6th Feb 2018 14:12
Directors'/PDMR shareholdings
Marston's PLC (the 'Company') announces that it has been notified that on 5 February 2018, 182,726 ordinary shares of 7.375 pence each in the Company were acquired by Computershare Trustees (C.I.) Limited, as Trustee of The Marston's Employee Benefit Trust ('the EBT'), at an average price of £1.0842 per share, pursuant to the Company's Long Term Incentive Plan and Deferred Bonus Plan.
As a result of the purchase, Ralph Findlay and Andrew Andrea, being Directors of the Company and Richard Westwood, being a PDMR of the Company, have an interest in the said 182,726 ordinary shares in the Company as potential beneficiaries of the EBT. This brings the number of ordinary shares in the Company owned by the EBT to a total of 720,674.
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