26th Nov 2020 07:00
26 November 2020
(the "Company" and together with its subsidiaries "JTC" or the "Group")
Board Committee Changes
Nomination Committee Chair
In accordance with Listing Rule 9.6.11, JTC today announces that Dr. Erika Schraner, Non-Executive Director, will assume the role of Chair of the Nomination Committee, with immediate effect. Erika's appointment will be subject to her re-election by shareholders at the 2021 Annual General Meeting, the date of which is yet to be confirmed.
Erika has been a member of the Company's Nomination Committee since joining the JTC Board as a Non-executive Director on 18 November 2019. Her board-level roles, held since 2001, have included serving as an Advisory Board Member for eBoomerang (USA) and Freeon Ltd (UK) and a Non-Executive Director of Kevian Capital Management LLP, a San Francisco based global asset management firm with US$200m in hedge fund assets and US$1bn in advisory assets. Erika currently holds one other Non-Executive Director role with Amino Technologies PLC, whom she joined in 2019 and where she is also Chair of the Audit Committee and a member of the Nomination and the Remuneration Committees.
Erika succeeds Michael Gray, who has been Chair of the Nomination Committee since 8 March 2018. Michael remains a member of the Board and its Committees and will continue to fulfil the role of Chair of the Remuneration Committee.
Mike Liston, Non-Executive Chairman of the Board of Directors, said: "On behalf of the Board, I would like to thank Michael Gray for chairing the Nomination Committee since the Company's IPO, and look forward to welcoming Erika to the role."
Audit and Risk Committee Change
Pursuant to Listing Rule 9.6.11., JTC also announces that the Non-Executive Chairman, Mike Liston, has stepped down as a member of the Company's Audit and Risk Committee with immediate effect.
This change to the composition of the Audit and Risk Committee has been made to ensure that the Company is fully compliant with Provision 24 of the 2018 UK Corporate Governance Code.
Board Committees
Following these changes the membership of the Board Committees will be as set out below (the Remuneration Committee remaining unchanged):
· Audit and Risk Committee: Dermot Mathias (Chair), Michael Gray, Erika Schraner
· Nomination Committee: Erika Schraner (Chair), Mike Liston, Dermot Mathias, Michael Gray
· Remuneration Committee: Michael Gray (Chair), Mike Liston, Dermot Mathias, Erika Schraner
There have been no other changes to the information set out in LR 9.6.13R (2) to LR 9.6.13R (6).
For further information please contact:
Miranda Lansdowne
JTC (Jersey) Limited
Company Secretary
+44 1534 700 000
About JTC
JTC is an award-winning provider of fund, corporate and private client services. Founded in 1987, the company employs c.900 people across its global office network and is trusted to administer assets of c.US$130 billion.
JTC is committed to its shared ownership culture and philosophy, with management and staff holding over 20% of the equity in the firm, clearly aligning the interests of clients, employees and other stakeholders.
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