12th Apr 2006 07:31
Eurotunnel PLC/Eurotunnel S.A.12 April 2006 EMBARGO : Not for release before 0735 hours (UK time) on Wednesday, 12 April2006 Eurotunnel : Traffic and revenue for 1st quarter 2006 Like for like comparison between 2005 and 2006 is difficult due to the timing ofEaster being later in 2006 and the disruption at the port of Calais in 2005which was not repeated in 2006. For a better comparison we have included the figures from the first quarter of2004. Revenues stable The total revenue, including transport and non transport activities forEurotunnel, is £131.5 million, the same level as in the first quarter of 2005 ata constant exchange rate. The revenue coming from Shuttle activities is slightly lower (-1%), which can beexplained largely by the unusual circumstances of the first quarter of 2005. Revenues from the railways, which include payments due under the Minimum UsageCharge, are slightly higher (+2%) at £60 million. The revenue from non transport activities remains marginal. £ million Q1 2006 Q1 2005 Q1 2004 Change Change Q1 2005 unaudited* restated* restated* 2006/05 2006/04 reported ** Shuttle services 69.7 70.4 65.8 - 1% + 6% 70.0 Railways 60.0 59.1 58.7 + 2% + 2% 58,7 Transport activities 129.7 129.5 124.5 0% + 4% 128.7 Non transport activities 1.8 2.1 4.0 - 12% - 54% 2.1 Revenue 131.5 131.6 128.5 0% + 2% 130.8 * The figures at 31 March 2005 and at 31 March 2004 have been recalculated at anexchange rate of £1 = €1.436 in order to allow a direct comparison with 2006. ** Exchange rate : £1 = €1.452 Eurotunnel Shuttle Services 1st quarter 2006 1st quarter 2005 1st quarter 2004 Change Change 2006/05 2006/04 Truck Shuttles 315,566 trucks 345,570 trucks 326,003 trucks - 9% - 3% Passenger Shuttles 370,437 cars* 438,804 cars * 421,070 cars * - 16% - 12% 12,858 coaches 17,629 coaches 11,867 coaches - 27% + 8% * Including motorcycles, vehicles with trailers, caravans and camper vans. Traffic volumes for both passenger and truck services are down in the firstquarter of 2006 for the reasons stated above. However, the new commercialpolicies adopted in 2005 have enabled us to compensate for the drop in volumethanks to higher yields than those achieved during the first quarter of 2005. Railways activity Eurostar traffic remained stable during the quarter at the same level as lastyear. The tonnage carried through the Tunnel by railfreight trains declined by 6%. 1st quarter 2006 1st quarter 2005 % change Eurostar 1,698,831 passengers* 1,694,560 passengers* 0% Railfreight trains 392,699 tonnes 417,103 tonnes - 6%(SNCF / EWS) * The number of Eurostar passengers included in this table is that of passengerstraveling through the Tunnel and excluding those who take the Eurostar betweenParis-Calais and Brussels-Lille. Revenues from the Railways remain protected by the Minimum Usage Charge, whichcontinues until the end of November 2006. The payments under this schemeamounted to £21 million for the first quarter. Ndegrees 970/2006 For media enquiries contact John Keefe on + 44 (0) 1303 284491.Email: [email protected] For investor enquiries contact Xavier Clement on + 33 1 55 27 36 27.Email: [email protected] www.eurotunnel.com Eurotunnel manages the infrastructure of the Channel Tunnel and operatesaccompanied truck shuttle and passenger shuttle (car and coach) services betweenFolkestone, UK and Calais, France. Eurotunnel also earns toll revenue fromtrain operators (Eurostar for rail passengers, and EWS and SNCF for railfreight) which use the Tunnel. Eurotunnel is quoted in London, Paris andBrussels. This information is provided by RNS The company news service from the London Stock ExchangeRelated Shares:
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