27th Apr 2006 07:02
Ten Alps PLC27 April 2006 Ten Alps Plc TV Contract Gains TV company Ten Alps plc ("Ten Alps") announces more than 20 new TV and Radioproduction contracts with a total value of over £6.1m. Overall, Ten Alps therefore today has 13 docudramas, 6 factual series and 8factual one-off programmes in production for TV channels in the UK and US. Thereare a further10 series in production for digital TV and 15 current radiocommissions. Ten Alps' level of production today is a significant increase over the sameperiod in 2005. Ten Alps will aim to put its progress in TV production into broader context in atrading statement attached to the annual results to March 31, 2006, due forrelease in mid-June. The company has two other main sources of revenue: digitalTV channel activities (including Teachers' TV) and commercial activitiesincluding the newly-acquired McMilllan Scott, with its 300 magazine projects and40 or so websites. Amongst the new 20 or so new projects being produced by Ten Alps companies,docudramas include coverage of the Gulf War (Blakeway for BBC2) 1970s armedrobbers (HDTV/BBC), the SAS rescue in Sierra Leone (3BM) Nazi leaders (HDTV) anda Hollywood shoot-out (3BM). Previously-announced docudramas now in production include Surviving Katrina(Discovery Channel/Brook Lapping) 9-11 (Blakeway in co-production with DangerousFilms for BBC1) and Bali (Brook Lapping/Sky/Channel Ten Australia and otherbroadcasters.) New factual series include Clash of Worlds (Blakeway/BBC2) about the West andIslam, Summits (Blakeway/BBC4), Blair (Brook Lapping/Channel 4) and Medicine'sStrangest Cases (Ten Alps TV/Five). Existing series in production includeSummers (Blakeway/BBC2), Who Gets the Heart (HDTV/Channel 4), Politics Showopt-out (Ten Alps Midlands/BBC1) and The War of the World (Blakeway/Channel 4.) New one-off commissions include Travels with the US Military (3BM/PBS), Phantomof the Opera (Brook Lapping/BBC1), Europe's 9-11 and the Neo-Con Case (BrookLapping/PBS), Stanley Goes to Europe (Brook Lapping/More4) and a Dispatches forChannel 4 (HDTV), In other genres of TV, Ten Alps is investing in the development of a range ofdrama projects, and has promising entertainment projects. In radio, Ten Alps-owned production companies have 8 current projects for BBCRadio 4 including (from Brook Lapping) Miracle Detectives, Invasion of theYellow Ducks, The End is Nigh ... Again, Bling Blong and The Page Turners.Projects for BBC Radio 2, include Madonna, Def Jam, Buddy Holly, Andy Warhol,Rockabilly and15th series of The Smith Lectures. Ten Alps Radio continues toco-produce (with BBC News) the Sunday morning political slot Worricker for BBCRadio 5 Live. Two different Ten Alps companies are shortlisted in the 2006 SonyAwards Best Music Documentary category, respectively for The Lennon Tapes (BrookLapping/BBC Radio 4) and Classic Singles (Ten Alps Radio/BBC Radio 2.) - ENDS - For further information:Ten Alps plcAlex Connock (CEO)020 7428 3100 Nitil Patel (Finance Director)07990 578 356 Peter BinnsBinns & Co PR Ltd020 7786 9600 www.tenalps.com This information is provided by RNS The company news service from the London Stock ExchangeRelated Shares:
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