31st Jul 2019 11:45
ETFS Commodity Securities Limited
LEI: 21380068Q1JSIAN4FO63
31 July 2019
ETFS Commodity Securities Limited
Classic and Longer Dated Commodity Securities
Compulsory Redemption of certain classes of Classic and Longer DatedCommodity Securities and Change of Name
ETFS Commodity Securities Limited (the "Issuer") announces the following:
Compulsory Redemption of certain classes of Classic and Longer Dated Commodity Securities
The Issuer gives notice pursuant to Condition 9.1(b) of the Conditions that all Classic and Longer Dated Commodity Securities of the types specified in the table below are to be redeemed compulsorily and that the Issuer has nominated 26 September 2019 to be the Compulsory Redemption Date in respect of all such types of Classic and Longer Dated Commodity Securities.
Types of Classic and Longer Dated Commodity Securities to be Redeemed
ETFS Platinum Individual Securities
ETFS Ex-Energy Index Securities
ETFS Longer Dated Heating Oil Individual Securities
ETFS Longer Dated Lean Hogs Individual Securities
ETFS Longer Dated Live Cattle Individual Securities
ETFS Longer Dated Natural Gas Individual Securities
ETFS Longer Dated Ex-Energy Index Securities
ETFS Longer Dated Grains Index Securities
ETFS Longer Dated Livestock Index Securities
ETFS Longer Dated Petroleum Index Securities
ETFS Longer Dated Softs Index Securities
Redemption Forms received (or deemed received) prior to close of business on 23 September 2019 will be valid and will be processed in the normal way. Redemption Forms received (or deemed received) on or after that day will be invalid. Any Classic and Longer Dated Commodity Securities of the relevant types then remaining in issue will be Redeemed compulsorily in accordance with the Conditions.
It is expected that the Redemption Payment Date in respect of the Compulsory Redemption of each relevant type of Classic and Longer Dated Commodity Securities will be 1 October 2019. Settlement of cash redemption proceeds due to Security Holders holding their Classic and Longer Dated Commodity Securities of the relevant types in uncertificated form is expected to be made via CREST on or about 2 October 2019.
In the case of Security Holders holding their Classic and Longer Dated Commodity Securities of the relevant types in certificated form, it is expected that payment will be made by way of US dollar cheque sent to them at their address on the register on or about 2 October 2019.
It is expected that the impacted securities will stop trading on their respective exchanges after the close of trading on or around 16 September 2019. If you wish to sell your securities before the compulsory redemption of these securities, you should do so by the close of trading on this date.
Change of Name
The Issuer announces that with effect from 26 September 2019 its name will change to WisdomTree Commodity Securities Limited and the names of the Classic and Longer Dated Commodity Securities will be changed to include "WisdomTree" in place of "ETFS" and further changed for consistency across WisdomTree's range of products.
The Issuer has, by special resolution, resolved to change its name to "WisdomTree Commodity Securities Limited" with effect from 26 September 2019. The change of name takes effect when the Jersey registrar of companies issues a revised certificate of incorporation reflecting the new name. This is expected to be on 26 September 2019.
The Issuer has entered into an eighteenth supplemental trust instrument dated 31 July 2019 with the Trustee (the Issuer having provided to the Trustee a certificate that in its opinion to do so is desirable and not prejudicial to the rights of the Security Holders) under which the names of the Classic and Longer Dated Commodity Securities then in issue will be changed as follows:
Current name | New name |
ETFS Agriculture | WisdomTree Agriculture |
ETFS All Commodities | WisdomTree Broad Commodities |
ETFS Aluminium | WisdomTree Aluminium |
ETFS Brent Crude | WisdomTree Brent Crude Oil |
ETFS Cocoa | WisdomTree Cocoa |
ETFS Coffee | WisdomTree Coffee |
ETFS Copper | WisdomTree Copper |
ETFS Corn | WisdomTree Corn |
ETFS Cotton | WisdomTree Cotton |
ETFS Energy | WisdomTree Energy |
ETFS Ex-Agriculture and Livestock | WisdomTree Broad Commodities Ex-Agriculture and Livestock |
ETFS Gasoline | WisdomTree Gasoline |
ETFS Gold | WisdomTree Gold |
ETFS Grains | WisdomTree Grains |
ETFS Heating Oil | WisdomTree Heating Oil |
ETFS Industrial Metals | WisdomTree Industrial Metals |
ETFS Lead | WisdomTree Lead |
ETFS Lean Hogs | WisdomTree Lean Hogs |
ETFS Live Cattle | WisdomTree Live Cattle |
ETFS Livestock | WisdomTree Livestock |
ETFS Longer Dated Agriculture | WisdomTree Agriculture Longer Dated |
ETFS Longer Dated All Commodities | WisdomTree Broad Commodities Longer Dated |
ETFS Longer Dated Brent Crude | WisdomTree Brent Crude Oil Longer Dated |
ETFS Longer Dated Energy | WisdomTree Energy Longer Dated |
ETFS Longer Dated Industrial Metals | WisdomTree Industrial Metals Longer Dated |
ETFS Longer Dated WTI Crude Oil | WisdomTree WTI Crude Oil Longer Dated |
ETFS Natural Gas | WisdomTree Natural Gas |
ETFS Nickel | WisdomTree Nickel |
ETFS Petroleum | WisdomTree Petroleum |
ETFS Precious Metals | WisdomTree Precious Metals |
ETFS Silver | WisdomTree Silver |
ETFS Softs | WisdomTree Softs |
ETFS Soybean Oil | WisdomTree Soybean Oil |
ETFS Soybeans | WisdomTree Soybeans |
ETFS Sugar | WisdomTree Sugar |
ETFS Tin | WisdomTree Tin |
ETFS Wheat | WisdomTree Wheat |
ETFS WTI Crude Oil | WisdomTree WTI Crude Oil |
ETFS Zinc | WisdomTree Zinc |
The eighteenth supplemental trust instrument also makes consequential and other minor amendments to the Trust Instrument.
The changes made by the eighteenth supplemental trust instrument come into effect on its effective date, which will be 26 September 2019.
Terms used in this announcement and not otherwise defined bear the same meanings as where used in the prospectus of the Issuer dated 29 May 2019.
For further information, please contact:
Ciaran Hocking
R&H Fund Services (Jersey) Limited
Tel: +44 (0) 1534 825200
Fax: +44 (0) 1534 825335
E-mail address: [email protected]
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