24th May 2019 16:06
(Incorporated in Guernsey with registered number 51576 under the provisions of The Companies (Guernsey) Law, 2008 as amended)
24 May 2019
Director Appointment
Baker Steel Resources Trust Limited (the "Company") is pleased to announce the appointment of David Staples as an independent non-executive director of the Company. Mr Staples has also been elected as Chairman of the Audit Committee.
Howard Myles, chairman of the Company, said: "I am delighted to welcome David to the board of the Company. He has extensive and relevant experience and I am sure that he will be able to make a valuable contribution to our work."
Mr Staples worked for PWC for 25 years, including 13 years as Partner. He has a number of years experience serving on boards of listed and private companies as a non-executive director, including as chairman of listed investment companies. Mr Staples is currently serving on the Board of Ruffer Investment Company Limited and NB Global Floating Rate Income Fund Limited both of which are listed on the London Stock Exchange. Mr Staples has a BSc in Economics and Accounting, is a Chartered Accountant, a Chartered Tax Adviser and a Member of The Institute of Directors.
It is confirmed that there are no other details to be disclosed concerning Mr Staples under Listing Rule 9.6.13 R.
Mr Staples' appointment is effective 29 May 2019 subject to regulatory process.
At the date of this announcement, Mr Staples holds no interests in the shares of the Company.
HSBC Securities Services (Guernsey) Limited +44 (0)1481 717852
Company Secretary
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