27th Oct 2005 14:00
Cesky Telecom A.S.27 October 2005 CESKY TELECOM - Facts & Figures for 9M 2005 This document is intended for information purposes only. Although EESKY TELECOM,a.s. makes every effort to provide accurate information, we cannot acceptliability for any misprints or other errors. All financials in CZK million, unless specified otherwise. Results are presented under International Financial Reporting Standards. All results areconsolidated, unless specified otherwise. Financial results 2002-2004 are audited. Interim financial results are notaudited. Consolidated financial statements are based on 51% proportional consolidation of Eurotel to 30November 2003 and full consolidation from December 2003 on. 9M 2004 9M 2005CONSOLIDATED INCOME STATEMENT Fixed Mobile Group Fixed Mobile Group 1) - Breakdown afteradjustmentsRevenues 25 682 20 846 46 528 23 649 21 529 45 178Operating costs excl. (13 221) (10 816) (24 037) (12 761) (11 409) (24 170)depreciation and amortization_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _EBITDA 12 461 10 030 22 491 10 888 10 120 21 008EBITDA margin 49% 48% 48% 46% 47% 47% Depreciation and amortization (11 282) (4 274) (15 556) (9 576) (3 854) (13 430)Impairment charge 0 (180) (180)_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _EBIT 1 179 5 756 6 935 1 132 6 266 7 398 Interest expense (961) (621)Interest income 66 32Other financial charges (56) (80)Currency gains/(losses) 2) 430 166_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _Profit Before Tax 6 414 6 895 Income Tax (1 908) (2 095)_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _Group profit before minority 4 506 4 800interest Minority interest 3 1_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _Net profit 4 509 4 801Earnings per share 19 20(annualized, CZK) REVENUES - FIXED LINE 3) - Breakdown before 9M 2004 9M 2005adjustments Communications traffic revenues 7 696 5 843 - PSTN 5 601 4 339 - ISDN 2 095 1 504 Subscription charges 8 909 8 432 - PSTN 7 546 7 219 - ISDN 1 363 1 213 Connection charges 158 76 - PSTN 97 51 - ISDN 61 25 Internet, data, value added and other services 2 692 3 319 - Internet 441 394 - Data network services 1 213 1 272 - ADSL 305 1 002 - other telecommunications services 4) 733 651 Revenues from other network operators 2 797 3 475 - international 1 310 1 936 - domestic 1 487 1 539 Leased circuits 2 090 2 017 Equipment sales and sales of materials 202 291 Other revenues 1 424 508_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _Total revenues 25 968 23 961 REVENUES - MOBILE 5) - Breakdown before 9M 2004 9M 2005adjustments Communications traffic revenues 8 842 8 524 Subscription charges 3 938 4 351 Connection charges 104 69 SMS, MMS, Internet, Data & VAS 6) 2 789 3 383 Revenues from international network operators 1 261 1 192 Revenues from domestic network operators 3 784 3 692 Equipment sales and sales of materials 1 091 976 Other revenues 129 (4)_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _Total Revenues 21 938 22 183 Fixed line revenues before adjustments 25 968 23 961Mobile revenues before adjustments 21 938 22 183Shareholding adjustment 0 0Consolidation adjustment (1 378) (966)_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _Total revenues - consolidated 46 528 45 178 OPERATING COSTS - FIXED LINE 3) before 9M 2004 9M 2005adjustments Payments to international network operators 1 291 1 815Payments to domestic network operators 2 350 1 999Equipment and material cost of sales 401 280Commissions and subcontractors 332 319 Staff costs 4 444 4 269Material and energy consumed 695 681Repairs and maintenance 1 348 1 333Marketing and sales 403 382Operating lease payments and building expenses 437 394Consultancy 210 258Other operating costs 2 219 1 848_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _Total operating costs 14 130 13 578 OPERATING COSTS - MOBILE 5) before adjustments 9M 2004 9M 2005Payments to international network operators 1 240 1 260Payments to domestic network operators 3 008 3 100Equipment and material cost of sales 2 146 1 930Commissions and subcontractors 250 410 Staff costs 1 266 1 688Material and energy consumed 459 384Repairs and maintenance 680 700Marketing and sales 852 753Operating lease payments and building expenses 570 583Consultancy 93 118Other operating costs 781 856_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _Total Operating Costs 11 345 11 782 Fixed line operating costs before adjustments 14 130 13 578Mobile operating costs before adjustments 11 345 11 782Shareholding adjustment 0 0Consolidation adjustment (1 438) (1 190)_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _Total operating cost - consolidated 24 037 24 170 OPERATIONAL DATA - FIXED LINE 9M 2004 9M 2005Telephone lines in operation (incl. ISDN 3 410 3 189channels), e.o.p. (x 1000) Business (incl. service lines and payphones) 1 082 1 005(x 1000) Residential (x 1000) 2 328 2 183 - PSTN lines (x 1000) 2 891 2 706 - ISDN channels (x 1000) 493 457 - Payphones in operation, e.o.p. (x 1000) 26 26 - ADSL connections (x1000) 61 221 Internet IOL customers, e.o.p. (x 1000) 7) 978 1 171 Total outbound minutes (x 1 000 000) 6 971 4 996 Local 1 973 1 609 LD 568 515 International 107 98 Fixed to Mobile 304 270 Internet 3 769 2 300 Other 250 205 Total inbound minutes off-net (x 1 000 000) 1 394 1 460 Domestic 1 263 1 304 International 131 156 Avg. monthly minutes of use per customer 8) 266 219 EESKY TELECOM employees, e.o.p. 9 190 7 743Lines per fixed line employee, e.o.p. 371 412Other subsidiaries employee, e.o.p. 38 37 OPERATIONAL DATA - MOBILE 9M 2004 9M 2005EOP registered customers (x 1000) 4 162 4 489GSM postpaid customers 957 1 311GSM prepaid customers 8) 3 159 3 091NMT customers 46 87GPRS Flat fee customers (x 1000) 57 67CDMA customers (x 1000) 12 54 GSM postpaid customer churn (in %, annualized) 11 9 Total minutes - outbound & inbound (x 1 000 3 303 3 543000) Avg. monthly minutes of use per customer - 89 90blended 9) Total number of SMS (x 1 000 000) 1 682 1 832 ARPU - blended (in CZK) 10) 527 508 Eurotel employees (all staff), e.o.p. 2 477 2 466 BALANCE SHEET - FIXED LINE 3) 30.9.2004 30.9.2005 Fixed Assets 113 342 102 395 tangible fixed assets 79 526 70 476 construction in progress 740 502 intangible fixed assets 3 538 1 881 available-for-sale and held-to maturity 89 87investments investments 29 449 29 449 Current Assets 6 609 6 905 inventories 518 217 receivables 5 660 6 578 cash and cash equivalents 11) 431 110_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _Total Assets 119 951 109 300 Total Equity 74 645 85 396Equity 74 639 85 396 Share capital 32 209 32 209 Reserves 42 430 53 187 Minority interest 6 0 Liabilities 45 306 23 904 Loans and overdrafts 28 446 11 664 - of which: short term 10 313 1 904 long term 18 133 9 760 Creditors 10 370 5 148 Provisions 6 490 7 092_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _Total Equity and Liabilities 119 951 109 300 BALANCE SHEET - MOBILE 5) 30.9.2004 30.9.2005Fixed Assets 26 805 24 504 tangible fixed assets 20 552 18 022 construction in progress 1 019 831 intangible fixed assets 5 223 5 640 available-for-sale and held-to maturity 0 0investments investments 11 11 Current Assets 7 012 5 630 inventories 368 302 receivables 4 266 4 639 cash and cash equivalents 11) 2 378 689_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _Total Assets 33 817 30 134 Total Equity 27 293 22 368 Share capital 1 650 1 650 Reserves 25 643 20 718 Liabilities 6 524 7 766 Loans and overdrafts 0 0 - of which: short term 0 0 long term 0 0 Creditors 3 920 5 355 Provisions 2 604 2 411_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _Total Equity and Liabilities 33 817 30 134 CONSOLIDATED BALANCE SHEET 30.9.2004 30.9.2005Fixed Assets 126 871 113 388 tangible fixed assets 99 254 88 233 construction in progress 1 909 1 333 intangible fixed assets 12 111 10 404 goodwill 13 497 13 320 available-for-sale and held-to maturity 89 87investments investments 11 11 Current Assets 12 693 10 477 inventories 886 519 receivables 8 998 9 159 cash and cash equivalents 10) 2 809 799_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _Total Assets 139 564 123 865 Total Equity 89 186 95 033Equity 89 180 95 033 Share capital 32 209 32 209 Reserves 56 971 62 824 Minority interest 6 0 Liabilities 50 378 28 832 Loans and overdrafts 28 446 11 664 - of which: short term 10 313 1 904 long term 18 133 9 760 Creditors 11 904 8 176 Provisions 10 028 8 992_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _Total Equity and Liabilities 139 564 123 865 CONSOLIDATED CASH FLOW STATEMENT 9M 2004 9M 2005 Interest paid (1 077) (843) Interest received 69 38 Income tax paid (2 006) (2 758)Net cash from operating activities 18 390 17 203 Purchase of property, plant and equipment (4 144) (2 802) Purchase of intangible assets (261) (867) Purchase of financial investments 0 0 Purchase of marketable securities 0 0 Disposal of property, plant and equipment 534 152 Proceeds from marketable securities 265 184Net cash used in investing activities (3 606) (3 333) Free cash flow I 12) 14 519 13 686Free cash flow II 13) 15 527 14 491 Net cash outflow before financing 14 784 13 870Net cash from financing activities (16 850) (13 580) Acquisition impact (cash) 0 0Effect of exchange rate changes (3) (1) Net cash increase / (decrease) (2 066) 290 Notes1) Consolidated data; Data for Fixed and Mobile segments are presented after consolidation and shareholding adjustments 2) Incl. Fair value gains/(losses) on financial instruments 3) Data for fixed line business are for Eesky Telecom and minor subsidiaries (excluding Eurotel), i.e. before consolidation and shareholding adjustments between fixed and mobile segments 4) Audiotex, prepaid cards, VAS, and other telecommunications services 5) Data for mobile business are for Eurotel, i.e. before consolidation and shareholding adjustments between fixed and mobile segment 6) Audiotex, Detailed bill and other VAS 7) Paid access (IOL), free access (Quick.cz) and Internet Express (Eesky Telecom) 8) As of 30 June 2005, Eurotel changed its methodology of GSM prepaid customers calculation (GSM prepaid customer = customer who recharged within last 13 months); for comparative purposes we adjusted number of prepaid customers as at FY 2004 and 9M 2004 9) In + outbound; based on new methodology of GSM prepaid customers calculation (see Note 8) 10) ARPU Mobile = Average Mobile service revenue excl. Roaming visitors per Customer month; based on new methodology of GSM prepaid customers calculation (see Note 8) 11) Incl. Available-for-sale and held-to-maturity investments 12) Net operating cash plus Net investing cash excl. Marketable securities and Purchase of financial investments 13) Net operating cash excl. Interest paid plus Net investing cash excl. Marketable securities, Purchase of financial investments and Interest received This information is provided by RNS The company news service from the London Stock ExchangeRelated Shares: