24th Mar 2011 14:13
Morgan Sindall Group plc
Annual Information Update
In accordance with the requirements of the Prospectus Rule 5.2, the following summarises the information and documents published, or made available to the public, by the Company throughout the twelve months ended 23 March 2011.
1. RIS Announcements
The following UK regulatory announcements have been made via RNS a Regulatory Information Service and can be obtained from the London Stock Exchange's web-site, www.londonstockexchange.com/marketnews or from the Company's website, www.morgansindall.com.
Date | Announcement |
28 February 2011 | Total Voting Rights - Replacement |
28 February 2011 | Holding(s) in Company |
22 February 2011 | Preliminary results for the year ended 31 Dec 2010 |
17 February 2011 | Morgan Sindall Group secures £350m+ Bournemouth regeneration contract |
09 February 2011 | Notice of Preliminary Results |
02 February 2011 | Total Voting Rights |
20 January 2011 | Holding(s) in Company |
17 January 2011 | Holding(s) in Company |
17 January 2011 | Holding(s) in Company |
10 January 2011 | Holding(s) in Company |
10 January 2011 | Member of BBMV joint member wins £235m Crossrail Whitechapel and Liverpool Station Tunnels contract |
15 December 2010 | Pre-close trading update |
14 December 2010 | Holding(s) in Company |
10 December 2010 | Holding(s) in Company |
30 November 2010 | Blocklisting Interim Review |
09 November 2010 | Interim Management Statement |
05 November 2010 | Holding(s) in Company |
19 October 2010 | Lovell awarded £45m social housing contract by West Lothian Council and is appointed to Scottish Housing Framework valued at £210m |
30 September 2010 | Total Voting Rights |
28 September 2010 | Update regarding the acquisition of social housing contracts from Connaught |
27 September 2010 | Morgan Sindall Group JV with Grontmij awarded second Yorkshire Water Framework worth £75m |
10 September 2010 | Acquisition of social housing contracts from Connaught |
09 August 2010 | Half year report for six months to 30 June 2010 |
06 August 2010 | Morgan Sindall Group named preferred bidder for £350m+ Bournemouth regeneration |
22 July 2010 | Director Declaration |
08 July 2010 | Director/PDMR Shareholding |
02 July 2010 | Director Declaration |
02 July 2010 | Pre-close trading update |
30 June 2010 | Morgan Sindall Group acquires Powerminster Gleeson Services |
29 June 2010 | Notice of trading update and half year results |
21 June 2010 | Morgan Sindall Group wins £95.4m Tayside Acute Adult Mental Health Developments project |
07 June 2010 | Change of Name |
28 May 2010 | Holding(s) in Company |
13 May 2010 | Blocklisting Interim Review |
06 May 2010 | Result of AGM |
06 May 2010 | AGM & Interim Management Statement |
30 April 2010 | Total Voting Rights |
27 April 2010 | Holding(s) in Company |
27 April 2010 | Holding(s) in Company |
01 April 2010 | Morgan Sindall awarded £500m E.ON 10-year Framework contract |
26 March 2010 | Morgan Sindall Group JV with Grontmij awarded £80m AMP5 Framework with Yorkshire Water |
24 March 2010 | Annual Information Update |
Copies of documents referred to as having been filed with the UK Listing Authority Document Viewing Facility at Financial Services Authority, The North Colonnade, Canary Wharf, London can also be obtained from the Company Secretary at Morgan Sindall Group plc, Kent House 14-17 Market Place, London W1W 8AJ or from the Company's website as stated above.
2. Documents filed at Companies House
The documents listed below were filed with the Registrar of Companies at Companies House on or around the dates indicated and can be obtained from Companies House at Companies House, Crown Way, Cardiff, CF14 3UZ or through Companies House direct at www.direct.companieshouse.gov.uk.
Date | Documents |
17 February 2011 | Form SH01Statement of Capital |
20 January 2011 | Form SH01Statement of Capital |
01 December 2010 | Form CH01 Director's Change of Particulars |
19 October 2010 | Form SH01Statement of Capital |
13 October 2010 | Form SH01Statement of Capital |
13 October 2010 | Form SH01Statement of Capital |
09 August 2010 | Annual Return made up to 19/07/2010 |
04 June 2010 | Resolution of Change of Name |
04 June 2010 | Notice of Change of Name |
02 June 2010 | Form TM01 Resignation of Director |
19 May 2010 | Resolution of Authorised Allotment of Shares and Debentures |
18 May 2010 | Group Companies Accounts made up to 31/12/2009 |
26 March 2010 | Form AP01 Appointment of Director |
In accordance with Article 27.3 of the Prospectus Directive, we confirm that, to the best of our knowledge, the information relating to the Company, as referred to above, was up-to-date at the date of publication, but it is acknowledged that such disclosures may, at any time, be out of date due to changing circumstances.
Further enquiries:
Mary Nettleship, General Counsel & Company Secretary
Telephone: 020 7307 9218
24 March 2011
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