3rd Dec 2008 16:05
3 December 2008
National Grid plc (National Grid)
Notification of Directors' Interests____________________________________________________________
Special Retention Award Plan
On 29 November 2007, Tom King was granted an award over 35,487 National Grid American Depositary Shares ("ADS"s) under the National Grid Special Retention Award Plan (the "Plan"). This award was calculated by reference to a share price of $84.5360 per ADS and is to vest in three equal tranches on 29 November in 2008, 2009 and 2010 respectively. The ADSs below are being transferred to Mr King in accordance with the rules of the Plan. On 29 November 2008 the first tranche of the award over 11,829 ADSs became due for release. On 2 December 2008 the trustee notified the Company that Mr King will meet any US statutory deductions and therefore he retains all 11,829 ADSs following their release to him, effective Monday 1 December.
Following this release his total interest remains unchanged at 96,435 ADSs (equivalent to 482,175 National Grid ordinary shares).
Contact: R.Kerner, Assistant Secretary-Share Schemes (0207 004 3223)
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