27th Mar 2013 17:38
Morgan Advanced Materials plc
Notice of Change of Name to Morgan Advanced Materials plc
Further to the announcement in our 2012 Full Year Results published on 14 February 2013 of our intention to change the name of The Morgan Crucible Company plc (the Company), the Board of Directors is pleased to confirm that the Company today changed its name to Morgan Advanced Materials plc. As previously announced, the new name better reflects the full depth and breadth of the Company's materials science and application engineering capabilities.
The Company's website has been amended to reflect the change of name and the website address will be www.morganadvancedmaterials.com with effect from Thursday 28 March 2013.
The Company's TIDM ('ticker') on the London Stock Exchange in respect of the Company's Ordinary shares will change from MGCR to MGAM on Tuesday 2 April 2013. The TIDM in respect of the Company's 5.5% Cumulative First Preference shares and 5% Cumulative Second Preference Shares will remain unchanged.
All share certificates in The Morgan Crucible Company plc will remain valid. As and when transactions take place on shareholdings going forward, share certificates will be issued in the name of Morgan Advanced Materials plc.
A copy of the Certificate of Incorporation on Change of Name has been submitted to the National Storage Mechanism and will shortly be available at www.hemscott.com/nsm.do.
This announcement is made pursuant to Listing Rule 9.6.19.
For further information, please contact:
Paul Boulton, Company Secretary Tel: 01753 837 000
Date of notification: 27 March 2013
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