15th Mar 2013 15:29
COMMUNISIS PLC - Director/PDMR ShareholdingCOMMUNISIS PLC - Director/PDMR Shareholding
PR Newswire
London, March 15
The notification below is made in accordance with DTR 3.1.4 R(1).
Michael Firth, Non-Executive Director of Communisis plc has notified theCompany that he has disposed of 20,000 Communisis ordinary shares of 25 penceeach that were held in a HSBC nominee account and then acquired the same numberof Communisis ordinary shares of 25 pence each and put them into an ISA.
The shares were sold at 51.85 pence per share and then bought for 52.1 penceper share.
The transaction took place today 15 March 2013 in London.
Mr Firth's total shareholding in the Company following this transaction remainsat 233,674 ordinary shares (of which 16,000 shares are held in his wife'sname). This total shareholding represents 0.122% of the issued share capital.
For further information please contact:
Communisis plc 0113 277 0202
Christine Benson, Assistant Company Secretary
FTI Consulting 020 7831 3113 Matt Dixon / Clare Thomas N+1 Singer Sandy Fraser 0131 529 0272 Richard Lindley 0113 388 4789Cenkos Securities 020 7397 8900
Ivonne Cantu Alex Aylen EndsRelated Shares:
Communisis PLC