1st Apr 2014 17:00
ANGLESEY MINING PLC - Blocklisting - Interim ReviewANGLESEY MINING PLC - Blocklisting - Interim Review
PR Newswire
London, April 1
Anglesey Mining plc LSE:AYM 1 April 2014 Block listing six monthly return Name of applicant: Anglesey Mining plc Name of scheme: 2004 Unapproved Share Option Scheme Period of return: from 1 October 2013 to 31 March 2014 Balance of unallotted securitiesunder scheme from previous return: 7,550,000 Plus: The amount by which the block scheme hasbeen increased since the date of the last return: nil Less: Number of securities issued/allottedunder scheme during period: nil Balance under scheme not yet issued/allottedat end of period: 7,550,000 Total number of shares in issue at end of period: 160,608,051 Name of contact: Danesh Varma
Telephone number of contact: +44 (0)207 6539881
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