6th Dec 2005 10:01
6 December 2005 COMPLETION OF AMALGAMATION AND NOTICE OF CANCELLATION OF SHARES Following the approval, announced today by Lukoil Overseas Holding Ltd.("Lukoil"), by the Registrar of Corporate Affairs of the British Virgin Islandsof the merger of Nelson Resources Limited ("Nelson") with and into CaspianInvestments Resources Ltd., a wholly-owned subsidiary of Lukoil, Nelson hasceased to exist and all shares of Nelson are cancelled.Application has been made to the Alternative Investment Market of the LondonStock Exchange to cancel Nelson common shares of par value U.S.$0.01, tradedunder the symbol NLG, and this cancellation is expected to take effect at 8amon Wednesday December 7, 2005. For further information, please contact:----------------------------------------Nick Imboden Tel: 020 7495 8908Caspian Investments Resources Ltd ENDNELSON RESOURCES LIMITEDRelated Shares: