3rd Jan 2007 10:40
Sondex PLC03 January 2007 Sondex plc (the "Company") ANNUAL INFORMATION UPDATE ("AIU") Introduction In accordance with Prospectus Rule 5.2, the following information has beenpublished or made available to the public in the 12 months preceding thisannouncement. This AIU contains a list of: • News releases and announcements which were made via Regulatory News Service ("RNS"), a Regulatory Information Service; • Documents filed at the UK Registrar of Companies ("Companies House"); • Documents published and sent to shareholders. The AIU is being made available on the Investor Relations section of our websiteat www.sondex.com. Announcements made via RNS All of the documents listed below were published via RNS. A full copy of theseannouncements can be viewed at www.londonstockexchange.com/marketnews . Date of announcement Headline22/12/2006 Voting Rights and Capital01/12/2006 Directors Interest in shares24/11/2006 Holdings in company17/11/2006 EGM Statement10/11/2006 Result of Open Offer08/11/2006 Interim dividend dates08/11/2006 Update on Innicor acquisition08/11/2006 Interim Results19/10/2006 Notice of EGM12/10/2006 Formal Bid29/09/2006 Acquisition of Ultima Labs21/09/2006 Acquisition of Innicor06/09/2006 Blocklisting Interim review06/09/2006 Blocklisting Interim review24/07/2006 Holdings in company18/07/2006 Acquisition of Bluestar Tools29/06/2006 Directors' interest in shares28/06/2006 Holdings in company28/06/2006 Holdings in company28/06/2006 Trading Update19/06/2006 Additional Listing30/05/2006 Holdings in company25/05/2006 Final results10/05/2006 Notice of results21/04/2006 Queen's award23/03/2006 Holdings in company23/03/2006 Trading update01/03/2006 Blocklisting Interim review03/02/2006 Holdings in company23/01/2006 Directorate change Documents filed at Companies House All of the documents listed below were filed with Companies House at Crown Way,Maindy, Cardiff, CF14 3UZ on or around the dates indicated. Copies of documentsfiled at Companies House can be obtained from the Companies House Direct websiteat www.direct.companieshouse.gov.uk or from the Company Secretary, Sondex plc,Saxony Way, Blackbushe Business Park, Yateley, Hampshire, GU46 6AB. Filing date Form number Description17/11/2006 88(2) Return of allotments of shares17/11/2006 88(2) Return of allotments of shares16/11/2006 88(2) Return of allotments of shares01/11/2006 88(2) Return of allotments of shares25/10/2006 88(2) Return of allotments of shares23/10/2006 88(2) Return of allotments of shares23/10/2006 88(2) Return of allotments of shares23/10/2006 88(2) Return of allotments of shares17/10/2006 88(2) Return of allotments of shares10/10/2006 88(2) Return of allotments of shares10/10/2006 88(2) Return of allotments of shares23/09/2006 288C Notice of change of directors or secretaries or in their particulars22/09/2006 88(2) Return of allotments of shares22/09/2006 88(2) Return of allotments of shares15/09/2006 88(2) Return of allotments of shares10/09/2006 363S Annual return31/08/2006 88(2) Return of allotments of shares23/08/2006 88(2) Return of allotments of shares23/08/2006 88(2) Return of allotments of shares18/08/2006 88(2) Return of allotments of shares10/08/2006 88(2) Return of allotments of shares26/07/2006 88(2) Return of allotments of shares19/07/2006 88(2) Return of allotments of shares11/07/2006 RES09 Authority to purchase a number of shares06/07/2006 88(2) Return of allotments of shares06/07/2006 88(2) Return of allotments of shares06/07/2006 88(2) Return of allotments of shares06/07/2006 88(2) Return of allotments of shares01/07/2006 88(2) Return of allotments of shares29/06/2006 88(2) Return of allotments of shares29/06/2006 88(2) Return of allotments of shares28/06/2006 88(2) Return of allotments of shares28/06/2006 88(2) Return of allotments of shares16/06/2006 88(2) Return of allotments of shares07/06/2006 288B Notice of change of directors or secretaries or in their particulars25/05/2006 88(2) Return of allotments of shares22/04/2006 88(2) Return of allotments of shares22/04/2006 88(2) Return of allotments of shares06/04/2006 88(2) Return of allotments of shares05/04/2006 88(2) Return of allotments of shares30/03/2006 88(2) Return of allotments of shares14/03/2006 88(2) Return of allotments of shares28/02/2006 AA Annual Accounts28/02/2006 AAFT Annual Accounts (glossy version)21/02/2006 88(2) Return of allotments of shares17/02/2006 88(2) Return of allotments of shares14/02/2006 88(2) Return of allotments of shares08/02/2006 88(2) Return of allotments of shares03/02/2006 88(2) Return of allotments of shares29/01/2006 88(2) Return of allotments of shares25/01/2006 SA Shares agreement25/01/2006 88(2) Return of allotments of shares Further information about the Company is available through the Company's websitewww.sondex.com. Documents published and sent to shareholders The following documents were published and sent to shareholders. They areavailable on the Company's website www.sondex.com in the Investor Relationssection. The Annual Report and Accounts were also filed with the UK ListingAuthority Document Viewing Facility, 25 The North Colonnade, Canary Wharf,London E14 5HS. Copies of all documents referred to below can be obtained from the CompanySecretary, Sondex plc, Saxony Way, Blackbushe Business Park, Yateley, Hampshire,GU46 6AB Date of Publication Description25/05/2006 Annual Report and Accounts 200611/10/2006 Prospectus/Circular in relation to the proposed acquisition of Innicor Subsurface Technologies Inc. and the proposed Firm Placing and Placing & Open Offer and incorporating Notice of Annual General Meeting08/11/2006 Supplementary Prospectus incorporating Interim Accounts This AIU is required by and is being made pursuant to Article 10 of theProspectus Directive as implemented in the United Kingdom (Prospectus Rule 5.2)and not for any other purpose and neither the Company, nor any other person,takes any responsibility for, or makes any representation, express or implied,as to the accuracy or completeness of, the information which it contains. Thisinformation is not necessarily up to date as at the date of this AIU and theCompany does not undertake any obligation to update any such information in thefuture. Furthermore, such information may have been prepared in accordance withthe laws or regulations of a particular jurisdiction and may not comply with ormeet the relevant standards of disclosure in any other jurisdiction. This AIUdoes not constitute an offer of any securities addressed to any person andshould not be relied on by any person. 3 January 2007 Contacts For further information contact: Christopher Wilks, Company Secretary +44(0)1252 862 203 This information is provided by RNS The company news service from the London Stock ExchangeRelated Shares:
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