23rd Apr 2008 15:20
BAE SYSTEMS PLC23 April 2008 BAE SYSTEMS plc Annual Information Update for the 12 months up to and including 22 April 2008. In accordance with Prospectus Rule 5.2, BAE Systems plc ("the Company")announces that the following information has been published or made available tothe public over the previous 12 months in compliance with laws and rules dealingwith the regulation of securities, issuers of securities and securities markets. The following UK regulatory announcements have been made via a RegulatoryInformation Service over the previous 12 months: 27/04/07 Transaction in Own Shares 30/04/07 Total Voting Rights 30/04/07 Annual Information Update 01/05/07 Transaction in Own Shares 02/05/07 Transaction in Own Shares 07/05/07 Proposed Acquisition of Armor Holdings Inc. 08/05/07 Proposed Acquisition of Armor Holdings Inc. and Placing to raise approximately £750 million 08/05/07 Result of Equity Issue 09/05/07 AGM Statement 09/05/07 Result of AGM (Poll Results) 10/05/07 Additional Listing 10/05/07 Notification of documents lodged with the Financial Services Authority's Document Viewing Facility: AGM resolutions relating to special business 18/05/07 Notification of document lodged with the Financial Services Authority's Document Viewing Facility: Preference Shareholder - Final Conversion Rights 22/05/07 Director/PDMR Shareholding 30/05/07 Directorate Change 31/05/07 Total Voting Rights 31/05/07 Director Declaration 04/06/07 Director/PDMR Shareholding 08/06/07 Additional Listing 08/06/07 Conversion of Securities 14/06/07 Director/PDMR Shareholding 15/06/07 Director Declaration 22/06/07 Director/PDMR Shareholding 26/06/07 Department of Justice Investigation 26/06/07 Conversion of Securities 29/06/07 Total Voting Rights 02/07/07 Holding in Company 06/07/07 Acquisition: IFS-Defence Limited purchases Information Science Consultants Limited 24/07/07 Director/PDMR Shareholding 25/07/07 Agreement with VT Group 26/07/07 Blocklisting Interim Review 31/07/07 Completion of Acquisition of Armor Holdings Inc. 31/07/07 Total Voting Rights 07/08/07 Additional Listing 08/08/07 Directorate Change 09/08/07 Interim Results (for the six months ended 30 June 2007) 10/08/07 Director/PDMR Shareholding 20/08/07 Disposal: Completion of Sale of Inertial Products business 22/08/07 Director/PDMR Shareholding 31/08/07 Total Voting Rights 05/09/07 Director Declaration 14/09/07 Holding in Company 17/09/07 Agreement between the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and the UK Government for the supply of 72 Typhoon Aircraft 18/09/07 Director/PDMR Shareholding 28/09/07 Total Voting Rights 02/10/07 Director/PDMR Shareholding 16/10/07 Directorate Change 16/10/07 Mike Turner - Share Award 16/10/07 Director/PDMR Shareholding 23/10/07 Director/PDMR Shareholding 31/10/07 Holding in Company 31/10/07 Total Voting Rights 05/11/07 Holding in Company 15/11/07 Director/PDMR Shareholding 23/11/07 Disposal: Cybersim (Pty) Limited 27/11/07 Acquisition: Pitch Technologies AB 30/11/07 Total Voting Rights 30/11/07 Notice of Results 04/12/07 Director/PDMR Shareholding 04/12/07 Holding in Company 04/12/07 Director/PDMR Shareholding 06/12/07 Holding in Company 07/12/07 Holding in Company 10/12/07 Holding in Company 17/12/07 Director/PDMR Shareholding 19/12/07 Disposal: Surveillance and Attack business 21/12/07 Director/PDMR Shareholding 24/12/07 Acquisition: MTC Technologies, Inc 31/12/07 Total Voting Rights 03/01/08 Acquisition of Petards Group plc's UK Government and Commercial Software business 07/01/08 Blocklisting Interim Review 16/01/08 Director/PDMR Shareholding 17/01/08 Holding in Company 18/01/08 Acquisition: Tenix Defence 31/01/08 Total Voting Rights 18/02/08 Director/PDMR Shareholding 20/02/08 Directorate Change 21/02/08 Financial Results (for year ended 31 December 2007) 25/02/08 Director Declaration 28/02/08 Notification of Annual Results Presentation to Banks (for Bondholders re £100,000,000 10 3/4% Bonds due 2014 and £150,000,000 11 7/8% Bonds due 2008 29/02/08 Total Voting Rights 05/03/08 Disposal: Flight Systems business 13/03/08 Director/PDMR Shareholding 17/03/08 Director/PDMR Shareholding 26/03/08 Director/PDMR Shareholding 27/03/08 Notice of Results 28/03/08 Notification of documents lodged with the Financial Services Authority's Document Viewing Facility: Annual Report 2007 , Notice of 2008 Annual General Meeting, Notification of Annual Report 2007 and 2008 AGM, and Proxy card, and proposed changes to the Company's Articles of Association 31/03/08 Total Voting Rights 31/03/08 Director/PDMR Shareholding 02/04/08 Director/PDMR Shareholding 04/04/08 Transaction in Own Shares 16/04/08 Director/PDMR Shareholding 16/04/08 Acquisition: IST Dynamics 16/04/08 Holding in Company Details of all regulatory announcements can be found in full on the Company'sMarket News pages on the London Stock Exchange website atwww.londonstockexchange.com/marketnews. The Financial Services Authority's Document Viewing Facility is situated at: TheFinancial Services Authority, 25 The North Colonnade, Canary Wharf, London E145HS. The Company has a Level 1 ADR program in the United States of America where itsshares (in the form of American Depositary Receipts) are traded on an OTC (Overthe Counter) basis but are not listed. The Company files hard copies of its UKregulatory filings with the US Securities and Exchange Commission. The Company has submitted the following filings to the UK Registrar of Companies(Companies House) over the previous 12 months: 03/05/07 Return of Allotments 03/05/07 Return of Allotments 03/05/07 Return of Allotments 03/05/07 Return of Allotments 03/05/07 Return of Allotments 03/05/07 Return of Allotments 03/05/07 Return of Allotments 10/05/07 Resignation of Director 10/05/07 Resignation of Director 15/05/07 Purchase of own shares for holding in Treasury 15/05/07 Return of Allotments 15/05/07 Return of Allotments 15/05/07 Return of Allotments 15/05/07 Return of Allotments 15/05/07 Return of Allotments 15/05/07 Return of Allotments 15/05/07 Return of Allotments 15/05/07 Return of Allotments 15/05/07 Return of Allotments 15/05/07 Return of Allotments 15/05/07 Return of Allotments 16/05/07 Purchase of own shares for holding in Treasury 16/05/07 Purchase of own shares for holding in Treasury 21/05/07 Return of Allotments 23/05/07 Annual Report for the year ended 31 December 2006 23/05/07 Purchase of own shares for holding in Treasury 23/05/07 Purchase of own shares for holding in Treasury 23/05/07 Return of Allotments 23/05/07 Return of Allotments 23/05/07 Return of Allotments 23/05/07 Return of Allotments 23/05/07 Return of Allotments 23/05/07 Return of Allotments 23/05/07 Return of Allotments 23/05/07 Return of Allotments 29/05/07 Special Resolutions relating to the disapplication of pre-emption rights; the authority to purchase own shares; the amendment of the Articles of Association, and ordinary resolution in relation to the allotment of shares for cash. 01/06/07 Return of Allotments 01/06/07 Share Purchase Agreement 04/06/07 Return of Allotments 11/06/07 Return of Allotments 11/06/07 Return of Allotments 15/06/07 Return of Allotments 15/06/07 Return of Allotments 21/06/07 Purchase of own shares for holding in Treasury 22/06/07 Return of Allotments 22/06/07 Return of Allotments 22/06/07 Return of Allotments 22/06/07 Return of Allotments 22/06/07 Return of 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The Company's Annual Report for 2007 and further information about the Companycan be found on the Company's website at www.baesystems.com. A copy of thisAnnual Information Update can be obtained from the London Stock Exchangewebsite, www.londonstockexchange.com/marketnews. This annual information update is required by and is being made pursuant toArticle 10 of the Prospectus Directive as implemented in the United Kingdom(Prospectus Rule 5.2) and not for any other purpose and neither the Company, norany other person, takes any responsibility for, or makes any representation,express or implied, as to the accuracy or completeness of the information whichit contains. This information is not necessarily up to date as at the date ofthis annual information update and the Company does not undertake any obligationto update any such information in the future. Furthermore, such information mayhave been prepared in accordance with the laws or regulations of a particularjurisdiction and may not comply with or meet the relevant standards ofdisclosure in any other jurisdiction. David Parkes Company Secretary 23 April 2008 This information is provided by RNS The company news service from the London Stock ExchangeRelated Shares:
BAE Systems