8th Nov 2006 16:44
GlaxoSmithKline PLC08 November 2006 Notification of Transactions of Directors, Persons Discharging Managerial Responsibility or Connected Persons Following a re-valuation of the cash element of the notional investment heldwithin the US Retirement Savings Plan ("The Plan"), which is notionally held inGSK Ordinary Share ADRs, the Administrators of the Plan notified GlaxoSmithKlineplc and the under-mentioned persons on 8 November 2006 of an increase in thenotional allocation of Ordinary Share ADRs on 2 November 2006 at a price of$53.93 per share:- Dr JP Garnier 54Dr MM Slaoui 1Dr F Calhoun 11Dr R Greig 68Mr D Phelan 162Dr D Pulman 11Mr D Stout 27Mr C Viehbacher 4 Following a re-valuation of the cash element of the notional investment heldwithin the Plan, which is notionally held in GSK Ordinary Share ADRs, theAdministrators of the Plan notified GlaxoSmithKline plc and the under-mentionedpersons on 7 November 2006 of an increase in the notional allocation of OrdinaryShare ADRs on 3 November 2006 at a price of $53.30 per share:- Dr MM Slaoui 2Dr R Greig 3 These notifications relate to transactions notified in accordance withDisclosure Rules 3.1.4R(1)(a) and 3.1.4R(1)(b). S M BicknellCompany Secretary 8 November 2006 This information is provided by RNS The company news service from the London Stock ExchangeRelated Shares: