26th Feb 2015 07:00
PR Newswire
London, February 25
26 February 2015 Energiser Investments plc ("Energiser" or the "Company") Directorate Change The board of the Company is pleased to announce that Stephen Wicks has beenappointed to the board as Non-Executive Director with immediate effect. Stephen Desmond Wicks (age 63) Mr Wicks has worked in the construction and housebuilding sector all of hisworking life and has extensive knowledge of local and national policies on bothgreenfield and brownfield sites. He is currently the CEO of Inland Homes plc,having founded the company in June 2005. Prior to this, Mr Wicks was thefounding shareholder and chief executive of Country & Metropolitan plc, whichfloated on the main market of the London Stock Exchange in December 1999 with amarket capitalisation of £6.9m. He directed the growth of Country &Metropolitan plc until its disposal in April 2005 to Gladedale Holdings plc forapproximately £72m. Present directorships / partnerships Former directorships / partnerships held over past 5 years Stephen Wicks Developments Limited Howarth Homes plcHighlands Village Limited Harvey Road (Rickmansworth) LimitedInland Homes plcInland ZDP plcInland Homes 2013 LimitedInland LimitedPrime Assets LimitedInland Finance LimitedInland Housing LimitedCedar Green Homes LimitedDevelopment Funding LimitedPoole Investments LimitedInland (Southern) LimitedInland Homes (Essex) LimitedInland Homes Developments LimitedInland New Homes LimitedExeter Road (Bournemouth)LimitedEnergiser (Nominee) LimitedInland Developments Limited10 Ant South LimitedLeighton Developments LimitedDrayton Developments Limited Mr Wicks holds 23,558,855 ordinary shares in the Company, representing 53.8%. Mr Wicks was a director of Ashton Group Limited ("Ashton"), a propertydevelopment company, which went into administration receivership on 5 December1989. The receiver ceased to act in August 1995. As a consequence of thisadministrative receivership, Mr Wicks entered into an individual voluntaryarrangement with his creditors in respect of his personal debts and personalguarantees given in relation to Ashton's business which was concluded byagreement with his creditors on 22 October 1996. There are no further disclosures under Schedule 2 (g) of the AIM Rules. Nishith Malde, commented, "I am delighted to welcome Stephen to the Board ofEnergiser Investments plc. His wealth of experience, along with his position asthe major shareholder, will be invaluable at Board level at this key point inthe Company's development." For further information, please visit www.energiserinvestments.co.uk orcontact: Energiser Investments plc +44 1494 762 450Nishith Malde Cairn Financial Advisers LLP +44 20 7148 7900Jo Turner / Liam Murray
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