13th Jun 2006 07:00
Sunrise Diamonds PLC13 June 2006 www.sunrisediamonds.com 13th June 2006 "BEST YET" DIAMOND RESULTS FROM LATEST KIMBERLITE DISCOVERY IN FINLAND • Five Micro-diamonds Recovered From A 10kg Sample • Three Of Seven Kimberlites Discovered Now With Confirmed Micro-Diamonds Sunrise Diamonds plc ("Sunrise" or "the Company") is pleased to announce therecovery of five micro-diamonds from a 10kg sample from the newly discovered"Lampi" kimberlite in the Kuusamo cluster in northern Finland. The five micro-diamonds, all fragments, have longest dimensions between 0.25 and0.41mm. They were recovered from a sample of kimberlite taken from a verticaldrill hole at a depth between 48.10 and 55.30m after caustic dissolution at theindependent Kennecott Canada Exploration Inc. laboratory in Canada (Accreditedto ISO/IEC 17025). Commenting today, Sunrise Chairman, Mr Patrick Cheetham, said: "This result isour best yet from what is emerging to be an exciting new kimberlite field." The Lampi discovery ("Lampi" is Finnish for "small lake") was announced in March2006 and is the seventh kimberlite discovered by the Company in the Kuusamoregion and the third to be confirmed as diamondiferous. Logging of the Lampi discovery drill hole has shown that two phases ofkimberlite are present beneath about 15m of glacial till. From 15m to 48m thediscovery hole passed through a kimberlite breccia (a 10kg sample of which didnot contain any micro-diamonds) before entering the diamondiferous kimberlitephase which continues to the end of the hole at 55m. The Company is currently reviewing sampling results from all of the newdiscoveries in order to prioritise the kimberlites for further larger-scalesampling and to better indicate the commercial diamond potential of its newdiscoveries. The Company is also completing the planning of further workprogrammes to follow up kimberlite indicator mineral anomalies generated fromthe BHP Billiton database acquired by agreement with BHP Billiton in December2005. Further Info: Patrick Cheetham, Sunrise Diamonds plc. Tel: +44 (0)1625-505947.Mob: +44 (0)7767-458751 John Greenhalgh/Ron Marshman, City of London PR Ltd. Tel: +44 ( 0)20-7628-5518 The information in this release has been compiled and reviewed by Mr. PatrickCheetham (MIMMM, MAusIMM) who is a qualified person for the purposes of the AIMGuidance Note for Mining Oil & Gas Companies issued on March 16, 2006. MrCheetham is a Member of the Institute of Materials, Minerals & Mining and also amember of the Australasian Institute of Mining & Metallurgy. This information is provided by RNS The company news service from the London Stock ExchangeRelated Shares:
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