19th Sep 2006 07:03
Ascribe plc19 September 2006 Press Release 19 September 2006 Ascribe plc ("Ascribe" or "the Group") Appointment of Chris Dickson as Chief Operating Officer Bolton, UK: Ascribe (AIM:ASP), the health IT Group, is pleased to announce theappointment of Dr. Chris Dickson as Chief Operating Officer, with immediateeffect. His primary responsibilities will include delivering Ascribe's growth strategyacross the Group's four customer-facing divisions, line management ofdepartmental heads, and generating orders from key national accounts. Chris Dickson has been a Non-executive Director of Ascribe since February 2006and is highly experienced at a senior level within the healthcare IT andcommunications sector. Recent responsibilities include Head of Health CareServices at BUPA and Chief Executive Officer for a provider of mobile technologysolutions for patient data collection and communication. In line with many of his colleagues at Ascribe, Dr. Dickson embarked on hiscareer in the NHS as a GP before moving into the private sector, in 1994, withIndependent British Healthcare where he became Operations Director of theiroccupational health division. He then moved to Hong Kong, firstly to managemedical support for the construction of the new airport and, subsequently, in aglobal healthcare role for Cathay Pacific Airways. Commenting on the appointment, Stephen Critchlow, Executive Chairman, Ascribeplc, said: "Having worked with Chris since his appointment to the Board inFebruary, I know that we are filling this new position of Chief OperatingOfficer with a dynamic healthcare professional. In addition to Chris's highlevel knowledge and contacts within the UK industry, his overseas experiencewill also be invaluable." Additional Information Dr. Dickson is a director of Hybrid-4 Ltd which was placed into voluntaryadministration on 2 August 2006. The Group confirms that no other details arerequired to be disclosed under paragraph (g) of Schedule 2 of the AIM Rules. - Ends - For further information, please contact: AscribeStephen Critchlow, Executive Chairman Tel: +44 (0) 161 280 [email protected] www.ascribe.com Media enquiries: AbchurchJustin Heath Tel: +44 (0) 20 7398 [email protected] www.abchurch-group.com Notes to editors Ascribe plc is a leading healthcare company that develops and markets softwaresolutions supporting patient, clinical and business processes to theinternational healthcare market. The Group provides solutions to Emergency andMinor Injuries units, Mental Health and Social Care units, Hospitals requiringpatient administration systems (PAS) and medical equipment management, Hospitaland Retail Pharmacies, and General Practice surgeries. Ascribe is committed to providing technologies that improve patient safetystandards. Electronic Prescribing is a widely recognised contributor to theimprovement of patient safety and the reduction of medication errors. A USreport by the Institute of Medicine released in July 2006 reported that at least1.5 million Americans are sickened, injured or killed each year by errors inprescribing, dispensing and taking medications, this same report citedElectronic Prescribing as part of the solution. An article written by RoseShepherd in the Sunday Times in July 2005 reported that medicines taken in theUK were responsible for killing up to 20,000 people a year in the UK - six timesas many as die on Britain's roads. Analysis of the Healthcare Commission's latest 'Annual Health Check' - whichrates medicines management in 173 hospitals across England for the 12 months toJuly 2006 - reveals that, of the 18 Trusts classified as 'excellent,' 13 (ormore than 72%) are Ascribe users. Ascribe plc was floated on AIM in 2004, and currently employs 200 personnelthrough its seven operating companies in the UK, Hong Kong, Kenya, Australia andNew Zealand. For more information, please visit www.ascribe.com This information is provided by RNS The company news service from the London Stock ExchangeRelated Shares: