3rd Jun 2011 14:51
Journey Group plc
(the "Company'')
Director's Dealing
Journey Group Plc is a leading provider of in-flight products, catering and media services to the international airline and travel industry.
Stephen Yapp, Executive Chairman, has today informed the Company that he has today exercised his option under the matching award provisions of the Company's Executive Incentive Share Plan to purchase 2,012,400 ordinary shares of 1p each in the capital of the Company ("Ordinary Shares") at an exercise price of 0.375 pence per share ("the EISP Shares"). In addition, Stephen Yapp has also exercised his option under the Retention Incentive Share Plan to acquire a further 2,666, 666 Ordinary Shares ("RISP Shares") for a total consideration of 1 pence.
The exercise of these options brings Stephen Yapp's shareholding in the Company to a total of 6,691,466 Ordinary Shares which represents 2.3% of the Company's issued share capital.
Application will be made for admission of 4,679,066 Ordinary Shares (comprising the EISP Shares and the RISP Shares) to be admitted to AIM. Dealings are expected to commence on Friday 10 June 2011.
Journey Group plc contacts:
Stephen Yapp
+44 (0) 20 8606 2000
Carl Fry
+44 (0) 20 8606 2000
Peel Hunt LLP (Nominated Adviser & Broker)
+44 (0) 20 7418 8900
Daniel Harris
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