8th Dec 2005 09:02
NOTIFICATION OF INTERESTS OF DIRECTORS AND CONNECTED PERSONS 1. Name of companyLIDCO GROUP PLC 2. Name of directorIAN BROWN 3. Please state whether notification indicates that it is in respect of holdingof the shareholder named in 2 above or in respect of a non-beneficial interestor in the case of an individual holder if it is a holding of that person'sspouse or children under the age of 18 or in respect of a non-beneficialinterestHOLDING OF DIRECTOR NAMED IN 2 ABOVE 4. Name of the registered holder(s) and, if more than one holder, the number ofshares held by each of them (if notified)PERSHING KEEN NOMINEES LIMITED 5. Please state whether notification relates to a person(s) connected with thedirector named in 2 above and identify the connected person(s)N/A 6. Please state the nature of the transaction. For PEP transactions pleaseindicate whether general/single co PEP and if discretionary/non discretionaryMARKET PURCHASE 7. Number of shares / amount of stock acquired100,000 8. Percentage of issued class0.10% 9. Number of shares/amount of stock disposedN/A 10. Percentage of issued classN/A 11. Class of securityORDINARY SHARES OF 0.5 PENCE EACH 12. Price per share24 PENCE 13. Date of transaction06/12/2005 14. Date company informed06/12/2005 15. Total holding following this notification100,000 16. Total percentage holding of issued class following this notification0.10% 17. Any additional informationN/A 18. Name of contact and telephone number for queriesDENISE JOHNSON - 020 7749 1500 19. Name and signature of authorised company official responsible for makingthis notificationDENISE JOHNSON, COMPANY SECRETARY Date of Notification08/12/2005 ENDLIDCO GROUP PLCRelated Shares: