4th Dec 2013 08:50
PR Newswire
London, December 4
4 November 2013 Energiser Investments plc ("Energiser" or the "Company") Directorate Change Energiser is pleased to announce that William ("Bill") Jeremy Weston has beenappointed as Non-executive Chairman of the Company with immediate effect. MrWeston will replace Simon Bennett who is to resign his position to pursue hisother business interests. William Jeremy Weston, aged 73 Mr Weston is currently Non-executive Chairman of Pantheon Leisure plc, formerlyquoted on AIM, which is now majority owned by Westside Investments plc. Pantheon Leisure was established to take advantage of opportunities in theSports and Leisure Sectors. Through a subsidiary, The Elms Limited, is a Sportsand Leisure based company with three key divisions, Small Sided Football,Summer Camps and Sport in Schools. Prior to joining Pantheon Leisure, Mr Weston was previously the ManagingDirector of the specialist auctioneers Foster & Cranfield Limited and thesenior partner of H.E. Foster & Cranfield. In early 1998, in conjunction with3i, Mr Weston instigated the merger of Foster & Cranfield and PhillipsAuctioneers. Mr Weston and 3i subsequently sold the Phillips Auction Group which includedFoster & Cranfield, to a company within the LVMH Group. Present directorships / partnerships Former directorships / partnerships held over past 5 years Pantheon Leisure plc NoneGailfield LimitedSports in Schools limitedThe Forestry Partnership 2008 LLPForests Limited There are no further disclosures required pursuant to Schedule 2(g) of the AIMRules. Nishith Malde, commented, "we are delighted to welcome Bill to the board ofEnergiser. We would also like to take the opportunity to thank Simon Bennettfor the support he has given the Company over the years and wish him everysuccess in the future." For further information, please visit www.energiserinvestments.co.uk orcontact: Energiser Investments plc +44 1494 762450Nishith Malde Cairn Financial Advisers LLP +44 20 7148 7900Jo Turner / Liam Murray
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