information:
Studio Retail Group plc ("Company"), the online value retail and education business, is pleased to announce that it has entered into a conditional agreement for the sale ("Disposal") of Findel Education Limited ("Findel Education") to the Council of the City of Wakefield, acting in its capacity as the lead authority of the joint committee known as the Yorkshire Purchasing Organisation ("YPO" or "Purchaser"), for a gross consideration of £50.0 million on a debt free, cash free basis ("Consideration").
In view of its size, the Disposal constitutes a Class 1 transaction under the Listing Rules for the Company. Completion is therefore conditional upon, amongst other matters, the passing of an ordinary resolution approving the Disposal by Shareholders. A circular containing further details of the Disposal, together with a notice to convene a general meeting (expected to be held in January 2020) ("General Meeting"), will be sent to Ordinary Shareholders as soon as is practicable.
The Consideration implies a multiple of 10.3x adjusted EBITDA (of £4.87 million for the 52 weeks ended 29 March 2019), which recognises the value of Findel Education, the long term growth potential of a combined Findel Education and YPO business, as well as the expertise and respected industry knowledge of the people employed within Findel Education, and represents a material premium to the value that the Board believes would have been created for Shareholders through continued ownership of Findel Education.
The Consideration is payable in full and in cash on the date of Completion, subject to certain adjustments based on the amounts of working capital, debt and cash held by Findel Education at Completion.
Description of Findel Education and reasons for the Disposal
The Studio Retail Group currently comprises:
·; the Studio Business, a leading online value retailer with a broad offer covering clothing and footwear, home and leisure and gifts and products along with flexible payment options; and
·; the Findel Education Business, a leading supplier of resources/equipment to schools in the UK and overseas.
Findel Education has been an important part of Studio Retail Group's history and brand identity over the last twenty years. However, the Board believes that the core of Studio Retail Group today, and the driver of future growth, is the Studio Business. In the 52 week period to 29 March 2019, the Findel Education Business accounted for 16.2 per cent. of the Group's external revenues and, 5.5 per cent. of adjusted operating profit.
Findel Education has seen its revenue decline steadily in recent years, down from £125.8 million for the 52 weeks ended 1 April 2011 to £82.1 million for the 52 weeks to 29 March 2019, in part due to an increasingly competitive marketplace and tight public spending budgets for educational resources. Management has sought to address that decline over the last two years by focussing on transforming Findel Education's business model away from its traditional catalogue-led marketing towards an online approach aimed at "saving schools time and money." The strategy has aimed to encourage online ordering by schools, which is believed to improve retention and loyalty rates, by offering lower prices when ordered through those channels compared to offline catalogue channels. That investment in lowering prices has been funded in part by a rationalisation of legacy overheads and increased use of direct product sourcing to improve margins.
Whilst this transformation strategy is showing promising signs of success, the Board believes that Findel Education will benefit from the additional scale benefits that ownership by YPO can provide, to continue offering great service to schools and nurseries. In return, the Board believes that YPO can benefit from the investment in digital marketing technologies and direct sourcing know-how that have been developed by Findel Education over the last two years.
The Disposal will simplify the Group's operations and allow Studio Retail Group's management to focus on the fast growing and successful Studio Business. In addition, the Retained Group will no longer have to fund Findel Education's significant intra-year working capital commitments which will provide additional capital to accelerate investment in the Studio Business. The focus of management will remain on driving organic growth through improved marketing and digital communications to grow sales and ensure relevance to today's consumer, and through developing the people within the Retained Group.
The Company proposes to use part of the sale proceeds to make certain contributions to the Group Pension Scheme which the Board believes will significantly improve the Pension Scheme's funding position, so improving the interests of its members whilst reducing the risk of ongoing funding strain for Studio Retail Group in the short to medium term. The rest of the proceeds will be used to prepay certain amounts outstanding under the Group's Revolving Credit Facility.
In the Board's view, the Disposal maximises value for Ordinary Shareholders with the Retained Group being well placed to pursue the Company's strategic vision of being the UK's leading digital value retailer.
Information on the Purchaser and YPO
YPO is the largest formally constituted local authority purchasing consortium in the UK. It was established in 1974 as a joint committee of 13 public sector founder member authorities to aggregate demand and generate buying efficiencies. Its objectives are for the supply of goods and procurement of services to the public sector. It operates under the Local Authority (Goods & Services) Act 1970 and is governed by a management committee of elected representatives (councillors) from its founding member authorities.
YPO supplies products and services to a wide range of customers including schools, local authorities, charities, emergency services, public sector and other businesses such as nurseries and care homes. In 2014, YPO's member authorities formed YPO Procurement Holdings Limited, a separate limited company to enable customers outside the public sector to buy goods and services from YPO.
Summary of the terms of the Disposal
Earlier today, the Company and the Purchaser entered into the Sale and Purchase Agreement. Pursuant to the terms of the Sale and Purchase Agreement, the Company has agreed to sell the: (i) entire issued share capital of Findel Education Limited and (ii) aggregate intercompany loan balance owed by Findel Education to the Company for gross aggregate consideration of £50.0 million, subject to certain conditions to Completion. The Consideration is payable by the Purchaser in cash, subject to certain adjustments based on the amounts of working capital, debt and cash held by Findel Education on Completion.
Completion of the Disposal is conditional upon, amongst other things, the satisfaction (or waiver, where applicable) of the following conditions by the Longstop Date:
·; no material adverse change having occurred in the business, operational or financial position of the Findel Education Group Companies as a whole or to or in respect of the reputation of the Findel Education Group Companies in each case in the period between the date of the Sale and Purchase Agreement and Completion;
·; the approval of the Disposal by Ordinary Shareholders at the General Meeting;
·; obtaining clearance from the UK Competition and Markets Authority in relation to the Disposal; and
·; certain other conditions which are customary for a transaction of this nature.
The Sale and Purchase Agreement contains various termination rights, including in the event that the Disposal Resolution is not approved by Shareholders at the General Meeting, if any of the other conditions are not satisfied (or waived, where applicable) by the Longstop Date or in the event that certain specific terms are breached by the Company.
If the Disposal Resolution is not passed by Shareholders at the General Meeting, or if the Sale and Purchase Agreement terminates due to the Company being in breach of certain specified terms, the Company has agreed to pay, or procure to be paid to the Purchaser an amount equal to the fees and expenses incurred by the Purchaser in connection with the preparation, negotiation and execution of the Sale and Purchase Agreement and associated documents up to a maximum capped amount of £750,000 plus VAT (if applicable).
Pursuant to the Sale and Purchase Agreement, the Company and the Purchaser have each given customary representations, warranties, covenants and indemnities to the other, including undertakings regarding achieving satisfaction of the Conditions as well as regarding the conduct of the Findel Education Business during the period up to Completion. The Sale and Purchase Agreement also contains certain specific indemnities from the Company in favour of the Purchaser, but which are considered to be customary for a transaction of this nature and further details of which will be set out in the Circular.
The Purchaser has obtained representation and warranty insurance which, following Completion, will be the sole recourse (save in respect of fraud) for any claim against the majority of the general warranties and the tax indemnity. The aggregate liability of the Company for claims against those general warranties and the tax indemnity has been limited to an amount equal to £250,000, being the retention under the representation and warranty insurance policy. Certain specified warranties, known tax risks as well as certain standard matters are excluded from coverage under the representation and warranty insurance policy. The Company has liability for these risks up to an aggregate liability of £25 million with the exception of a number of specific customary indemnities which are not subject to this cap.
In addition, the Company has agreed the terms of various agreements with the Purchaser which are intended to be entered into on Completion to facilitate the transition of the Findel Education Business. These agreements include:
·; a Transitional Services Agreement which will govern the provision of certain services by the Retained Group to Findel Education to support the ongoing operation of the Findel Education Business for a transitional period after Completion;
·; a Sourcing and Buying Agreement which will govern the continued provision of sourcing services by Findel Sourcing (Shanghai) Limited, a subsidiary of the Company to Findel Education; and
·; a Lease which will govern the continued occupation by Findel Education of the Company's Hyde Property for a period of up to 5 years following Completion.
Under the terms of the Disposal, all of the responsibilities of the Findel Education Group Companies relating to the Pension Scheme will be retained by Studio Retail Group, as agreed with the Pension Trustee.
Completion of the Disposal is expected to occur in 2020 subject to receiving the necessary approvals and clearances.
Further details of the Sale and Purchase Agreement, the Transitional Services Agreement, the Sourcing and Buying Agreement and the Lease will be set out in the Circular.
Use of proceeds
After adjustment for estimated transaction costs, the net cash proceeds from the Disposal are expected to be approximately £48.0 million ("Net Cash Proceeds"). The Net Cash Proceeds will be applied as follows:
·; to making a contribution of £13.0 million from the Net Cash Proceeds to the Pension Scheme; and
·; with respect to the balance of the Net Cash Proceeds, to making a prepayment of certain amounts outstanding under the Group's Revolving Credit Facility.
Under the terms of the Disposal, all of the responsibilities of the Findel Education Group Companies relating to the Pension Scheme will be retained by Studio Retail Group, as agreed with the Pension Trustee. Further information on the Board's intended use of the Net Cash Proceeds and the arrangements agreed with the Pension Trustee and the Group's Lenders will be set out in the Circular.
Financial effects of the Disposal on the Retained Group
In the 52 week period ended 29 March 2019, the Findel Education Business contributed reported adjusted EBITDA of £4.9 million and adjusted operating profit of £2.1 million. As at 27 September 2019, Findel Education had total gross assets of £64.2 million.
It is expected that the Disposal will have a dilutive effect on the earnings per share in the first full year following Completion.
The Net Cash Proceeds arising from the Disposal are expected to be approximately £48.0 million at Completion after deduction of costs and fees associated with the Disposal. For illustrative purposes only, following Completion and assuming the Disposal had occurred on 27 September 2019, the Disposal would have resulted in pro forma net debt (excluding lease liabilities) of approximately £206.1 million, based on the Group's financial position as at 27 September 2019.
Reduction in financial indebtedness
As referred to in today's interim results announcement, pursuant to discussions with the Group's Lenders, the Group's Revolving Credit Facility now expires on 31 March 2021.
As part of its consideration of the Disposal, the Board has considered the ongoing funding requirements of the Studio Retail Group and has concluded that if the Disposal completes, the Group's funding requirements will change. The Company intends to initiate a re-financing shortly after Completion. Taking into account the Net Cash Proceeds from the Disposal, the Company would be seeking a significantly reduced facility. As noted above, further details on the arrangements with the Group's Lenders will be provided in the Circular.
Information on the Retained Group and future strategy
Following Completion, the Company intends to continue to pursue its strategic vision of becoming the UK's leading digital value retailer. The Board believes that the Studio Business has significant opportunity for growth in the UK and that the Retained Group will be in a strong position to build on its existing operations and invest in people and properties to grow organically. The Board will update Ordinary Shareholders on this strategic progress at the full year results in 2020.
Key individuals important to the business of Findel Education
The following individuals are deemed to be key to the operations of Findel Education:
Name of key individual | Position |
Chris Mahady | Managing Director |
Mark Whittaker | Deputy Managing Director |
Financial advice
The Board has received financial advice from Stifel Nicolaus Europe Limited and Nplus1 Singer Advisory LLP in relation to the Disposal. In providing their financial advice to the Board, Stifel Nicolaus Europe Limited and Nplus1 Singer Advisory LLP have taken into account the Board's commercial assessment of the Disposal.
Intended recommendation
The Board considers the Disposal to be in the best interests of shareholders as a whole. Accordingly, the Directors intend unanimously to recommend in the Circular that Ordinary Shareholders vote in favour of the Disposal Resolution at the General Meeting.
Irrevocable undertakings
The Directors have each irrevocably undertaken to vote at the General Meeting in favour of the Disposal Resolution in respect of the Ordinary Shares to which they are beneficially entitled (representing approximately 0.57 per cent. of the total issued Ordinary Shares of the Company as at 13 December 2019 (being the latest practicable date prior to the issue of this announcement)).
Sports Direct International plc has given an irrevocable undertaking to vote at the General Meeting in favour of the Disposal Resolution in respect of the Ordinary Shares in which it is interested representing (in aggregate), approximately 36.8 per cent. of the total issued ordinary share capital of Studio Retail Group plc as at 13 December 2019 (being the latest practicable date prior to the issue of this announcement).
Important information relating to financial advisers
Stifel Nicolaus Europe Limited ("Stifel"), which is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority in the United Kingdom, is acting exclusively for Studio Retail Group plc and for no one else in connection with the Disposal and is not, and will not be, responsible to anyone other than Studio Retail Group plc for providing the protections afforded to its clients nor for providing advice in relation to the Disposal, the contents of this announcement or any transaction, arrangement or other matter referred to in this announcement.
Nplus1 Singer Advisory LLP ("Nplus1"), which is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority in the United Kingdom, is acting exclusively for Studio Retail Group plc and for no one else in connection with the Disposal and is not, and will not be, responsible to anyone other than Studio Retail Group plc for providing the protections afforded to its clients nor for providing advice in relation to the Disposal, the contents of this announcement or any transaction, arrangement or other matter referred to in this announcement.
Cautionary statement
The release, publication or distribution of this announcement in jurisdictions other than the United Kingdom may be restricted by law and therefore any persons who are subject to the laws of any jurisdiction other than the United Kingdom should inform themselves about, and observe, any applicable requirements. This announcement has been prepared for the purposes of complying with the Listing Rules and the information disclosed may not be the same as that which would have been disclosed if this announcement had been prepared in accordance with laws and regulations of any jurisdiction outside of England.
No offer or solicitation
This announcement is not intended to, and does not constitute, or form part of, any offer to sell or an invitation to purchase or subscribe for any securities or a solicitation of any vote or approval in any jurisdiction. The Company's Ordinary Shareholders are advised to carefully read the circular in relation to the Disposal once it has been despatched. Any response to the Disposal should be made only on the basis of the information in the circular to follow.
Information regarding forward-looking statements
This announcement contains statements which are, or may be deemed to be, "forward-looking statements" which are prospective in nature. All statements other than statements of historical fact are forward-looking statements. They are based on current expectations and projections about future events, and are therefore subject to risks and uncertainties which could cause actual results to differ materially from the future results expressed or implied by the forward-looking statements. Often, but not always, forward-looking statements can be identified by the use of a date in the future or forward-looking words such as "plans", "expects", "is expected", "is subject to", "budget", "scheduled", "estimates", "forecasts", "intends", "anticipates", "believes", "targets", "aims", "projects" or words or terms of similar substance or the negative of those terms, as well as variations of such words and phrases or statements that certain actions, events or results "may", "could", "should", "would", "might" or "will" be taken, occur or be achieved. Such statements are qualified in their entirety by the inherent risks and uncertainties surrounding future expectations or events that are beyond the Group's control.
Forward-looking statements include statements regarding the intentions, beliefs or current expectations of the Company concerning, without limitation: (i) future capital expenditures, expenses, revenues, earnings, synergies, economic performance, indebtedness, financial condition, dividend policy, losses and future prospects; (ii) business and management strategies and the expansion and growth of the Studio Retail Group's operations; and (iii) the effects of United Kingdom and global economic conditions on the Studio Retail Group's business.
Such forward-looking statements involve known and unknown risks and uncertainties that could significantly affect expected results and are based on certain key assumptions. Many factors may cause the actual results, performance or achievements of the Studio Retail Group to be materially different from any future results, performance or achievements expressed or implied by the forward-looking statements. Important factors that could cause the actual results, performance or achievements of the Studio Retail Group to differ materially from the expectations of the Company include, amongst other things, general business, economic and political conditions in the United Kingdom and globally, industry trends, competition, changes in government and other regulation and policy, including in relation to the environment, health and safety, taxation, labour relations and work stoppages, interest rates and currency fluctuations, changes in its business strategy, the outcome of any litigation, the impact of any acquisitions or similar transactions, IT system and technology failures, political and economic uncertainty and other factors. Such forward-looking statements should therefore be construed in light of such factors.
Neither Studio Retail Group plc nor any of its Directors, officers or advisers provides any representation, assurance or guarantee that the occurrence of the events expressed or implied in any forward-looking statements in this announcement will actually occur. You are cautioned not to place undue reliance on these forward-looking statements, which speak only as of the date of this announcement.
Forward-looking statements contained in this announcement apply only as at the date of this announcement. Other than in accordance with its legal or regulatory obligations (including under the Listing Rules, the Disclosure Guidance and Transparency Rules and the Prospectus Regulation), Studio Retail Group plc is not under any obligation and Studio Retail Group plc expressly disclaims any intention or obligation to update or revise any forward-looking statements, whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise.
No profit forecast
No statement in this announcement is intended as a profit forecast or estimate for any period and no statement in this announcement should be interpreted to mean that earnings, earnings per share or income, cash flow from operations or free cash flow for the Studio Retail Group, the Findel Education Group Companies or the Retained Group (as appropriate) for the current or future financial years would necessarily match or exceed the historical published earnings, earnings per share or income, cash flow from operations or free cash flow for Studio Retail Group plc.
Presentation of financial information
References to "£", "GBP", "pounds", "pounds sterling", "sterling", "p" and "pence" are to the lawful currency of the United Kingdom.
Certain financial data has been rounded, and, as a result of this rounding, the totals of data presented in this document may vary slightly from the actual arithmetic totals of such data.
The following definitions apply throughout this announcement, unless the context otherwise requires:
"Board" | the board of Directors of the Company. |
"Company" | Studio Retail Group plc, a public limited company incorporated in England and Wales with registered number 00549034 and whose registered office is at Church Bridge House, Henry Street, Accrington, BB4 4EE. |
"Completion" | completion of the Disposal in accordance with the terms of the Sale and Purchase Agreement. |
"Directors" | the Executive Directors and Non-executive Directors of the Company. |
"Disclosure Guidance and Transparency Rules" or "DTRs" | the Disclosure Guidance and Transparency Rules made by the FCA for the purposes of Part 6 of FSMA. | |
"Disposal" | the proposed disposal by the Company of Findel Education Limited to the Purchaser by means of the sale of the entire issued share capital of the Company's subsidiary Findel Education Limited (company registered number 01135827) in accordance with the terms of the Sale and Purchase Agreement. | |
"Disposal Resolution" | the ordinary resolution to be proposed at the General Meeting to approve the Disposal and to grant the Directors authority to implement the Disposal as set out in the Notice of General Meeting. | |
"Education Business" or "Findel Education Business" | Studio Retail Group's school supplies and early years resources business operated through its wholly owned subsidiary Findel Education Limited (company registered number 01135827) and the Education Group Companies. | |
"Executive Directors" | the executive directors of the Company, currently being Phil Maudsley, Stuart Caldwell and Paul Kendrick. | |
"FCA" | the Financial Conduct Authority of the UK, its predecessors or its successors from time to time, including, as applicable, in its capacity as the competent authority for the purposes of Part VI of FSMA. | |
"Findel Education" | Findel Education Limited (company registered number 01135827) of Church Bridge House, Henry Street, Accrington, United Kingdom, BB5 4EE. | |
"Findel Education Group Companies" or "Education Group Companies" | Findel Education Limited and its subsidiary and subsidiary undertakings at Completion being Living and Learning, Ltd, GLS Educational Supplies Limited, Findel Education Group Limited, Philograph Publications Limited, Protus Plastics Limited, Philip & Tacey, Limited, Hope Holdings (U.K.) Limited, Hope Adventureplay Limited, Hope Export Limited, International Schools Supply Limited and SPA 4 Schools Limited. | |
"FSMA" | the Financial Services and Markets Act 2000, as amended. | |
"Group" or "Studio Retail Group" | in respect of any time prior to Completion, the Company and its consolidated subsidiaries and subsidiary undertakings and, in respect of any time following Completion, the Retained Group. | |
"Group Revolving Credit Facility" | the revolving credit facility agreement entered into by the Company and the Group Lenders dated 24 November 2015. | |
"Group's Lenders" | the lenders to the Studio Retail Group under the Group Revolving Credit Facility. | |
"Listing Rules" | the Listing Rules made by the FCA for the purposes of Part VI of FSMA. | |
"Longstop Date" | 30 September 2020 (or such other date as may be agreed by the Company and the Purchaser). | |
"Non-executive Directors" | the non-executive directors of the Company, currently being Ian Burke, Elaine O'Donnell, Greg Ball, Francois Coumau and Clare Askem. | |
"Ordinary Shareholder(s)" or "Shareholder(s) " | the holders of Ordinary Shares from time to time. | |
"Ordinary Shares" | the ordinary shares of 10 pence each in the capital of the Company. | |
"Pension Scheme" | the Findel Group Pension Plan (a defined benefit pension scheme operated by the Company for eligible employees which closed to future accrual on 31 January 2010). | |
"Pension Trustee" | Findel (Pensions) Limited (company registered number 01164903) of Curzon House 2nd Floor, 24 High Street, Banstead, Surrey, SM7 2LJ, the Trustee for the time being of the Pension Scheme. | |
"Retained Group" | the continuing business of the Group following Completion being the Company and its subsidiaries and subsidiary undertakings from time to time but excluding, for the avoidance of doubt, the Findel Education Group Companies following Completion. | |
"Sale and Purchase Agreement" | the sale and purchase agreement dated 15 December 2019 entered into between the Company and the Purchaser in connection with the Disposal. | |
"Studio Business" | the value retail business of the Company covering clothing and footwear, home and leisure and gifts and products along with flexible payment options as operated by the Company and its subsidiaries and subsidiary undertakings other than the Findel Education Group Companies. | |
"YPO" or "Purchaser" | the Council of the City of Wakefield acting in its capacity as the lead authority of the Yorkshire Purchasing Organisation, the joint committee of 13 public sector founder member authorities established under the Local Authority (Goods & Services) Act 1970 for the purpose of the supply of goods and procurement services for the public sector. |
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