15th May 2015 08:00
15 May 2015
Ferrum Crescent Limited
("Ferrum Crescent", the "Company" or the "Group")(ASX: FCR, AIM: FCR, JSE: FCR)
Changes to Directors' Interests
Ferrum Crescent, the ASX, AIM and JSE Limited ("JSE") quoted iron ore developer announces it was notified of the following changes to directors' interests on 13 May 2015:
- 500,000 fully paid ordinary shares that were previously issued under the Ferrum Crescent Share Plan (the "Plan") to Ed Nealon were sold on market for A$0.013 per share on 12 May 2015, such sale being required under the terms of the Plan. Mr Nealon now holds 600,000 fully paid ordinary shares pursuant to the Plan and 25,641,557 fully paid ordinary shares; and
- 400,000 fully paid ordinary shares that were previously issued under the Plan to Grant Button were sold on market for A$0.013 per share on 12 May 2015, such sale being required under the terms of the Plan. Mr Button who now holds 500,000 fully paid ordinary shares pursuant to the Plan and 1,638,423 fully paid ordinary shares, as well as 3,217,877 fully paid ordinary shares (held as trustee for the Wilberforce Trust).
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Accordingly, as a result of the sale of the Plan shares, the relevant Directors of Ferrum Crescent are now interested in the following shares:
Director | Shareholding | % of Share Capital |
Ed Nealon | 32,670,999 | 6.30 |
Grant Button | 5,356,300 | 1.03 |
For more information on the Company, please visit the Ferrum Crescent website at www.ferrumcrescent.com or contact:
Australia enquiries: | UK enquiries: |
Ferrum Crescent Limited Tom Revy T: +61 8 9367 5681 Managing Director
| Ferrum Crescent Limited Laurence Read (UK representative) T: +44 7557672432 RFC Ambrian Limited (Nominated Adviser) Andrew Thomson/Oliver Morse T: +61 8 9480 2500 Beaufort Securities (Broker) Elliot Hance T: +44 (0)20 7382 8416 |
South Africa enquiries: | JSE Sponsor Bravura Capital (Pty) Ltd Doné HattinghT (direct): +27 11 459 5037 |
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