28th Jun 2011 17:40
Annual Information Update
In accordance with Prospectus Rule 5.2 the Company reports upon information that it has published or made available to the public over the period since launch of the Company.
In accordance with Prospectus Rule 5.2.7, it is acknowledged that whilst the information referred to below was correct at the time of publication, such disclosures may, at any time, become out of date due to changing circumstances.
Company Announcements
The Company has made the following announcements through PR Newswire, it'sappointed RIS.Date Announcement 31/03/2010 Issue of Equity 07/04/2010 Issue of Equity 28/04/2010 Statement re Close of Offer 04/05/2010 Total Voting Rights 04/05/2010 Issue of Equity and Close of Offer 05/05/2010 Director/ PDMR Holding 05/05/2010 Holding(s) in Company 01/06/2010 Total Voting Rights 30/06/2010 Total Voting Rights and Issued Share Capital 19/07/2010 Interim Management Statement 11/08/2010 Circular - Notice of General Meeting 06/09/2010 Result of AGM 20/09/2010 Offer for Subscription and Issue of Prospectus 05/10/2010 Issue of Equity 20/10/2010 Offer Update 22/10/2010 Cancellation of Share Premium Account 29/10/2010 Half-yearly Report 01/11/2010 Total Voting Rights 03/11/2010 Issue Of Equity 03/11/2010 Total Voting Rights 04/11/2010 Director/ PDMR Shareholding 04/11/2010 Holding(s) in Company 16/11/2010 Issue of Equity 16/11/2010 Total Voting Rights 30/11/2010 Issue of Equity 01/12/2010 Total Voting Rights 10/12/2010 Extension of Offer 13/12/2010 Issue of Equity 13/12/2010 Total Voting Rights 15/12/2010 Circular re Related Party Transactions & Notice of GM 16/12/2010 Net Asset Value 04/01/2011 Total Voting Rights 07/01/2011 Result of GM/ Offer for subscription/ Issue of Prospectus 10/01/2011 Net Asset Value 17/01/2011 Interim Management Statement 10/02/2010 Directorate Change 23/02/2010 Supplementary Prospectus re C Share Offer 28/02/2011 Net asset Value 23/03/2011 Net Asset Value 01/04/2011 Issue of Equity 04/04/2011 Total Voting Rights 05/04/2011 Director/ PDMR Shareholding 06/04/2011 Issue of Equity 06/04/2011 Total Voting Rights 06/04/2011 Holding(s) in Company 03/05/2011 Total Voting Rights 05/05/2011 Issue of Equity 05/05/2011 Total Voting Rights 05/05/2011 Director/ PDMR Shareholding 24/05/2011 Annual Financial Report 01/06/2011 Total Voting Rights 17/06/2011 Net Asset Value
Copies of all regulatory announcements may be viewed on the London Stock Exchange website at www.londonstockexchange.com. Please note that this site is not the responsibility of the Company.
Filing at Companies House
During the period the following documents were filed at Companies House:
Date available Document number Description on Companies House website 01/02/2010 NEWINC Certificate of Incorporation General company details & statements of officers, capital & shareholdings, guarantee, compliance Memorandum of Association Articles of Association 15/02/2010 TM01 Director appointment terminated - Meaujo Incorporations Limited 15/02/2010 TM01 Director appointment terminated, Daniel Johnson 15/02/2010 AP01 Director appointed - Mr Steven Guy Meeks 15/02/2010 AP01 Director appointed - Mr Arthur John Glencross 17/02/2010 RES Resolutions passed at General Meeting 18/02/2010 SH50 Application to commence business 18/02/2010 CERT8A Certificate to commence business and borrow 22/02/2010 IC01 Notice of intention to carry on business as an investment company 25/02/2010 RES Resolutions passed at General Meeting 25/02/2010 AP01 Director appointed - Christopher Paul James Wightman 25/02/2010 AP01 Director appointed - Michael O'Higgins 25/02/2010 AP01 Director appointed - Philip Hillary Swatman 25/02/2010 AP01 Director appointed - Mark Gary Rayward 25/02/2010 TM02 Secretary appointment terminated, Philsec Ltd 25/02/2010 AD01 Registered Office changed on 25/02/2010 03/03/2010 AP01 Director appointed - Ian Robert Wohlman 08/03/2010 RES Shareholder resolutions passed 22/03/2010 SH01 Allotment of shares 31/03/2010 AP04 Corporate Secretary appointed - Capita Sinclair Henderson Limited 22/04/2010 SH01 Allotment of shares 14/06/2010 SH01 Allotment of shares 15/07/2010 SH02 Redemption of shares 13/09/2010 RES Resolutions passed at General Meeting 20/10/2010 CERT21 Reduction of share premium 20/10/2010 OC138 Court order re cancellation of share premium account 20/10/2010 SH19 Statement of capital 03/11/2010 SH01 Allotment of shares 30/11/2010 SH01 Allotment of shares 30/11/2010 SH01 Allotment of shares 10/01/2011 SH01 Allotment of shares 10/01/2011 SH01 Allotment of shares 16/02/2011 TM01 Director appointment terminated - Christopher Wightman 22/02/2011 AP01 Director appointed Kate Cornish-Bowden 08/03/2011 AD03 Register moved to SAIL address 08/03/2011 AD02 SAIL address created 17/03/2011 AR01 Annual return 13/04/2011 SH01 Allotment of shares 17/05/2011 IC02 Notice that the company no longer wishes to be an investment company 01/06/2011 SH01 Allotment of shares
Copies of documents filed at Companies House are available from the Registrar of Companies, Companies House, Crown Way, CARDIFF, CF14 3UZ, telephone 0870 33 33 636, email [email protected], or for registered users through Companies House Direct, www.direct.companieshouse.gov.uk.
Documents published and sent to shareholders
The following documents have been published by the Company and sent toshareholders of the Company:Date of Publication Document 19/07/2010 Interim Management Statement 11/08/2010 Circular and Notice of General Meeting 20/09/2010 Ordinary Share Offer - Registration Document 20/09/2010 Ordinary Share Offer - Securities Note with Application Form 20/09/2010 Ordinary Share Offer - Prospectus Summary 20/10/2011 Ordinary Share Offer - Supplementary Prospectus 05/11/2011 Half-yearly Report 15/12/2010 Circular and Notice of General Meeting 07/01/2011 C Share Offer - Securities Note with Application Form 07/01/2011 C Share Offer - Prospectus Summary 23/02/2010 C Share Offer - Supplementary Prospectus 01/06/2011 Annual Report and Accounts Inspection of Documents
The documents below are also available on the Calculus Capital Limited website: www.calculuscapital.com
Annual Report and Accounts for the period ended 28 February 2011 (incorporating the Notice of Annual General Meeting)
Half Yearly Report to 31 August 2010
Interim Management StatementsMonthly Net Asset Values
Copies of certain documents that were required to be lodged at the FSA in accordance with the Listing Rules, Prospectus Rules and Disclosure Rules can be viewed at: www.hemscott.com/nsm.do
Copies of any of the above items may be obtained free of charge from the office of the Company Secretary at the registered office address:
Capita Sinclair Henderson Limited51 New North RoadExeterEX4 4EP
XLONRelated Shares:
Calculus Vct