15th Jun 2006 16:05
Gyrus Group PLC15 June 2006 Gyrus Group PLC Annual Information Update Gyrus Group PLC ("the Company") hereby provides an annual information update inaccordance with the requirements of the Prospectus Rule 5.2. This update refersto information that has been published or made available by the Company to thepublic over the twelve months ended on 15th June 2006. To avoid a statement ofunnecessary length information is referred to in this update rather thanincluded in full. In accordance with Article 27(3) of the Prospectus Rules, the informationreferred to in this update was up to date at the time the information waspublished but some information may now be out of date. This annual informationupdate does not constitute an offer of securities addressed to any person andshould not be relied on by any person. 1. Announcements made via RNS, a regulatory news service 07/06/06 Additional Listing06/06/06 Additional Listing26/05/06 Director/PDMR Shareholding24/05/06 Licensing Agreement03/05/06 Result of AGM16/03/06 Final Results01/03/06 Notice of Results24/02/06 Holding(s) in Company16/02/06 Holding(s) in Company08/02/06 Holding(s) in Company31/01/06 Holding(s) in Company19/01/06 Holding(s) in Company16/01/06 Pre-Close Update11/01/06 Holding(s) in Company08/12/05 Holding(s) in Company28/11/05 Holding(s) in Company23/11/05 Holding(s) in Company23/11/05 Holding(s) in Company01/11/05 Holding(s) in Company19/10/05 Holding(s) in Company11/10/05 Holding(s) in Company07/10/05 Holding(s) in Company04/10/05 Holding(s) in Company13/09/05 Director/PDMR Shareholding07/09/05 Director/PDMR Shareholding07/09/05 Interim Results22/08/05 Notice of Results18/08/05 Holding(s) in Company11/08/05 Holding(s) in Company10/08/05 Holding(s) in Company29/07/05 Holding(s) in Company29/07/05 Holding(s) in Company28/07/05 Holding(s) in Company22/07/05 Holding(s) in Company21/07/05 Holding(s) in Company21/07/05 Acquisition and Trading Update19/07/05 Holding(s) in Company19/07/05 Holding(s) in Company15/07/05 Holding(s) in Company12/07/05 Acquisition Update04/07/05 Holding(s) in Company04/07/05 Result of EGM30/06/05 Holding(s) in Company16/06/05 Proposed Acquisition Copies of all announcements can be obtained from the Regulatory News Service ofthe London Stock Exchange. 2. Documents filed at Companies House The documents listed below were filed with the Registrar of Companies in Englandand Wales on or around the dates indicated. Copies of these documents can beobtained from Companies House. 19/05/06 Group of Companies Accounts made up to 31/12/0531/05/06 Form 88(2) Return of an Allotment of Shares31/05/06 Form 88(2) Return of an Allotment of Shares31/05/06 Form 88(2) Return of an Allotment of Shares31/05/06 Form 88(2) Return of an Allotment of Shares31/05/06 Form 88(2) Return of an Allotment of Shares31/05/06 Form 88(2) Return of an Allotment of Shares31/05/06 Form 88(2) Return of an Allotment of Shares31/05/06 Form 88(2) Return of an Allotment of Shares31/05/06 Form 88(2) Return of an Allotment of Shares31/05/06 Form 88(2) Return of an Allotment of Shares31/05/06 Form 88(2) Return of an Allotment of Shares31/05/06 Form 88(2) Return of an Allotment of Shares31/05/06 Form 88(2) Return of an Allotment of Shares31/05/06 Form 88(2) Return of an Allotment of Shares31/05/06 Form 88(2) Return of an Allotment of Shares31/05/06 Form 88(2) Return of an Allotment of Shares31/05/06 Form 88(2) Return of an Allotment of 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Allotment of Shares02/11/05 Form 88(2) Return of an Allotment of Shares02/11/05 Form 88(2) Return of an Allotment of Shares02/11/05 Form 88(2) Return of an Allotment of Shares28/10/05 Form 88(2) Return of an Allotment of Shares28/10/05 Form 88(2) Return of an Allotment of Shares28/10/05 Form 88(2) Return of an Allotment of Shares17/10/05 Form 395 Particulars of Mortgage/Charge04/10/05 Form 88(2) Return of an Allotment of Shares23/09/05 Form 88(2) Return of an Allotment of Shares23/09/05 Form 88(2) Return of an Allotment of Shares22/09/05 Form 363 Annual Return31/08/05 Form 288a Appointment of Director18/08/05 Form 88(2) Return of an Allotment of Shares18/08/05 Form 88(2) Return of an Allotment of Shares18/08/05 Form 88(2) Return of an Allotment of Shares10/08/05 Form 123 Notice of Increase in Nominal Capital10/08/05 Resolution re proposed acquisition of American Cystoscope Makers Inc, increase in authorised share capital and allotment of placing shares and other relevant securities under Section 80 of Companies Act 1985.04/08/05 Form 395 Particulars of Mortgage/Charge27/07/05 Group of Companies Accounts made up to 31/12/0414/07/05 Form 88(2) Return of an Allotment of Shares14/07/05 Form 88(2) Return of an Allotment of Shares14/07/05 Form 88(2) Return of an Allotment of Shares14/07/05 Form 88(2) Return of an Allotment of Shares14/07/05 Form 88(2) Return of an Allotment of Shares14/07/05 Form 88(2) Return of an Allotment of Shares14/07/05 Form 88(2) Return of an Allotment of Shares14/07/05 Form 88(2) Return of an Allotment of Shares14/07/05 Form 88(2) Return of an Allotment of Shares14/07/05 Form 88(2) Return of an Allotment of Shares14/07/05 Form 88(2) Return of an Allotment of Shares14/07/05 Form 88(2) Return of an Allotment of Shares24/06/05 Listing of Particulars in relation to the proposed acquisition of American Cystoscope Makers Inc 3. Document sent to Shareholders The documents listed below have been despatched by the Company to holders of itssecurities on or around the following dates. 28/03/06 Annual Report and Accounts 200528/03/06 Notice of 2006 Annual General Meeting17/06/05 Notice of EGM22/09/05 Interim Report for six months ended 30 June 2005 4. Documents submitted to the UK Listing Authority Copies of the following documents have been submitted to the UK ListingAuthority for inspection at their Document Viewing Facility on or around thefollowing dates and can be obtained from the Company Secretary, Gyrus Group PLC,Fortran Road, St Mellons, Cardiff 13/06/06 Annual Report and Accounts 2005 Notice of 2006 Annual General Meeting Resolutions after AGM 2006 Interim Report for six months ended 30 June 200521/07/05 Listing of Particulars in relation to the proposed acquisition of American Cystoscope Makers Inc and Notice of EGM17/06/05 Prospectus in relation to the proposed acquisition of American Cystoscope Makers Inc For further enquiries, contact: Ron Honig, Company SecretaryTelephone: 01189 219750 END This information is provided by RNS The company news service from the London Stock ExchangeRelated Shares: