12th May 2006 14:49
Azure Holdings PLC12 May 2006 Azure Holdings plc (the "Company") Board changes The Company announces the appointment of Barry Gold and Gerald Desler asdirectors of the Company, and the resignation of the existing directors,Nicholas Greenstone and Ronald Stirling, with immediate affect. Barry Gold, age 58, is a solicitor with experience of fully listed andAIM-quoted companies. Mr Gold is currently the chairman and joint managingdirector of Premier Management Holdings plc, an AIM-quoted football agency. Mr Gold's current directorships are as follows: BG Consultancy Services Limited, Matisse Holdings plc, Nemesis Marketing Groupplc, Premier Management Holdings plc, Premier Management Recruitment Limited,Premier Management Snooker Limited, Venture Six plc. In the past five years Mr Gold has been a director of the following companies: Aimwright Limited, Apollo Metals plc, Avent Limited, Avent Enterprises Limited,Bracken Partners Limited, Bracken Partners Group Limited, Cannon Avent Groupplc, Cannon Avent Limited, Capitol Group plc, Dudley Jenkins Group plc, EssexFurniture plc (1), Hopeflow Properties Limited, Kingstonian Football ClubLimited, London Asia Capital plc, Moving Homes Limited, Non-League Media plc(2), Pure Holdings Limited, Southern Homes & Properties Limited, TimeframedLimited (3), Underwriting and Subscription plc, Yorkplan Limited. (1) Mr Gold was a non-executive director at the time of or within the 12 monthspreceding the administrative receivership of Essex Furniture plc which occurredin October 1998. At the time the administration order was made for EssexFurniture plc in October 1998, the estimated deficiency with regards tocreditors was £17,044,308. The majority of this related to estimated rents duein respect of the remaining terms of leases, all but two of which by December1999 had either been assigned or returned to the landlords; customers' deposits,where the goods have now been substantially delivered; and a VAT repayment of£2.35 million. (2) Mr Gold was also a non-executive director at the time of or within the 12months preceding the administrative receivership of Non-League Media plc, whichoccurred in June 2002. At the time the administration order was granted, theestimated deficiency with regards to creditors was £116,999. (3) Mr Gold was also a non-executive director at the time of or within the 12months preceding the insolvent liquidation of Timeframed Limited, which occurredin November 2001. At the time of the appointment of the liquidator to TimeframedLimited, the deficiency as regards to creditors was £8,361,386, of which£4,500,000 was in respect of loan stock holders; £3,000,000 was owed to thefounder; £41,512 to preferential creditors; and £423,586 to unsecured creditors. Mr Gold was a non-executive director at the time of or within the 12 monthspreceding the administrative receivership of Clearmark Group plc, which occurredin August 1991. The receivers ceased to act for Clearmark Group plc in 1998,which was subsequently dissolved by notice in the London Gazette, dated 20 April1999. Gerald Desler, age 60, is a chartered accountant, who qualified in 1968 withStanley A Spofforth & Co., becoming a partner in 1970 and a senior partner in1985. Mr Desler is currently the finance director of Premier Management Holdingsplc. Mr Desler's current directorships are as follows: 140 High Street Management Limited, Andrew Manning Limited, Andrew MillsConsultancy Limited, Aralbest Limited, Babble.net Group plc, BG ConsultancyServices Limited, C&R Civil Enforcement Services Limited (4), Click 4 SupportLimited, Desler Consulting Limited, Managed Services Solutions Limited, MSCAgency Limited, Premier Management Football Limited, Premier Management Holdingsplc, Premier Management Recruitment Limited, Southern Homes & PropertiesLimited, Sports Player Management Limited (5), Student Link plc, Tangent MediaGroup Limited, Venture Six plc, In the past five year's Mr Desler has been a director of the following: Global Screen Ad Services Limited, Global Screen Ad Systems Limited, KingstonianFootball Club Limited, Milefarm Limited, Noviceguru Limited, Resday Limited,Signactual Limited, The Online Shop Web Fulfilment Limited, Theonlineshop.co.ukLimited, Theonlineshop.TV Limited, Yorkplan Limited (4) On 9 August 2001, Mr Desler was appointed a director of C&R CivilEnforcement Services Limited. A liquidator was appointed on 18 October 2004. Theliquidation is ongoing. (5) Mr Desler is a director of Sports Player Management Limited which went intoliquidation in April 2006. The liquidation is ongoing. Mr Desler was a director of Grovefair plc, which went into voluntaryreceivership in March 1997. He had resigned as a director on 31 March 1996.Following his resignation as a director of Grovefair plc, it undertook areorganisation whereby it was divided into two separately owned entities. WhileGrovefair plc went into voluntary receivership, the other entity did not. There are no further disclosures required under Schedule Two (g) of the AIMrules. For further information please contact: Barry Gold, Azure Holdings plc Tel: 07768 948 928David Youngman, WH Ireland Limited Tel: 0161 832 2174 This information is provided by RNS The company news service from the London Stock ExchangeRelated Shares: