15th Feb 2021 14:20
Baronsmead Venture Trust PLC - investment firm based in London - Releases GBP2.5 million of shares under its over allotment facility in conjunction with Baronsmead Second Venture PLC. Notes the two trusts launched an offer for subscription to each raise up to GBP20 million back in September. Says directors decided in January to utilise the GBP17.5 million over allotment facility after raising GBP20 million in a subscription offer, and subscriptions will be accepted to raise an additional GBP10 million.
The duo say they will continue "to monitor the volume of subscriptions received from shareholders in relation to the over allotment facility and the levels of investment activity, and may release the remaining GBP5 million of new shares available under the over allotment facility in due course."
Baronsmead Venture Trust current stock price: 70.00 pence
Year-to-date change: down 1.4%
Baronsmead Second Venture current stock price: 76.00p
Year-to-date change: up 2.1%
By Zoe Wickens; [email protected]
Copyright 2021 Alliance News Limited. All Rights Reserved.
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