18th Sep 2014 18:06
Canaccord Genuity Group Inc - Director/PDMR ShareholdingCanaccord Genuity Group Inc - Director/PDMR Shareholding
PR Newswire
London, September 18
NOTIFICATION OF TRANSACTIONS OF DIRECTORS/PERSONS DISCHARGING MANAGERIAL RESPONSIBILITY AND CONNECTED PERSONS TORONTO, September 18, 2014 - Canaccord Genuity Group Inc. (the "Company")announces that on September 10, 2014, the following independent directors weregranted Deferred Share Units ("DSUs") as an equivalent of the dividends paid onthat date on the common shares. A DSU is a book-keeping entry that tracks thevalue of one common share of the Company. DSUs are paid out in cash when thedirector leaves the board of directors of the Company but does not give anyrights to receive common shares. The value of the DSUs at the date of grant(based on a ten day volume average weighted price) was $12.21837 Canadiandollars per DSU. Name of Director Number of DSUs awarded Charles Bralver 91.30 Massimo Carello 48.31 William Eeuwes 92.44 Michael Harris 203.32 Terrence Lyons 109.57 Dipesh Shah 47.88 ABOUT CANACCORD GENUITY GROUP INC.: Through its principal subsidiaries, Canaccord Genuity Group Inc. (the"Company") is a leading independent, full-service financial services firm, withoperations in two principal segments of the securities industry: wealthmanagement and capital markets. Since its establishment in 1950, the Companyhas been driven by an unwavering commitment to building lasting clientrelationships. We achieve this by generating value for our individual,institutional and corporate clients through comprehensive investment solutions,brokerage services and investment banking services. The Company has offices in10 countries worldwide, including Wealth Management offices located in Canada,Australia, the UK and Europe. Canaccord Genuity, the international capitalmarkets division, operates in Canada, the US, the UK, France, Germany, Ireland,Hong Kong, China, Singapore, Australia and Barbados. To us there are noforeign markets.TM Canaccord Genuity Group Inc. is publicly traded under the symbol CF on the TSXand the symbol CF. on the London Stock Exchange. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: North America media:Scott DavidsonExecutive Vice President, Global Head of Corporate Development and StrategyPhone: 416-869-3875, email: [email protected] For investor relations inquiries contact: Christina MarinoffVice President, Investor Relations & CommunicationsPhone: 416-687-5507, email: [email protected] London media: Robert Morgan or Nicola RatchfordStockwellPhone: +44 (0) 20 7240 2486,email: [email protected];[email protected] Broker: Oliver HearseyRBC Europe LimitedPhone: +44 (0) 20 7653 4000, email: [email protected]
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